No wonder I've had this strange feeling of quietness.Donald hasn't tweeted personally for 6 days.
They definitely took his phone away.
No wonder I've had this strange feeling of quietness.Donald hasn't tweeted personally for 6 days.
They definitely took his phone away. and TrashNate making a trash baby.
Trashzer and TrashNate having trashbaby
Purity of sample
What a racismo!
@KatyTurNBC 2m2 minutes ago
10.5 million people have early voted NBC news confirms.
dont check out realclearpolitics' updated graph if you dont want to freak out
You can criticize FiveThirtyEight for many things, but layout is not one of them. It admittedly influences why I'm easier on them than people here.I just checked out RCP's website for the first time ever. God damn, that's an awful site layout. Horrendous.
Good Lord that's a lot of fraud.
Indiana can fuck righ off. Just saw the story pop up again of the police raid of a Get out and Vote nonprofit office which registers mostly black voters.
This fucking election.
This fucking country.
This fucking duck.
I mean... FUCK.
Sam Wang said:We use all available state polls, with a preference for likely-voter polls over registered-voter polls when both are released. We do not exclude any poll.
Hillary for prison! Duck for dinner!
I'm confused about what polls Sam Wang uses in his model. In the FAQ it says this:
In the sidebar he links to scraped polls. Doesn't scraped usually mean removed? Or is that using scraped as collected?
Seriously, why is everyone so sure of a Hillary win? I look at the national polls and sure she's up, but things could swing pretty hard. I hope not. FL and NC are the ones I worry about. If she takes either, that will be great! I realize that she can win without those states, but other things could fall in place for him.
Seriously, why is everyone so sure of a Hillary win? I look at the national polls and sure she's up, but things could swing pretty hard. I hope not. FL and NC are the ones I worry about. If she takes either, that will be great! I realize that she can win without those states, but other things could fall in place for him.
Boy howdy am I ever excited to see another neck-and-neck horse race narrative kick into gear in the next few days. Make the last week and change real exciting.
Seriously, why is everyone so sure of a Hillary win? I look at the national polls and sure she's up, but things could swing pretty hard. I hope not. FL and NC are the ones I worry about. If she takes either, that will be great! I realize that she can win without those states, but other things could fall in place for him.
No one has ever come back from a 3 point national deficit with a month go to.
He has a 7-9 point deficit with less than 2 weeks to go.
On top of all of that, she only needs states that she has a greater than 90% chance of winning to hit 270. Which means she doesn't need a single swing state or even state that leans slightly her way to vote for her to become president.
The drop off from 64 to 34, then back up to 66, cracks me up. Like who the fuck hated Trump one day, then 24 hours later decided I guess I actually like him after all?
Alright then. I think that significantly weakens the criticism here of what polls FiveThirtyEight uses, at least for individual states. Back in 2012 Sam Wang wrote a piece about how he factors in pollsters that tend to lean toward one party, using Rasmussen as an example.Scraped as in collected. When you use a media-scraper it's searching defined sites for content and collating it in a single place.
That could very well be the case, but I'm no expert. I don't know how many other people in forecasting believing using medians is the correct approach. I just see them as different, but I do value his opinion more than 538. That still makes them far from trash.Final question: if medians are so great, then why don’t other aggregators like FiveThirtyEight use them? One reason is that intuitively, readers want uncertainty about the future to be baked into the estimate, even if it’s a snapshot of where things are today. Another is that media organizations are under pressure to attract readers, and artificial uncertainty attracts readers. However, to me that seems like spitting in the soup.
It looks like Trump is getting a slight bump from Republicans falling back in line. Basically when he's less in the news and not getting accused of sexual assault on a daily basis Republicans revert to preferring him to Killary. Whether they come out to vote is another question. Trump's approval with GOP voters reflects this:
Textbook abusive relationship.The drop off from 64 to 34, then back up to 66, cracks me up. Like who the fuck hated Trump one day, then 24 hours later decided I guess I actually like him after all?
The drop off from 64 to 34, then back up to 66, cracks me up. Like who the fuck hated Trump one day, then 24 hours later decided I guess I actually like him after all?
No one has ever come back from a 3 point national deficit with a month go to.
He has a 7-9 point deficit with less than 2 weeks to go.
On top of all of that, she only needs states that she has a greater than 90% chance of winning to hit 270. Which means she doesn't need a single swing state or even state that leans slightly her way to vote for her to become president.
Women secretly fantasizing about Trump, polls oversampling D's, liberal men still stuck in their parent's basement because all the single women only want to fuck Trump, Hillary halloween mask sales are way down...
Why do people even invite Giuliani on if they're not going to push back against his constant lies. He bulies them all. This interview is disgraceful.