I get what you're saying, but when was the last time the RNC made sane statements and spoke logically?
It will encourage some of the more liberal republicans to have more influence within the party if McMullin won Utah.
I get what you're saying, but when was the last time the RNC made sane statements and spoke logically?
It will encourage some of the more liberal republicans to have more influence within the party if McMullin own Utah.
yeah i use neogyf
McMullin is in no way a moderate, he's just not Trump. Even if he had any influence (he absolutely will not) it'd just be towards more Paul Ryan type conservatism.
McMullin winning Utah doesn't change the Republican party outside of Utah.
You never know. Hillary was a fan of Obama before he challenged her. He may well have been tapped to replace her in 2008. He might be the one running for President right now on a change platform, perhaps against President Romney. The possibilities are endless.We would have been in a worse timeline where President Obama never sings Al Green on a bet.
Another substantial win for Dems in Washoe on Day 2 of early voting. 900-vote advantage. With mail, they now have 2,200-vote lead.
i don't want anyone to ever nominate anyone like Trump againBut you want them to be complacent and nominate another Trump so this happens again.
Southern Maine apparently loves yard signs because it's absolutely heinous how many there are. But most of them aren't actually in people's yards, they're in huge clusters at every intersection. You can't even read them because there are so many for every office - local, state, and federal alike. Yes on 1, No on 3, Vote Gary Johnson, etc etc etc.
It's like this with every election of any kind. I don't know who takes it upon themselves to swarm the post office with signage, but they never let up. Vandalizing each other's signs is also a pretty common tradition. A lot of Trump signs have had the T spray painted blue to make the signs say Rump instead.
It defines us.
Signs all over the place up north as well, a few for Trump, but mostly down-ballot related, and mostly democratic from what I've seen, so that's nice.
WTF I didn't know Amy Schumer and Chuck Schumer were related
i don't want anyone to ever nominate anyone like Trump again
Love of country over love of party. We need a stable, effective Conservative party if we ever truly want to get anything done.
This is just ugly for Hillary, if anyone cares at all about the thoroughgoing corruption of the next President.
Jonathan H. Adler @jadler1969
Fox News just landed a brutal, clean hit on Hillary Clinton's campaign http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...86be4b0a03911ed5e27?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 via @HuffPostPol
Yup. I can't help but think he'd have better commercials if he asked her for some help. His commercials basically amount to: "I'm Chuck Schumer, I'm running for reelection, have a nice day."
My favorite thing about the GOP is that as bad their have been about taking on Trump, even #NeverTrumpers can't actually have a conversation about Hillary Clinton without seething with white hot rage that obscures any fact.
Why would Chuck Schumer need to spend a dime to get re-elected? It's not like he even has a chance of losing.
i don't want anyone to ever nominate anyone like Trump again
Love of country over love of party. We need a stable, effective Conservative party if we ever truly want to get anything done.
An interesting exercise in alternate history: When Hillary left the White House she considered running for senate in Illinois, her birth state, rather than New York, a state she had no connection to until Bill started up the foundation. She chose New York for various reasons, one being that there was a vacancy in 2000 whereas she would have had to wait until 2004 in Illinois.
Of course the man who eventually took that Illinois seat in 2004 was Barack Obama.
What if she had waited?
Reading this article, doesn't it still amount to "This looks bad, but as far as we know it's literally nothing."
She got $12 million to commit to AIDS medication and Malaria medication. Unless you think that the Clinton Foundation is a slush fund that is a front for Hillary's criminal enterprise, there's nothing here. Getting people to donate to a highly rated and efficient charitable organization is not corruption!
I live in York County and all the presidential signs are for Trump. It depresses me. I pass about twenty on my way to work. They were the first to go up, too, so they've been there the longest.
I can't wait until they're gone.
I mean stable and effective as on not obstructing, and acting as the actual fiscally Conservative party for the country.Actually the more stable and effective the Republicans are, the less gets done.
What we need is not to reconcile with that party but to destroy it utterly. A Democratic supermajority is the only way things get done, like the one we had in 2009 which got Obamacare passed.
Exactly. Fox News found all of nothing, the fact HuffPost gave it that title is laughable.
My favorite thing about the GOP is that as bad their have been about taking on Trump, even #NeverTrumpers can't actually have a conversation about Hillary Clinton without seething with white hot rage that obscures any fact.
No. It will probably force them to moderate some of their positions on certain issues a bit quicker.
This is a stupid thing to post without understanding what led to conservatism. Oh look how wonderful and modern things were back in the 70's inside Iran/Afghanistan. Oh yeah people were getting disappeared too, there was clampdown on religion and the culture was eroding as well.I don't know that we need a Conservative party, necessarily, but the idea of fiscal conservatism is a needed balance in a nation with an ascendant fiscally Liberal party. Eisenhower fiscal ideas, with Rockefeller social policies would be my preference.
I just want the nihilism to stop. When a party threatens to knock down our functioning institutions because they're upset about unrelated policies, we all suffer.
Religious Conservatism really did a number on a lot of nations in the second-half of the 20th Century. Sometimes I like to Google pictures from Afghanistan in the 60s & 70s to remind myself what militarism and fundamentalism can steal from a people
You never know. Hillary was a fan of Obama before he challenged her. He may well have been tapped to replace her in 2008. He might be the one running for President right now on a change platform, perhaps against President Romney. The possibilities are endless.
I love the last paragraphs boil down to: Maybe he just donated to a charity to make the world a better place or maybe there is something going on.
Why does Mook keep going on shows if he sucks at it? Does anyone cares who goes on these shows?
I think it's a huge issue to fail to answer simple questions. "This is not newly disclosed. We talked about it because we thought journalists like you would misinterpret it. Shocker, you did."
I think every adult is generally able to separate two things: 1) these are hacked and that's bad and 2) things in them can still be noteworthy. Why does the Clinton campaign think that only addressing 1 is a better answer than simply addressing 2 plainly? I don't get it.
Good thing no one gives a fuck.
This is a stupid thing to post without understanding what led to conservatism. Oh look how wonderful and modern things were back in the 70's inside Iran/Afghanistan. Oh yeah people were getting disappeared too, there was clampdown on religion and the culture was eroding as well.
There were world-class hospitals, a functioning electrical grid, it was one of the most educated populations in SW Asia, they were eradicating diseases that had plagued people for millenia...
I take your point, that perhaps Western influence was taking from them their desire to retain agrarian cultural ties that sustained them over the millenia, but we're talking about a land that had been the crossroads, and battlefield, of a dozen empires and religions. Nothing is perfect, and if you were to give them the option of having what they had in 1970, versus 2016, you might find they enjoyed having a functioning nation-state
Wait, a political cartoonist used MAGA in a non-satirical manner.
The days of the shah were a fucked up time, if you go back to before the West installed him then you might have an argument.
He gave Trump abs.
Hillary plays prevent defense. Its hard for me to think this is a sensible risk to her.Just like Devine/Weaver---the direction ultimately comes from the top.