Cast my +1 for Clinton & Murphy today. I'm so ready for this nightmare election to end and for Hillary to win
My parents are both (R) and Trump voters. They didn't like him during the primaries, but they're the kind of people who live in right-wing echo chambers and think Democrats are socialists who are going to raise everyone's taxes and "give away the country" (whatever that means) so, yeah. I avoid talking politics with them as much as possible, but I can't help myself from speaking up when they start talking about the latest Republican/Trump conspiracy theory they heard about (Did you hear that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% of the money they take in on charity?! Did you hear that the polls are rigged because they're oversampling Democrats?!"). Gah. Disagree on policy all you want, but this shit really pisses me off. Right-wing media is a cancer.
My parents are both (R) and Trump voters. They didn't like him during the primaries, but they're the kind of people who live in right-wing echo chambers and think Democrats are socialists who are going to raise everyone's taxes and "give away the country" (whatever that means) so, yeah. I avoid talking politics with them as much as possible, but I can't help myself from speaking up when they start talking about the latest Republican/Trump conspiracy theory they heard about (Did you hear that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% of the money they take in on charity?! Did you hear that the polls are rigged because they're oversampling Democrats?!"). Gah. Disagree on policy all you want, but this shit really pisses me off. Right-wing media is a cancer.