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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Hillary's silence is kinda of meh. She needs to hit him on this stuff. Stop worrying about what Trunp is gonna say about Bill.

I think it's smart in that it allows the complaints to come foryh organically without it being tied to her and her campaign.

Which sadly is important as it avoids the both sides argument that would inevitability hit if she did


Watch the first 20 minutes of the Wisconsin and New York primary debates. She ripped Bernie a new asshole without breaking a sweat. We have yet to see her get that aggressive with Trump, and Trump has offered up more material to use than Bernie ever did.

I might be wrong, but I really think Hillary's going to go nuclear in the final debate. I think she's been quiet for a reason...

I decided to look at the new york one, and 1. the primaries are such a different beast from the general election. I mostly watched the republican ones, but I see there's massive cheering on both sides. 2. I hope you're right. I don't think Hillary has actually taken Donald to task with his nonanswers in either of the debates, but if there was a time to do it, it'd be now.


remember me
Watching last nights real time. Ugh, didn't realize Andrew Sullivan had such a hate boner for illegal immigrants. Really surprised he's not for Trump since he's on exactly the same page as Ann Coulter. Bernie actually did a good job shutting that British asshole up on multiple things.

"Paying lower prices for drugs will stifle innovation"
"We need to do enforcement first on immigration"

This guy needs to go away for a couple of years again.
If Trump prepared properly and could assemble sentences, this is actually a decent spot for him at the third debate. Obama's got a few problem points in foreign policy that have flared up lately (escalation in Yemen, Assad's more or less beaten the rebels in Syria, attempted coup in Libya, awkardness with Phillipines/Turkey) that aren't entirely his fault but that are worthy of critique. Hillary's had a hard time separating her stances from that of the administration (because they are very similar) and a lot of the administration's positions need review-especially Syria and Yemen.

Trump being consistent about not engaging in wars and conflicts without clear US interests might win him some points with little-l libertarians and Buchanan-style republicans. It would also mean he'd be consistent on something besides sucking Putin's wang, which might help with the hold-your-nose vote.

None of this will happen and he'll be unhinged and uniformed of course, but there' s plenty of room in this debate for Hillary to have policy positions that just aren't all that popular. This is in constrast to domestic policy discussion, where Republicans are ideologically bankrupt.
Why is Trump in New Jersey talking to Hindu nationalists?
He's trying to paint himself as another Modi, who also stoked racial/religious tensions against Muslims earlier in his career. Modi turned out to be an OK prime minister, though, so maybe Trump is trying to say he can do likewise (he can't).
It doesn't matter. His fans don't care, and everyone will expect actual answers from Clinton, and she has a record to defend. She'll do that with a hostile moderator and Trump tossing asinine bombs and stupid one-liners about Bill, her being the head of ISIL, and the fact she is a demon.

It's gonna be crazy stupid, and she is the only one who stands to look bad

No one cares anymore about any of the issues that have already dragged her down to a terrible horrible no-good 7 point lead, conservatively.

They're all dead horses


I would also really like to see some more AZ polling. But McCain has polled so far ahead of Kirkpatrick since after the primaries that I'm not sure how much he'll be affected by some of the Trump stuff. I think the only way it affects him is with Trump supporters rebelling against republicans who have unendorsed Trump. McCains name recognition is just huge. Kirkpatrick is a bit.. I don't know? Odd somehow? And most people who aren't going to vote McCain who normally would have probably decided that when he endorsed Trump despite the POW thing.

My parents are fairly solid R voters and I have no doubt they've voted McCain every time they could. They're done with him because of his endorsement for Trump. When McCain unendorsed my dad's response was "Well, he's an idiot for endorsing in the first place and now he just looks stupid."
No one cares anymore about any of the issues that have already dragged her down to a terrible horrible no-good 7 point lead, conservatively.

They're all dead horses

I agree with Kev, this isn't going to move the needle. The only thing at stake is the psychology of the two bases. A dominant performance for Clinton may move a marginal point in a swing-state by motivating soft supporters to vote early, instead of procrastinating and possibly not voting on November 8th. A strong, or not embarrassing performance from Trump keeps skittish GOP reps on-board—at least until the inevitable nuke everyone expects from Clinton's campaign drops. A bumbling performance from Cheetos Jesus probably causes massive abandonment and near complete focus on down-ballot from the RNC.
I'm printing out a paper Trump mask and wearing that. That's it. Not sure there is anything to dress as that would be much scarier, especially to women.

Just don't dress as a clown. Stay alive.

Why does Jill Stein only go after Hillary?

It's an old cliche, the only woman on the good guys team has to fight the only woman on the bad guys team. Jill Stein thinks America wants a chick fight, and she's ready to give it to them.


How must it feel when the GOP nominee is saying the election is "rigged" but the dems are encouraging people to register and vote early?


I'm actually more relaxed about the third debate than I was the 2nd. Townhall debates make it hard to be aggressive and attack your opponent. Especially as a female. And you could see Hillary struggling with that last week. On Wednesday they'll be 1-on-1 again.

All Hillary has to do is take every email question and pivot to one of Trump's many ethics failings. Keep her answers on emails/Benghazi concise, and then rip into Trump.

I'm reminded of when she started doing this in the Primary debates over Bernie's tax returns. She could easily do that again here.

I agree.

She had to worry about coming across as caring and personable in the townhall. The third debate allows her to hit hard without worrying about looking bad in front of a live audience.
How must it feel when the GOP nominee is saying the election is "rigged" but the dems are encouraging people to register and vote early?

I'd like to see a linear regression of registered GOP early voters/ballots and firearm background checks. I wonder if there's an inverse relationship?
I can explain this. Modi was propelled into power by lots of groups, but the most feverish was the rightwing hindutva movement. Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat when the riots took place in 2002, when 2000 people, mostly poor Muslims, were killed in what's described as a state sanctioned pogrom. Now this took place after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was burned by some accused Muslims. There was a long investigation whether the fire broke out from inside the train's kitchen or firebombed. Regardless, some 55 pilgrims died. But as the ensuing carnage in Gujarat took place, cops stood by as hundreds of Muslims were butchered, their shops burned, mosques destroyed. Some Hindus were killed in retaliation as well. But Modi was cleared of any wrong doing. The rightwing movement that powered Modi is also pro Trump for a few reasons, the chief one being Trump's harsh rhetoric toward Muslims. Watch this documentary for more perspective on what happened in Gujarat.
Wasn't Tulsi Gabbard also linked to the Hindu right?


Chris Wallace is one of the better people at Fox News. He has called out some Fox people on air and can be hard on Republicans but he still has that Fox stench on him. I'm sure he can ask a total fair question about emails like the other moderators have but I wouldn't be surprised if get that good ole "fair and balanced" questions about Bengazhi or the Foundation. He first topic is "Debt and Entitlements" and that sounds like it could be asked in a leading way.


If Trump prepared properly and could assemble sentences, this is actually a decent spot for him at the third debate. Obama's got a few problem points in foreign policy that have flared up lately (escalation in Yemen, Assad's more or less beaten the rebels in Syria, attempted coup in Libya, awkardness with Phillipines/Turkey) that aren't entirely his fault but that are worthy of critique. Hillary's had a hard time separating her stances from that of the administration (because they are very similar) and a lot of the administration's positions need review-especially Syria and Yemen.

Trump being consistent about not engaging in wars and conflicts without clear US interests might win him some points with little-l libertarians and Buchanan-style republicans. It would also mean he'd be consistent on something besides sucking Putin's wang, which might help with the hold-your-nose vote.

None of this will happen and he'll be unhinged and uniformed of course, but there' s plenty of room in this debate for Hillary to have policy positions that just aren't all that popular. This is in constrast to domestic policy discussion, where Republicans are ideologically bankrupt.

I'll never understand why Trump gets points for this when he has been on record as FOR pretty much every problematic FP we've done in recent years AND he pretty much said he would go to war with Iran if they "insulted us" AND he has no concept of how to use Nukes and has said he wants more nations with nukes. That to say nothing of the 35353523 times when he advocated for war crimes. He would be a FP disaster.




Is anyone else seeing #thanksbilly trending on twitter? Looks like Billy Bush gave his $10mil settlement to charity. Specifically women's charities.


Unconfirmed Member
If the emails (lol, if) come up in the third debate she should just tell Americans to read them. It's all a huge nothingburger anyway, and no one is going to read them anyway. Just say I'm fine if America reads the private emails, is Donald okay with America seeing more private recordings?
I think Wallace is going to go for the killshot. He has journalism bonafides and understands what this moment in history means. Trump is going to be lighting bags of shit on his door afterwards.


Is anyone else seeing #thanksbilly trending on twitter? Looks like Billy Bush gave his $10mil settlement to charity. Specifically women's charities.

Um, from what I understand this is s fake hashtag designed to guilt Bush into actually doing this.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Third debate is where Hillary needs to destroy Trump. All out attacks. "But Donald, you just said a lot of words with no substance...what IS your actual plan?" Over, and over, and over...


What happened with that giant list of "here's all the reasons Trump's awful" links? I want to post it on Facebook so my mom's boyfriend will stop posting pro-Trump links to my timeline.
I'll never understand why Trump gets points for this when he has been on record as FOR pretty much every problematic FP we've done in recent years AND he pretty much said he would go to war with Iran if they "insulted us" AND he has no concept of how to use Nukes and has said he wants more nations with nukes. That to say nothing of the 35353523 times when he advocated for war crimes. He would be a FP disaster.

He doesn't get points for this because he's unable to articulate what a modern form of isolationism would look like (which would go well with his base), and instead talks about crazy stuff like first strikes and secret plans instead like a moron. This is a giant fail on the part of his policy team but maybe everyone's too balls deep with Putin to make anything coherent out of it so they don't even try.


Saw another Wikileaks dump on Hillary's speeches rise to the top of CNN's website and almost pooped a little. But reading the excerpts, it's... nothing? Like I struggle to see how any somewhat reasonable person could take offense to anything there. She cautions Wall Street to be more civic minded and laments that we couldn't swing a better working relationship with Russia back during the "reset." There's nothing even remotely controversial there, but it's going to be played up to something equal in scope to Donald's misdeeds, isn't it?
Saw another Wikileaks dump on Hillary's speeches rise to the top of CNN's website and almost pooped a little. But reading the excerpts, it's... nothing? Like I struggle to see how any somewhat reasonable person could take offense to anything there. She cautions Wall Street to be more civic minded and laments that we couldn't swing a better working relationship with Russia back during the "reset." There's nothing even remotely controversial there, but it's going to be played up to something equal in scope to Donald's misdeeds, isn't it?
Well, there's your mistake.
The loonies voting for Dr WiFi, or Governor Aleppo, or just not voting, and whatever remaining disgruntled Bernie Standers, weirdos like Greenwald, aren't really typically somewhat reasonable.


Saw another Wikileaks dump on Hillary's speeches rise to the top of CNN's website and almost pooped a little. But reading the excerpts, it's... nothing? Like I struggle to see how any somewhat reasonable person could take offense to anything there. She cautions Wall Street to be more civic minded and laments that we couldn't swing a better working relationship with Russia back during the "reset." There's nothing even remotely controversial there, but it's going to be played up to something equal in scope to Donald's misdeeds, isn't it?

People will say "Oh more emails of Hillary got leaked, this time Goldman Sachs emails, and they were leaked to IS". Everything gets mixed up in people's head.
Great tweet re: debates


The debate format has run its course. Time for something useful to take its place. I'm not sold on three hours but one hour each would be an experiment I'd like to see.


Football is dumb. Went to a housewarming party and everyone watching the Wisconsin/Ohio State game. I don't usually care or even know who Wisconsin plays each week, but at the least, I hope Wisconsin wins because of the stupid insistence of people to refer to Ohio State as The Ohio State. The fuck out of here with that shit.
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