As a Belgian, this election season I have seen how the national media, as outsiders, can drop the bal. Hard.. They're all just touting how this election season is the dirtiest ever, how the debates are a disgrace, how both candidates are playing dirty, ... And as a result, all my friends are depressed about the whole thing. Every aspect of it. Both Trump and Hillary. They're both tainted. And they're telling me: "why do American have to chose between two terrible candidates?".
When first I ask them what's so bad about Trump, they go on a rant about all the terrible stuff he has said and done. When I ask them about Hillary, they're drawing a blank. They don't even mention the emails or Benghazi stuff, because they're not really informed about it. Yet, this election is "terrible", and both candidates are "horrible".
It's such a shame that just because Hillary is obligated to enter the ring of a mud slinging contest, she is deemed an active participant, and equal to her opponent flinging dirt and shit all over the place.
Some of them are actually entertaining the idea that a Trump presidency is the prefered outcome, because all of the outrageous and funny shit that would come with it.
Off course they'd all vote for Hillary given the choice. But still: it's sad how minds have been made up about both candidates. I hope if/when Hillary is elected, people are surprised by her competence and they forget about the shitstains she's obtainted by participating in this election season.