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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Cast my +1 for Clinton & Murphy today. I'm so ready for this nightmare election to end and for Hillary to win

My parents are both (R) and Trump voters. They didn't like him during the primaries, but they're the kind of people who live in right-wing echo chambers and think Democrats are socialists who are going to raise everyone's taxes and "give away the country" (whatever that means) so, yeah. I avoid talking politics with them as much as possible, but I can't help myself from speaking up when they start talking about the latest Republican/Trump conspiracy theory they heard about (Did you hear that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% of the money they take in on charity?! Did you hear that the polls are rigged because they're oversampling Democrats?!"). Gah. Disagree on policy all you want, but this shit really pisses me off. Right-wing media is a cancer.
Reading the #sourceshaveconfirmed trend on Twitter. Would be funny and/or infuriating if it wasn't kinda sad how delusional Trump's supporters are.
How about Opo-Opo? They have surprisingly useful battle abilities, such as healing themselves by eating fruit. Plus, they're cute.


Though Gabbo would totally suffice.
Man the thought of McCain, Issa, and Mia Love losing is too much, I'm getting too excited. Yea yea McCain will win...but even if just Issa and Love lose I'll be satisfied as hell.

You really think Mia Love losing is any more likely than McCain? Even DCCC internal polls show her up big.

I think texas may only by 4 or 5 points more republican in 2020 then this year. Texas was only about 4 points more republican in 2012 compared to 2008.So if trump loses texas by 4 the max I would expect the next republican to win it by is like 9 or 10 points.
This seems like a reasonable estimate.

he was up 50-41 in the spring but that poll must have been crap. Thing is a path to the House is through Love's district. Funny enough if Utah had non-partisan maps Love would likely be losing to Owens.
If Salt Lake City wasn't divided between districts you'd have a Dem leaning seat there.
There's no political way to fix the Obamacare exchanges. The only real solution is fining people (WAY) more for not having health insurance and you would be lucky to find 30 Congress people with enough spine to do that.
You know what really kills the conspiracy theories?

1. Antonin Scalia was murdered, a pillow was on his face.

I think Clinton can afford better assassins than one that would leave suspicious pillows on faces.

2. Vince Foster wasn't mugged, his watch and wallet were left behind.

Same deal. If Clinton hired an assassin, the assassin would have made it look like a robbery.


Speaker of the House Paul Ryan scoffs at this. Obamacare failing is a wet dream for these people.

Even apart from hoping we get the House, which I still think is quite plausible, I think the odds of Paul Ryan being elected Speaker next year are absurdly low. He's too internally toxic.

Honestly, the GOP should probably be hoping to lose the House, because I'm not sure they can elect a Speaker at all, especially if their majority gets trimmed. Whoever they choose will know he has to raise the debt ceiling and pass budgets. It'll be even worse than it was for Paul Ryan. But the alternative is literally an endless series of failed ballots. Letting Pelosi have the gavel might actually be the best choice for them.
You know what really kills the conspiracy theories?

1. Antonin Scalia was murdered, a pillow was on his face.

I think Clinton can afford better assassins than one that would leave suspicious pillows on faces.

2. Vince Foster wasn't mugged, his watch and wallet were left behind.

Same deal. If Clinton hired an assassin, the assassin would have made it look like a robbery.

Crooked Hillary couldn't even delete her emails right, we already know she's not the smoothest criminal.
You know what really kills the conspiracy theories?

1. Antonin Scalia was murdered, a pillow was on his face.

I think Clinton can afford better assassins than one that would leave suspicious pillows on faces.

2. Vince Foster wasn't mugged, his watch and wallet were left behind.

Same deal. If Clinton hired an assassin, the assassin would have made it look like a robbery.
No you don't understand, she's a criminal mastermind but also totally incompetent!


Crazy how early voting numbers seem to be breaking records in so many states. Very sad that the GOP did what they did in North Carolina, but I'm certain the people they are disenfranchising will show up to the polls by election day and they'll get voted out.


I can't figure out Wikileaks. They tweeted in response to some anti Hillary document that prisonplanet guy posted saying it was fake.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Today is a bad day. First, new polls from leading pollsters IBD and LATimes showing a close race. At noon, Hillary Clinton will be destroyed by James O'Keefe. As you saw in the third debate when she did not refute ANY of Trump's claims about her, including that she meets regularly with (((globalist bankers))), the evidence today will PROVE DEFINITIVELY that Hillary Clinton was AT a Trump Rally in New Hampshire in January personally kicking people in the face. Then, NEW REVELATIONS in Hillary Clinton's emails per Morning Joe (well, not her emails, but emails that are conceivably about her) will reveal the most dangerous nothingburgers this side of McDonalds. Then, tonight, a new poll from CNN/ORC will show her up only 7.

The real question: does Podesta put mushrooms in his risotto?

The beginning of the end.

Today ended up being worse than expected.

CNN only +5.

This is it. Goodbye Hillary.


Hey, can you guys explain what's up with the (((globalist))) meme. Whats up with the parenthesis?

There's an anti-Semitic browser addon that puts ((())) around the names of known Jewish journalists on Twitter. "Globalist" is pretty much a code word for "Jew".

So (((globalist))) is used mockingly in this thread in reference to that alt-right talking point.
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