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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Holy fuck. We're going to get the first half-goat president, guys.

I can explain this. Modi was propelled into power by lots of groups, but the most feverish was the rightwing hindutva movement. Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat when the riots took place in 2002, when 2000 people, mostly poor Muslims, were killed in what's described as a state sanctioned pogrom. Now this took place after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was burned by some accused Muslims. There was a long investigation whether the fire broke out from inside the train's kitchen or firebombed. Regardless, some 55 pilgrims died. But as the ensuing carnage in Gujarat took place, cops stood by as hundreds of Muslims were butchered, their shops burned, mosques destroyed. Some Hindus were killed in retaliation as well. But Modi was cleared of any wrong doing. The rightwing movement that powered Modi is also pro Trump for a few reasons, the chief one being Trump's harsh rhetoric toward Muslims. Watch this documentary for more perspective on what happened in Gujarat.
Toll booth like one of the ones on a highway? And some people give you that stuff?

Wow. I'd figure most people would just give you the money and want to be on their way.

As I'm applying for a part time toll booth position, maybe I'll see this stuff too.

Yes, that kind of toll booth.

I collect fare from hundreds of cars a shift. Sometimes thousands. My plaza takes in 60% of all the state's toll money, so we can be extremely busy.

Most people just give you the money and leave. But I would say one out of every twenty five cars has some kind of hold up. Maybe they don't have their money ready. Maybe they don't have money at all. Maybe they need directions. Maybe they're the kind of people who think they're doing you a favor by chatting you up. Or maybe they want you to take a religious leaflet. These people break your trance and ruin your momentum because a transaction that should take five seconds now takes thirty. It isn't always unpleasant, but it tends to be irritating no matter how innocuous because your flow is disrupted. It makes a lot of collectors anxious because it's like something is jammed in your gears. It definitely affects me this way.

But most of the people giving you religious or political pamphlets aren't their to TALK about them. They slip them in with their money and don't realize until it's in your hand. Others will ask you to take it and will not accept a no thank you. I used to have a little collection of all the funny ones until someone stole them all. I don't keep them anymore.

I am sure it has a lot to do with whatever local organizations you have. If it's popular for local churches or political chapters to give stuff out in your area, you'll get them at your booth.


Yes, that kind of toll booth.

I collect fare from hundreds of cars a shift. Sometimes thousands. My plaza takes in 60% of all the state's toll money, so we can be extremely busy.

Most people just give you the money and leave. But I would say one out of every twenty five cars has some kind of hold up. Maybe they don't have their money ready. Maybe they don't have money at all. Maybe they need directions. Maybe they're the kind of people who think they're doing you a favor by chatting you up. Or maybe they want you to take a religious leaflet. These people break your trance and ruin your momentum because a transaction that should take five seconds now takes thirty. It's. It always unpleasant, but it tends to be irritating no matter how innocuous because your flow is disrupted. It makes a lot of collectors anxious because it's like something is jammed in your gears. It definitely affects me this way.

But most of the people giving you religious or political pamphlets aren't their to TALK about them. They slip them in with their money and don't realize until it's in your hand. Others will ask you to take it and will not accept a no thank you. I used to have a little collection of all the funny ones until someone stole them all. I don't keep them anymore.

I am sure it has a lot to do with whatever local organizations you have. If it's popular for local churches or political chapters to give stuff out in your area, you'll get them at your booth.

The one I'm applying to is pretty busy as well, so I imagine similar numbers (should I get it. I've also got an interview as a 911 dispatcher next week. Fingers crossed, either way). I never gave much thought to the interactions though.

I totally get the whole wrecking-your-rhythm thing too. I used to work in a major international airport, and would assist the customs agents during the "rush hours". I would help them process a few thousand people in the span of three or so hours, and I would get into a rhythm too. Explain for the millionth time where the restroom is, "no sir I can't let you skip to the head of the line, yes sir I know you are late for a flight, sorry sir I can't give you preferential treatment", etc. But then something always inevitably comes along that throws a monkey wrench into the gears and everything just grinds to a halt. I hated that.

(Especially because, at least for me, it was always someone falling ill in the middle of the line. That's never fun.)

Anyways, I'll keep it in mind should I get the job. Never thought about it. Thanks!


Hiring Lewandowski in the first place was a bad look, to be honest. I don't see CNN turning back now.

Either way I find it hard to care. CNN has filled their surrogate ranks this election with a ton of blowhards that have no interest in actual discussion. Lewandowski fits right in, there's no conflict of interest. There should be, but there isn't. Kayleigh and Lord lie just as blatantly as he does, and they have no actual involvement in the campaign.


Hillary's silence is kinda of meh. She needs to hit him on this stuff. Stop worrying about what Trunp is gonna say about Bill.


Or at least clarify what his involvement is...

When you're trying to conceal yourself with a hood something is shady. I'm going to say it's clear Kellyanne has no fucking say in shit now. I just see this campaign getting crazier before it's all over.


Hillary's silence is kinda of meh. She needs to hit him on this stuff. Stop worrying about what Trunp is gonna say about Bill.

I think she will on Wednesday. Then they'll be in front of a huge audience, and her attacks will be fresh.

I honestly think she's going to rip him apart in the final debate.


Hillary's silence is kinda of meh. She needs to hit him on this stuff. Stop worrying about what Trunp is gonna say about Bill.

Fam come on. You think she cares. After the stunt he pulled on Sunday and she shut it down and it hasn't been a thing since? She's been out there. She did an event Friday. It's the weekend. Prep for debate. Trump is coming off clearly unhinged.

I doubt she's worried about what he says about Bill. Remember when Bannon said they were going to roll out new accusers?


Trump's a tough act to follow but this crew's doing a pretty good job


The raddest Trump speech ever.
Hillary's silence is kinda of meh. She needs to hit him on this stuff. Stop worrying about what Trunp is gonna say about Bill.

This horse needs no more beating, but why would you want the spotlight while your enemy is more than willing to repeatedly step on his spray-tanned micro-dick with golf shoes on?

We're gonna see her daily the last couple weeks while she and her surrogates full-court press early, in-person voting, and Election Day GOTV


I think she will on Wednesday. Then they'll be in front of a huge audience, and her attacks will be fresh.

I honestly think she's going to rip him apart in the final debate.

I hope so. The final debate is going to be the toughest, with a Fox moderator and a set up of topics that seem specifically set up against her.

Thankfully, this is the least significant debate. I doubt that anyone is truly undecided, and I don't think they could stop trump from fucking up if they offered him all the money he pretends to have to do it.


I hope so. The final debate is going to be the toughest, with a Fox moderator and a set up of topics that seem specifically set up against her.

Thankfully, this is the least significant debate. I doubt that anyone is truly undecided, and I don't think they could stop trump from fucking up if they offered him all the money he pretends to have to do it.

I have no faith that Trump will know what the fuck he's talking about in that last debate.
I have no faith that Trump will know what the fuck he's talking about in that last debate.

It doesn't matter. His fans don't care, and everyone will expect actual answers from Clinton, and she has a record to defend. She'll do that with a hostile moderator and Trump tossing asinine bombs and stupid one-liners about Bill, her being the head of ISIL, and the fact she is a demon.

It's gonna be crazy stupid, and she is the only one who stands to look bad
Wtf is he doing a Hindu event.

Token attempt to garner some minority support.

Sad as it is, I do know quite a few older Indians/Sikhs that support him. They state that it is becuase his emmigration policies but everyone is aware that it is because of the tax cuts Trump is promising. Luckily, all the younger Sikhs/Indians I know are firmly against him.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Chris Wallace is going to be emails, Benghazi, Emails, Benghazi oh and did I mention Emails?

Yeah, I think it will be rough for her. I do not think she will do well in the third debate.

That said, from the topic lineup, I imagine the questions on emails will be late in the debate. Unless he talks about Wikileaks for like an hour.


Yeah, I think it will be rough for her. I do not think she will do well in the third debate.

That said, from the topic lineup, I imagine the questions on emails will be late in the debate. Unless he talks about Wikileaks for like an hour.

In between the first two debates, Trump learned you don't have to directly answer the question and can just deflect your response to basic talking points. So if anything, it'll be Trump directing the whole debate to emails and Wikileaks (although if he mentions Wikileaks by name, that'd be a hell of a thing).

I expect the third debate to go exactly like the second: Hillary does well, Trump gives his nutbar performance that pleases the base and gets the cable news talking heads going about how Trump kept afloat even if Hillary is judged the winner.

Also, am I mixing up Fox News anchors, or is Chris Wallace not that bad?


Yall worry way too much lol. Regarding the 3rd debate. Who cares about what Trumps base thinks. Let him spew his bs. hasn't won him a debate yet. Of course I don't expect Hillary to give a perfect answer for everything but she will be knowledgeable on the issues.

Sure she'll have to answer for EMAILS and WIKILEAKS, but at this point. No one even cares about that shit.

Trump will have to answer for his shit to and Trump has always targeted the mods when they've pressed him. I expect the 3rd debate to go much like the second one really.


I'm actually more relaxed about the third debate than I was the 2nd. Townhall debates make it hard to be aggressive and attack your opponent. Especially as a female. And you could see Hillary struggling with that last week. On Wednesday they'll be 1-on-1 again.

All Hillary has to do is take every email question and pivot to one of Trump's many ethics failings. Keep her answers on emails/Benghazi concise, and then rip into Trump.

I'm reminded of when she started doing this in the Primary debates over Bernie's tax returns. She could easily do that again here.


Yeah, I think it will be rough for her. I do not think she will do well in the third debate.

That said, from the topic lineup, I imagine the questions on emails will be late in the debate. Unless he talks about Wikileaks for like an hour.

I think if it appears to be a bit too one sided, Wallace will be torn apart by the rest of the media. We already saw it happen to Lauer.

Not that it matters much for the election but even if he does bring up a lot of Benghazi and email stuff, maybe the lamestream media will have plenty to fact check on. Especially now with Trump decided the best route to take is to start pedaling conspiracy theories.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm not suggesting Wallace is unfair or biased. I just think he has shown he's willing to belabor a topic. Trump does not a) face the same expectations b) live in reality or c) have a base that gives a shit. Hillary will spend 30 minutes trying to explain Russia hacking or emails again.


I'm actually more relaxed about the third debate than I was the 2nd. Townhall debates make it hard to be aggressive and attack your opponent. Especially as a female. And you could see Hillary struggling with that last week. On Wednesday they'll be 1-on-1 again.

All Hillary has to do is take every email question and pivot to one of Trump's many ethics failings. Keep her answers on emails/Benghazi concise, and then rip into Trump.

I'm reminded of when she started doing this in the Primary debates over Bernie's tax returns. She could easily do that again here.

Is that why she didn't go after him in the second debate? I interpretted that to just mean she's someone who doesn't go after others in the derogatory way Trump does. Even in the first debate, her answers just seemed more like smart ass retorts than insults ("Donald just criticized me for preparing. Damn right I did!").

If there was ever a time to tear into him, actually rip him apart, it'd be now, I guess, but I don't know if that's just the game she plays.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wallace really should not have been the moderator. What were they thinking...

I'm getting tired of hearing this. He was by FAR the best moderator from the primaries. It wasn't even close.


I'm not suggesting Wallace is unfair or biased. I just think he has shown he's willing to belabor a topic. Trump does not a) face the same expectations b) live in reality or c) have a base that gives a shit. Hillary will spend 30 minutes trying to explain Russia hacking or emails again.

That's why I said appears to be one sided. What matters in the end is perception of the public. Or the media, in this case, if they want to make a fuss about anything. E.g. if a lot of time is spent on Benghazi or emails because they somehow get stuck on that topic and that doesn't leave much time for Trump controversies to be addressed, that may not necessarily be intentional, but the perception that it was will be easy to argue.


Is that why she didn't go after him in the second debate? I interpretted that to just mean she's someone who doesn't go after others in the derogatory way Trump does. Even in the first debate, her answers just seemed more like smart ass retorts than insults ("Donald just criticized me for preparing. Damn right I did!").

If there was ever a time to tear into him, actually rip him apart, it'd be now, I guess, but I don't know if that's just the game she plays.

Watch the first 20 minutes of the Wisconsin and New York primary debates. She ripped Bernie a new asshole without breaking a sweat. We have yet to see her get that aggressive with Trump, and Trump has offered up more material to use than Bernie ever did.

I might be wrong, but I really think Hillary's going to go nuclear in the final debate. I think she's been quiet for a reason...


Hiring Lewandowski in the first place was a bad look, to be honest. I don't see CNN turning back now.

Either way I find it hard to care. CNN has filled their surrogate ranks this election with a ton of blowhards that have no interest in actual discussion. Lewandowski fits right in, there's no conflict of interest. There should be, but there isn't. Kayleigh and Lord lie just as blatantly as he does, and they have no actual involvement in the campaign.

What the hell is the point of a news program having surrogates on anyway? All they ever do is parrot campaign talking points, it's not even as good as having a republican strategist on there or something.

I'm pretty tired of seeing Corey's fucking face
Why is CBS polling Utah instead of Arizona tomorrow?

The Senate race in Utah is uninteresting, the Arizona Senate race could be interesting since Trumpkins now hate McCain again.
Why is CBS polling Utah instead of Arizona tomorrow?

The Senate race in Utah is uninteresting, the Arizona Senate race could be interesting since Trumpkins now hate McCain again.
1) Utah is a bigger shock if it goes blue or goes third party. Bigger the surprise, the more clicks they get.

2) No one (general sense) gives a shit about downballot. I'm sorry. I'd be surprised if most people even knew McCain was still around.

Btw I agree with you


Why is CBS polling Utah instead of Arizona tomorrow?

The Senate race in Utah is uninteresting, the Arizona Senate race could be interesting since Trumpkins now hate McCain again.

1) Utah is a bigger shock if it goes blue or goes third party. Bigger the surprise, the more clicks they get.

2) No one (general sense) gives a shit about downballot. I'm sorry. I'd be surprised if most people even knew McCain was still around.

Btw I agree with you

where are you finding what they are polling?
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