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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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As of yet not a single mainstream journalist in my twitter feed has mentioned O'Keefe. I think he burned his credibility a long time ago.


@SopanDeb 3m3 minutes ago
Trump: "Look, Hillary – I don’t want to say overrated. Why should I say anybody is overrated?" See second screenshot from six days ago.


Keep fucking that chicken duck.


This Solar Energy bill on the ballot in Florida was written so well by lobbyists. Is it basically making it so there will be no competition on solar energy equipment? Or am I reading it wrong? Seems like they want to make it like how you pay a fee for a comcast router monthly.

I am going to vote tomorrow so I am checking everything that's on the ballot.


This Solar Energy bill on the ballot in Florida was written so well by lobbyists. Is it basically making it so there will be no competition on solar energy equipment? Or am I reading it wrong? Seems like they want to make it like how you pay a fee for a comcast router monthly.

I am going to vote tomorrow so I am checking everything that's on the ballot.

I'm voting no on that because that is how I took it. It just seems like a fuck you to the people already using solar energy and nothing more.
Going, back to that PPP poll, what could be good news for Ross:

And Deborah Ross leads Richard Burr 52-34 for Senate, with Libertarian Sean Haugh at 7% among those who say they have already cast their ballots.

In 2012 at this point:

2012: 57-42 Obama (Oct. 25: 30% had voted early)

Rpss is running 18 points ahead of Burr in the early vote, while Obama only ran ahead Romney by 15 (and lost by 2). It's going to be tight.



Harry Reid's Parting Shot: Dems Will Nuke The Filibuster For SCOTUS

“I really do believe that I have set the Senate so when I leave, we’re going to be able to get judges done with a majority. It takes only a simple majority anymore. And, it’s clear to me that if the Republicans try to filibuster another circuit court judge, but especially a Supreme Court justice, I’ve told 'em how and I’ve done it, not just talking about it. I did it in changing the rules of the Senate. It’ll have to be done again," Reid told TPM in a wide-ranging interview about his time in the Senate and his legacy.


Morning Joe is always better without Joe. Mika called out Michael Steele on taking this long to finally say he won't vote for Trump, even though he never really endorsed him. His only answer was basically party before everything UNITL he said he might not honor the election results. Because this was somehow worse than everything else he's said for the last 12 months?


Donald Trump and Pat Robertson teamed up on the 700 Club to discuss late term c-sections of babies about to be born, aka "late-term abortions"
Forma: On November 8th, us nasty women are going to march on our nasty feet and cast our nasty ballots so we can get you out of our lives, Donald."


Nothing related to the O'Keefe video is trending on Twitter and we all know how effective the alt-right is at getting things trending.

Almost as big a fail as WikiLeaks and their 10-year anniversary stream.


I asked Trump for a source on his being up in the polls, a fellow by the name of Deplorable Dweller provided me with Podesta e-mails that talk about over-sampling.

Who do I believe, guys? Who do I even believe?!


Keep fucking that chicken duck.

I don't usually follow Trump outside his Twitter and rallies. These are the interviews he's doing in his spare time?
Savage: You did so so well! You are great! But they're gonna rig it against you! What are you gonna do? You are great by the way.

Trump: Yeah, I'm greater than you would understand. Bigly!


Nothing related to the O'Keefe video is trending on Twitter and we all know how effective the alt-right is at getting things trending.

Almost as big a fail as WikiLeaks and their 10-year anniversary stream.

Is this actually too stupid even for the alt-right? They keep getting burned.


Apparently Fox News will talk about the new O'Keefe video later.

@BretBaier Bret Baier Retweeted James O'Keefe
We'll have the story about this latest video on @SpecialReport at 6pET. @JamesRosenFNC has highlights & reaction to it. Likely Significant


Liz with the shot, girl.


He thinks because he has a mouth full of Tic-Tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance. Well, I’ve got news for you, Donald Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And nasty women have especially had it.
Get this, Donald. Nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart. And Nasty women vote. And on November 8, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.
If they get both houses, they need to nuke it. Period.

I'd wait and see what happens with the SC justice and federal judges Hillary appoints. If her nominee is blocked for no good reason I'd threaten to destroy the filibuster and see what happens. Maybe another deal is reached. But regardless Hillary's first nominee should be approved, and if it's clear republicans have no interest in playing ball they should be punished.

Getting rid of the filibuster outright is probably not a good idea. Let's see what happens.
Donald Trump Jr is speaking at a bar at my Alma Mater tonight that's best known for freshman girls frequently getting stuff slipped in their drinks and later raped.

Good optics.
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