We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!

We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!
This is the map Trump is sending in fundraising emails. They say the current state is 266 Trump, 193 Clinton. Not sure how they are getting that, because that's not what the map shows.
Has anyone else noticed that Gravis has gone silent and not released a poll in about a month?
This is the map Trump is sending in fundraising emails. They say the current state is 266 Trump, 193 Clinton. Not sure how they are getting that, because that's not what the map shows.
Note to Rep. Darrell Issa from President Barack Obama: If you want to call him one of the most corrupt presidents in history, say he should be impeached and question whether he was telling the truth about his birth certificate, maybe dont then brag about working with him in a campaign mailer as you try to hang onto your seat.
Or at least, dont use a picture of him writing at his desk in the Oval Office as you do.
Issa, Obama said, is one of the Republicans he blames for fanning the flames that created Donald Trump, and is now trying to run from Trump as the polls plummet. The California Republican is also one of those kind of Republicans, according to Obama, who spits fire at him and then shows up with family members for pictures at the White House Christmas party every year.
Some of them say, Im praying for you, Obama said. And I dont question the sincerity that they are praying for me: Please change this man from the socialist Muslim that he is.
This is the map Trump is sending in fundraising emails. They say the current state is 266 Trump, 193 Clinton. Not sure how they are getting that, because that's not what the map shows.
Edit: Ah, this is how. The map doesn't show it but they claim to have polls that show them winning in IA, OH, ME, FL, NC and NV.
It's a dumb analogy, elections don't function like singular actions in sports events.
I know you'll missed dat Rassssss:
We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!
This is the map Trump is sending in fundraising emails. They say the current state is 266 Trump, 193 Clinton. Not sure how they are getting that, because that's not what the map shows.
Edit: Ah, this is how. The map doesn't show it but they claim to have polls that show them winning in IA, OH, ME, FL, NC and NV.
Finally, early voting has arrived in Florida! Going after work today and I am incredibly excited.
For Queen and Country
What you don't realize is that Trump has a secret plan to steal NY from Clinton. His minions are sending these flyers to NYC to expand his map. Checkmate, Libtard!
Who wants to bet someone showed Trump their internals today?
Finally, early voting has arrived in Florida! Going after work today and I am incredibly excited.
For Queen and Country
The New York GOP is paying for those being sent to other states, not to New Yorkers as far as I'm aware.
Like he is speaking directly to the gays.It's a single quote maek, closing out the quote begun with "Clinton."
Trump always trying to make stupid shit stick.
The tweet it came from claims they live in NYC. Sad!
Only once?Oh, I forgot to mention that I already voted last week in GA! It felt good to get that out of the way.![]()
We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!
It's probably a direct mail buy feeding the GOP's direct mail consultant patronage machine. What a waste.
Who is doing a blitz? Other than the Nazis.....Do they even have $140M for a blitz?
Bottom line: After two days, the raw vote lead in urban Nevada for the Democrats is close to 21,000. (Most rural counties closed on Sundays, and those numbers, while they favor Republicans, are tiny in comparison.)
Clark County numbers for Sunday are again disastrous for Republicans, with another record day for turnout:
Total: 31,000
D: 16,000
R: 9,119
That's 52 percent to 29 percent. Dems are 9 points above registration, Rs are at registration. That's also slightly above the 2012 second day, which was 50-33.
Two day Clark totals, with mail ballots counted so far (no mail on Sunday):
Total: 84,468
D: 43,672 (52 percent)
R: 25,022 (30 percent)
Actual registration: 43-29, so Democrats are 9 points above their registration and Republicans are 1 above theirs.
That's an 18,000-plus raw vote lead. It was 13,000 in 2012. But there are 150,000 more voters this cycle, so it's slightly better proportionally.
It's a very blue wave so far, and Republicans have to be worried, especially with those Washoe numbers below and how deep the first day went down the ballot.
But... Those states don't equal 266 -_-
Not voting is definitely better for Dems than a Clinton vote + party line for the rest.Talked to my girlfriend's dad regarding voting.
Apparently he's not voting at all which is fine. I don't need him voting no on basically everything I voted yes on / vice versa. Lots of 'I don't like either of them, I'm not voting at all this is horseshit, etc.' Not even local level stuff so w/e. That man is awful.
Every single data point that comes out about how people are actually voting and where they are voting makes me think this election looks closer to 2006 than 2008.
What happened in 06
Not voting is definitely better for Dems than a Clinton vote + party line for the rest.