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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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So Breitbart did a poll of Colorado

They have Hillary up by 5. Who cares. But the press release is LITERALLY everything

Trump has not given up on Colorado. The billionaire will visit the Grand Junction Tuesday for an airport rally. The airport rally is one of the most accurate signals of what a campaign sees as an opportunity to attack or a need to defend. As the presidential campaign reaches its closing days, airport rallies will increasingly dominate each campaign’s calendar as both Trump and Clinton convert the country into a 3,000-mile wide chessboard.

Well that's not true.

But the best part, and by best I mean absolute worst, was this

Because the poll was taken after the Oct. 7 release of a lewd tape of Trump speaking in direct language about his failed courtship of a married woman and his experience with women who want to spend time with celebrities, the poll asked Colorado voters if they accepted the apology from the Republican nominee. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents said they accepted it, but 54 percent said they did not.


I do think that interview thing is a good idea but I still think it would be a good idea to have at least one event where both the candidates are together on one stage


Which is why if the Clinton campaign has really damaging oppo that can utterly destroy Trump, they need to drop it at some point before the election.

Yeah, I can imagine them dropping something in the last few days of October/beginning November. I read something about how, during one of the worst weeks of the summer for Hillary (around the FBI's decision, I think?), Trump went-off on a rant, and shifted attention to him. Basic political strategy is, if your opponent has a bad day or week don't distract them, so once trump cools on his strategy of attacking his accusers for being ugly, Hillary will drop more oppo.

Which is why the NYTimes' current headline - "Clinton’s Past Leaves Her Muted in Furor Over Trump" - confuses me. She doesn't need to say anything (at least until the debate on Wednesday). What other people are saying is just as good, if not better (less Hillary/Democrat Party bias).
Hillary+7 is still perfectly fine reflected in that poll.

It's impossible not to be an edgy atheist when you see these numbers.


I don't think these people care about things other than murdering Muslims.

All they care about is

When Donald Trump gave them the lowest hanging fruit imaginable

Fair point.

This is the first time I'm really watching Kate McKinnon, and she's pretty fucking hilarious. When she does an aside to the camera, her faces are amazing. She reminds me of Bugs Bunny doing an aside where just her face makes me laugh without her having to also tell an actual joke.

She's really good at physical comedy in general. IMO, good physical comedy is an underrated talent.


the best oppo bomb to drop is during the debate when Trump is completely unprepared to save his skin. Look at him get all flabbergasted as Hillary drops her first bomb regarding Alicia Machado.


Liam Donovan ‏@LPDonovan 10m10 minutes ago
Key # in new WaPo/ABC beyond HRC+4 topline. Dems have 3pt generic ballot advantage. Rs gladly take that (RCP is D+6)

Keep the false hope alive NeverTrumpers


It's going to be interesting to see just how loudly Trump, his surrogates, Never Hillary, and HA Goodman pound the "rigged election" drum on November 9th.
Trump's fruit hangs the lowest. He's got the lowest hanging - I mean, have you seen his fruit? No but you'll see it, it's low. His fruit hangs low. It wobbles to and fro. Believe me. We're gonna make fruit great again.

I'm firmly in the "writing posts the way Trump speaks schtick is totally overdone" camp, but damned if that didn't get a solid guffaw out of me.


Drudge is promoting Hillary as a lesbian rumors.


Coming to a Trump rally near you soon.

It doesn't even make me angry anymore. It just makes me laugh. I bet Hillary laughs too. Because this is all they can do, call her names or lie about her. They are so desperate and clinging to life.

Hillary will be voted president in about 3 weeks time. It is their worst nightmare and everything they deserve.


You want to know the truth? I don't think Hillary has any more nuclear bombs. I don't even think the Access Hollywood tape was her doing. I think that was entirely organic and happened the way they said it happened. If anything else drops it'll be from the media feeding frenzy and probably not the direct hand of Hillary.

Well, yeah. I mean, even Romney's "47%" comments weren't the doing of the Obama campaign. These surprises are usually not the doing of a campaign, but come out out of "nowhere" and, well, therefore are surprises. But even that wasn't decisive in the election. The fundamentals —like certain prognosticators like to point out— are what are important.

Hillary was already leading in polls post debate, she didn't need the "Access Hollywood" tape to win, but it increases her chances.

Just like Trump, in order to win, doesn't need the Wikileaks emails everyday, but if he were to have a chance, that helps (even though, they aren't much of a thing).

I'm not saying the Clinton campaign doesn't have a damaging oppo waiting in the wings, but it won't be anything like the Trump tape. That's just too dirty for a campaign to release.

Anything like the "Access Hollywood" tape will have to come out because someone leaked it.
No religion gets to judge me or atheists in general ever again.

Get fucked you losers.

People of faith do not need to get fucked nor are they losers any more than atheists are. Some Christians have shitty opinions. Some atheists are assholes. People are complex. Your post is literally a sentence away from "...and some of them, I assume, are good people." Let's not do that!


Kills Photobucket
So Breitbart did a poll of Colorado

They have Hillary up by 5. Who cares. But the press release is LITERALLY everything

Well that's not true.

But the best part, and by best I mean absolute worst, was this

Colorado's just going to have to keep taking one for the team and putting up with his visits and ads the next 3 weeks, aren't we?

Meanwhile, Darryl Glenn, the Republican Senate challenger has finally started airing ads.

He basically cut this wannabe crossift video into a 30 second ad...




No religion gets to judge me or atheists in general ever again.

Get fucked you losers.

I would've very much liked a follow-up question to that, asking "How much does each candidate's stance on abortion/Roe V Wade affect your view of their morality?" I think it would've made explicit what is only implicit in the initial question. Reading articles about the evangelical/religious vote recently, it's the defining policy for a good number of them.


get some go again
You want to know the truth? I don't think Hillary has any more nuclear bombs. I don't even think the Access Hollywood tape was her doing. I think that was entirely organic and happened the way they said it happened. If anything else drops it'll be from the media feeding frenzy and probably not the direct hand of Hillary.
if they really are holding a massive oppo story then they need somebody else to drop it because depending on how bad it is they will get a lot of shit for not releasing the info sooner.
I would've very much liked a follow-up question to that, asking "How much does each candidate's stance on abortion/Roe V Wade affect your view of their morality?" I think it would've made explicit what is only implicit in the initial question.

But people who think that Trump cares about Roe v. Wade are marks.

Trump he took five different stances in five days on abortion because he had done no homework on what his base wanted him to say on abortion and had no feelings about it. Trump never commented on the Supreme Court striking down Texas' abortion restrictions and never brings up abortion in his rallies with his conception of "Hillary gets the Supreme Court" being something that causes America to become Venezuela or something... which is much more economic thinking.

Trump might appoint anti-abortion judges. Or he could appoint Peter Thiel and other anti-democracy reactionaries who have no opinion on abortion.


This fuck is really going to end up only losing by single digits. To make matters worse the Republican electorate thinks this election is illegitimate which will force their dumb representatives to stay as far away from compromise as possible.

He will end up losing by high single digits in the end(7-10 points most likely). There's a small chance of a landslide still.


But people who think that Trump cares about Roe v. Wade are marks.

Trump he took five different stances in five days on abortion because he had done no homework on what his base wanted him to say on abortion and had no feelings about it. Trump never commented on the Supreme Court striking down Texas' abortion restrictions and never brings up abortion in his rallies with his conception of "Hillary gets the Supreme Court" being something that causes America to become Venezuela or something... which is much more economic thinking.

Trump might appoint anti-abortion judges. Or he could appoint Peter Thiel and other anti-democracy reactionaries who have no opinion on abortion.

Oh, yeah, I agree, totally. But it's a policy-based version of NeverHillary! Everyone knows Hillary is for protecting Roe v Wade, so if there's even a slim chance that Trump will do something to knock it down (or even promote people who are neutral on it), then (for them) that's better than what Hillary will do. This is also why the evangelicals always vote Republican - every Democrat candidate is pro Roe v Wade, so they just vote Republican regardless.
If Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein end up with fewer electoral votes than all-day breakfast at McDonalds, do they have to wear a badge that says "I am such a loser, I lost to all-day breakfast at McDonalds in the presidential election" for the rest of their lives?


This is very OT but just wanted to share because I'm just so very happy.

Yesterday, my cockatiel got scared and flew away while me and him were sitting outside in the sun (he's completely tame and loves sitting on my shoulder). Needless, to say, I was devastated, and had a terrible 24 hours.

Fortunately, he ended up in one my neighbors backyards, and I was able to get him back just a few hours ago. It looks like he's been attacked by bigger birds, as he's missing a few feathers on his head, but seems to be OK otherwise.

I am SO relieved!

Here's a pic of him from a month ago:

Cheers, thanks for reading.
You want to know the truth? I don't think Hillary has any more nuclear bombs. I don't even think the Access Hollywood tape was her doing. I think that was entirely organic and happened the way they said it happened. If anything else drops it'll be from the media feeding frenzy and probably not the direct hand of Hillary.

I feel the same way. No more bombs coming :(
This is very OT but just wanted to share because I'm just so very happy.

Yesterday, my cockatiel got scared and flew away while me and him were sitting outside in the sun (he's completely tame and loves sitting on my shoulder). Needless, to say, I was devastated, and had a terrible 24 hours.

Fortunately, he ended up in one my neighbors backyards, and I was able to get him back just a few hours ago. It looks like he's been attacked by bigger birds, as he's missing a few feathers on his head, but seems to be OK otherwise.

I am SO relieved!

Here's a pic of him from a month ago:

Cheers, thanks for reading.
That's great. Glad he's alright. ^__^
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