+1 vote for Hillary in the key swing state of Texas. I really wonder how close the race ends up here.
+1 vote for Hillary in the key swing state of Texas. I really wonder how close the race ends up here.
In 2020 Texas will be more Republican than this year, probably by a good margin.Between 3-5, 2020 it should be a toss up.
Because racists hate being called racist.
I actually want to see McMuffin win Utah more than I want to see Hillary win it:
Go McMuffin go!
- She doesn't need it
- Trump losing a super-red state to a nobody would be an embarrassment to the GOP
- A no-name third party candidate with nearly zero budget getting electoral votes instead of Gary Johnson or Jill Stein would be icing on the cake
You don't know what Paper implied..He deserves the Browns
It was implied
Oh god this Trump livestream is gold already.
Kellyanne wants to jump from the tower, it looks like.
Boris is calling the Clinton machine the mob. But then says, "now I won't connect the dots..."
But you did.
And the sound is BAD.
This is about more than nominees, it's about being able to pass legislation, period.You have to make them believe that you are willing to get rid of the filibuster, which probably means you actually have to be willing to get rid of the filibuster. But I agree with Cesare--optimally a very real threat of nuking the filibuster will be enough to get the nominees passed, and for as long as they believe it, it's as good as not having one for sane things like SC nominees.
But the threat has to be enforced if a bluff is called, or if the GOP has decided to accept that no filibuster is a better option that they can take advantage of in the future.
So the channel will just show gold peddling companies, survival gear companies and gun companies airing commercials?
Wait trumptv is real?
You're probably right: even if demographically Texas is improving for Democrats, Republicans have historically done better with Hispanics than the country as a whole in the state and a 2020 candidate most assuredly cannot be less appealing for the group as Donald Trump. Now, that's assuming Trump is mostly doing ~7% worse than he should be because of Hispanics, but I think that's a reasonable assumption.In 2020 Texas will be more Republican than this year, probably by a good margin.
The media won't but they really should stop covering Trump as much as they do after this shit. It is PAINFULLY obvious the direction he is going. They aren't confident they will win and he's testing the waters with some livestream bullshit.
I wonder if they'll call this shit out and at least insinuate to the viewers that this seems like the play for Trump.
You're probably right: even if demographically Texas is improving for Democrats, Republicans have historically done better with Hispanics than the country as a whole and a 2020 candidate most assuredly cannot be less appeal for the group as Donald Trump. Now, that's assuming Trump is mostly doing ~7% worse than he should be because of Hispanics, but I think that's a reasonable assumption.
I find Texas hard to peg because the population is growing so rapidly: it was responsible for >18% of population growth from 2010-2015, while being <9% of the total population.
TOMI LAHREN: You know, sometimes we look at patterns and we look at things that are happening and sometimes you cant dismiss everything as a conspiracy.
JAMIE WEINSTEIN: So to be specific, you mean Vince Foster in the 90s, you think? Are these the types of people?
LAHREN: The list I will let your listeners go on and look at some of these examples and they can decide for themselves. But theres been some mysterious circumstances that have surrounded we just saw, what with the DNC leaks and then what happened to a person that worked for the DNC that was in charge of that?
WEINSTEIN: His family said that they dont suspect anything.
LAHREN: Well, his family doesnt want to be in a body bag either, Jamie. I have got to be honest with you. What was it, he came in and was robbed, but his wallet and his watch werent taken? So he was robbed and what was he
WEINSTEIN: You think he might have been killed by the Clintons?
LAHREN: I dont know if he was killed by the Clintons or a Clinton hit person. Im not going to sit here and be what you want me to be which is a conspiracy theorist, but I will say
WEINSTEIN: Im not. Im just asking you questions.
LAHREN: I think there are a lot of circumstances that surround the Clinton family that arent explainable and I will let people go on and research it for themselves. And if they think there is something fishy going on, leave it to them. I certainly do.