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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Anyone who votes for Trump doesn't give a shit about thier religious beliefs. It's all posturing.

Trump is clearly amoral, and is the kind of genuine monster that would send evangelicals back to pre-Reagan levels of political participation if they were actually honest about their beliefs.


@NateSilver538 12m12 minutes ago

@jbouie: There's a ~0% chance Trump is leading in polls now, but our model gives him a 14% chance of winning because polls could be way off.
So, basically, 86% is the highest the polling model will ever show someone, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


So, basically, 86% is the highest the polling model will ever show someone, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

No, because if this were true, Johnson and Stein would also have 14% of winning.

If Trump was at 20% in the polls, the chances of winning would be 99%+.
So, basically, 86% is the highest the polling model will ever show someone, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I think the caveat is that there's still time left, etc. She's maximized where she can hit because there's still uncertainty built into his model.


So, basically, 86% is the highest the polling model will ever show someone, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I could have sworn at some point this summer/fall she hit 90% for a little bit. Like right after the convention. Am I misremembering or is his model changing?
Only the dead ones. And the ones that are FRAUD!

Remember during the primaries when Reddit was pissed that early voting was a thing? Good times, good times.

Has Trump whined about early voting being a part of the rigged system yet? I feel like this is something he could complain about being unfair to him.


Has anyone else noticed that Gravis has gone silent and not released a poll in about a month?

Now they very well may be conducting private polls but I find it amusing how they and Breitbart haven't released any polls since the first debate.


Has Trump whined about early voting being a part of the rigged system yet? I feel like this is something he could complain about being unfair to him.

I guarantee that when certain states are called for Hillary with only 1 percent of precincts reporting, he'll use that as evidence of fraud and a media rigged against him.


Hey um, I have a question about Hillary's tax plan, and specifically, how it will affect small business owners. My boss who makes much less than 250k a year is emphatic that Hillary will raise his taxes and screw him even further than he's already been screwed by taxes and regulation. I don't think his taxes will go up if Hillary's economic plan goes into effect, but if anyone could provide solid proof/explanation of how an H presidency would affect his business, that would be great. He's got less than 10 employees and we're in MA, btw.
I hope that Donald gets pissed on Twitter when networks call the race for Hillary as soon as polls report from Florida. I am positive he will claim this as part of the rigged system. How can there be a winner before the polls even close on the west coast!? FRAUD!

My auto-correct automatically turns fraud to FRAUD now.

Two of Donald Trump’s closest former aides have ties to a firm that tried to help the Russian government spy on its own people, sources told The Post.

Former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and ex-“core’’ aide Rick Gates have financial links to EyeLock, which lobbied Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s government in a bid to expand the country’s domestic spying program, sources said.

The Russians wanted to use “iris-reading’’ technology in their subways to scan riders’ eyes and ferret out those on “watch lists,’’ sources said.

Trump’s campaign said it was unaware of Manafort and Gates’ ties to EyeLock.

“Mr. Trump and the campaign have absolutely no knowledge of this, and these individuals are no longer with the campaign,’’ Hope Hicks, a Trump campaign spokeswoman, told The Post.



I hope that Donald gets pissed on Twitter when networks call the race for Hillary as soon as polls report from Florida. I am positive he will claim this as part of the rigged system. How can there be a winner before the polls even close on the west coast!? FRAUD!

My auto-correct automatically turns fraud to FRAUD now.

Wouldn't that assume he'd turn to his phone to tweet during a crowded election night event?

I'm not sure even he'd do that.



I will only briefly mention that Clinton shows polling improvement in Maine, and since the first debate Democrats are exceeding their 2012 levels in Maine’s Second Congressional District. I think the likelihood Maine will split its Electoral College votes between the two congressional districts is fading (Maine and Nebraska are the only two states that do this), barring some unforeseen event.

I hope that Donald gets pissed on Twitter when networks call the race for Hillary as soon as polls report from Florida. I am positive he will claim this as part of the rigged system. How can there be a winner before the polls even close on the west coast!? FRAUD!

My auto-correct automatically turns fraud to FRAUD now.

He's going to be tweeting along for states that he wins...then go silent...then the rigged will come out.

"People are saying there is tremendous fraud, lie you wouldn't believe."
We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!



We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!


Which is it? I thought it was rigged.

(He really likes his new catch phrase. It sounds ominously like, "When I'm President, I'll get rid of everyone I don't like.")


This is the map Trump is sending in fundraising emails. They say the current state is 266 Trump, 193 Clinton. Not sure how they are getting that, because that's not what the map shows.


Edit: Ah, this is how. The map doesn't show it but they claim to have polls that show them winning in IA, OH, ME, FL, NC and NV.



Went through and responded to every tweet I could find saying that the polls are lying and Trump is actually winning with a simple "LOL." I wish twitter informed me when I get blocked by someone. Of course, most I'm talking too are probably bots but it still bears working. ;)
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