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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Do you guys think Trump will try again in 2020?

In a bit less than two weeks Trump will be a genuine certified loser. One who gets beat by girls. That doesn't play well with a large part of his supporters, especially considering how much of his pitch was that he "just wins".

There will still be some nuts following him, of course, but nowhere near enough for another run.


Also, Democrats are the worst. Like people are harassing my bae Jon Favreau over the Bloomberg Poll. We have like 20 polls showing her ahead, but one poll comes out and get the sheets changed. This is why Republicans get shit done. They can be drowning in an ocean of their own tears, but one decent number comes out for them, and they're suddenly Jesus and able to walk on water.

Conservatives nominated orange hitler. We nominated a sane and responsible person. They can afford to be optimistic in an avalanche of bad news. We can't.
The worst-case scenario has always pretty much always been:

PA, MI, WI, CO, NH, VA (all states she has probably a 90%+ chance of winning) gets Clinton to 270. Even during September when things were super close, that firewall of sorts held up according to state polling.

Good news is that it looks like Clinton has some padding with FL, NC and NV all heavily leaning her way as well. OH, IA and AZ are just for running up the score.

Don't take GA and TX away from me. I need the promise of excitement otherwise Nov 8 will just be me drinking as I watch returns and my wife complains that she can't have the big TV to watch Gilmore Girls reruns


The race will be officially called right after the west coast closes. Didn't the samething happen for both of Obamas elections?


Trump will be a paraiah after he gets crushed. This election was supposed to be a layup for the Republicans. They've been laying the groundwork to beat Hillary for oh... thirty years now. They'll blame him for effing up an easy win and be pissed at him forever. Similar to their reaction to Romney except even more big league.
Also, Democrats are the worst. Like people are harassing my bae Jon Favreau over the Bloomberg Poll. We have like 20 polls showing her ahead, but one poll comes out and get the sheets changed. This is why Republicans get shit done. They can be drowning in an ocean of their own tears, but one decent number comes out for them, and they're suddenly Jesus and able to walk on water.

Who cares about Favreau
Who cares about Favreau



Trump will be a paraiah after he gets crushed. This election was supposed to be a layup for the Republicans. They've been laying the groundwork to beat Hillary for oh... thirty years now. They'll blame him for effing up an easy win and be pissed at him forever. Similar to their reaction to Romney except even more big league.

Did they really blame Romney for their loss in 2012? Romney was arguably the best general election republican candidate in decades (low bar I know)


Trump will be a paraiah after he gets crushed. This election was supposed to be a layup for the Republicans. They've been laying the groundwork to beat Hillary for oh... thirty years now. They'll blame him for effing up an easy win and be pissed at him forever. Similar to their reaction to Romney except even more big league.

They're idiots. They were running on a "sky is falling" message during a sub 5% unemployment rate just 8 Years removed from an actual collapse. Their only hope was the emails and Benghazi, everything prior to that didn't matter. Go back and watch the 96 debates as Bob Dole tries to convince the country that we're in bad shape. Or watch 84. Their message was never going to get a majority and while the other folks in the GOP were more favorable than Hillary, they were far more boring than Trump and so wouldn't be able to dominate news cycles as they are.


CNN: see this DC hotel opening we are showing you? well we're not going to show this opening if donald doesn't talk about the campaign! ha!
Trump will be a paraiah after he gets crushed. This election was supposed to be a layup for the Republicans. They've been laying the groundwork to beat Hillary for oh... thirty years now. They'll blame him for effing up an easy win and be pissed at him forever. Similar to their reaction to Romney except even more big league.

A non-insignificant minority of GOP voters will be flogging a "stabbed in the back" narrative. His losing is just the beginning of the Civil War for the heart of the party. The Freedumb Caucus will become super unhinged since they're mostly from districts Trump will win by 25%+. Reince will probably step down, and we have multiple votes for House Speaker to look forward to.




Did they really blame Romney for their loss in 2012? Romney was arguably the best general election republican candidate in decades (low bar I know)

Yeah they saw 2012 as a layup too. Obama's approval ratings were a wee bit on the low side, and they had spent four years convincing their voters he was a muslim athiest trying to implement sharia laws and round up every gun in the country. Inside their Republican bubble it was a lock and Romney screwed it up.
So, I like MSNBC, but sometimes they try too hard. "Let's go to some Nowhereville, PA where Hillary's family used to vacation sometimes and see what voters think!"

My cut in hours is going to be the death of me, because this shit is trying. I should change the channel. But I'd have to get up.
Among those who plan to vote on Election Day:

Trump 50 (+14)
Clinton 36

FL Atlantic University

freak out people

Trump +14 in Florida would indicate a massive, historical GOP wave election that we haven't seen from the 80s.

This has to be the most outlieriest outlier we've had this election.
Among those who plan to vote on Election Day:

Trump 50 (+14)
Clinton 36

FL Atlantic University

freak out people
So, I assume you know you didn't post the topline numbers, right? Those are day of voters.It says, right there "Among those who plan to vote on Election Day"

Topline is 46/43 Hillary.



Oh my gosh people, please re-read that statement carefully.

^ Thank you. I swear people are just trying to freak out


The one thing I will say is that Trump pivoting to "Election is Rigged" talk is ingenious.

It completely shifted the narrative from him being a super sexual predator, it resonated with millions of idiots who have no idea how elections work and can be fooled by a oKeefe video, and it's the same thing he did after Cruz got some delegates from him and it resonated beautifully with his base.

Trump is a Goldman catastrophe but he's for sure dumbed down the American political system more successfully than anyone maybe ever.


So, I assume you know you didn't post the topline numbers, right? Those are day of voters.It says, right there "Among those who plan to vote on Election Day"

Topline is 46/43 Hillary.


The twitter I grabbed it from didn't post the topline numbers actually.

Because of course they didn't.
����������WHO IS HE???����������


Hillary's caretaker in case she dies during a speech and he can revive her. I remember conspiracy theories about him holding a syringe or something.


Mike Cernovich ���� @Cernovich
Hillary's Handler? Brain washer?


Edit: Oh, I'm a bit behind. This stuff is funny anyway.


It's interesting that we haven't heard anything about poll watchers yet. Trump people must have forgotten about early voting.
Trump will be a paraiah after he gets crushed. This election was supposed to be a layup for the Republicans. They've been laying the groundwork to beat Hillary for oh... thirty years now. They'll blame him for effing up an easy win and be pissed at him forever. Similar to their reaction to Romney except even more big league.
Hmmm, Romney was far worse than Dubya. Dubya won the invisible primary hard enough he didn't have to take any extreme positions in the primary, had the compassionate conservative thing going for him, and had genuime charisma and likability. Gore and Kerry were weaker than Obama, but I don't think Romney was that strong.

Random related note: I found another person who thought Obama lost the popular vote in 2012. Where does this come from?
When every Selzer poll this year has been an "outlier," maybe it's time to say that her polls just have a huge R lean. Either Trump overperforms or her polls were as good as Ras'.


The one thing I will say is that Trump pivoting to "Election is Rigged" talk is ingenious.

It completely shifted the narrative from him being a super sexual predator, it resonated with millions of idiots who have no idea how elections work and can be fooled by a oKeefe video, and it's the same thing he did after Cruz got some delegates from him and it resonated beautifully with his base.

Trump is a Goldman catastrophe but he's for sure dumbed down the American political system more successfully than anyone maybe ever.
I can't understand why people keep calling any of Trump's actions ingenious. The motherfucker is about to lose in historic fashion.


When every Selzer poll this year has been an "outlier," maybe it's time to say that her polls just have a huge R lean. Either Trump overperforms or her polls were as good as Ras'.

Selzer's entire claim to fame is her deep understanding of the Iowa caucus electorate. Why anyone thinks this automatically translates to dead-on accuracy in places she's never polled before is beyond me.

edit: And she has been off in Iowa!
When every Selzer poll this year has been an "outlier," maybe it's time to say that her polls just have a huge R lean. Either Trump overperforms or her polls were as good as Ras'.

I think people just like pushing the idea that maybe she's right and everyone else is wrong. Which makes no sense, but it's a doom and gloom narrative, so it gets attention.


In a bit less than two weeks Trump will be a genuine certified loser. One who gets beat by girls. That doesn't play well with a large part of his supporters, especially considering how much of his pitch was that he "just wins".

There will still be some nuts following him, of course, but nowhere near enough for another run.

"Yeah, but she cheated! Rigged! And, I don't know if you know this, but she's been spending so much time off the campaign trail... People are saying she's got cooties"
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