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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Why is Tapper just letting Giuliani go on and on and on about how he knows from experience that Democrats in inner cities rig elections? CHALLENGE THAT SHIT

CNN is worthless. Turning back to MSNBC.

Every network is trash when it comes to this.

The media asks a question, the Trump surrogate doesn't answer and goes off on an unrelated tirade. Then the media asks another question that will be deflected.

Why are these surrogates given questions and airtime and why are they being called back when at best they are the media equivalent of a hostile witness?


Right now, I think we're looking pretty good on the Senate. Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin all look pretty solid, if close at times. Nevada seems to be trending our way in the past week or two.

If this holds, all we need is one of Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, North Carolina, or Missouri. If this cycle sticks to the "tight Senate races close in favor of the top of the ticket in the final weeks" rule, I'm pretty damn confident. We saw this in 2012 where Senate seat after Senate seat fell in favor of the Democrats at the last minute.

(That, and I feel good about Clinton's machine delivering most of the close Senate seats in the swing states that Obama won.)


Every network is trash when it comes to this.

The media asks a question, the Trump surrogate doesn't answer and goes off on an unrelated tirade. Then the media asks another question that will be deflected.

Why are these surrogates given questions and airtime and why are they being called back when at best they are the media equivalent of a hostile witness?

MSNBC is on a completely different level about this, though. Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnell, Katy Tur, Chris Matthews don't let shit like what just happened on State of the Union fly.

When someone is sitting in front of you and claiming to state something from a position of fact, CHALLENGE THOSE FACTS. If you can't do that it's either time for you to hang it up, or stop giving that person airtime.
The GOTV gap I think is going to be a bigger factor in down-ballot races than people are anticipating. We're used to relative parity, not so much this year.
The GOTV gap I think is going to be a bigger factor in down-ballot races than people are anticipating. We're used to relative parity, not so much this year.

How big of a factor do local parties play in GOTV? I feel like even with a weak Presidential gotv effort, you'd still have state parties doing considerable work. Especially in non-swing states.
How big of a factor do local parties play in GOTV? I feel like even with a weak Presidential gotv effort, you'd still have state parties doing considerable work. Especially in non-swing states.

Well, judging by midterm vs. regular turnout, there's a not-insignificant chunk of people who only turn out to vote for the President. I'd say that one party basically abandoning any effort to get those people to the polls is gonna leave a mark.
How big of a factor do local parties play in GOTV? I feel like even with a weak Presidential gotv effort, you'd still have state parties doing considerable work. Especially in non-swing states.

I remember in 2010 polls showing Reid trailing Angle all the way up to the election, only for Reid to win by 5%. Pretty sure I remember Reid claiming it was his State's GOTV machine.


Polls close, but can you believe I lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!

He is SO close to calling women stupid. SOOOOOOOO close.

That tape never happened? Ok Don.


Pence: Smallest US Navy since 1916.



Pence: Smallest US Navy since 1916.

I hate this line. Whenever someone says this they should be asked if that means they'd rather have the Navy from 1916, because this only makes sense as an implication that our Navy's never been weaker in the past 100 years.


You're all settling. I don't come here to read posts by a sad people expecting a sad 7 point win and a R Congress, Clinton is ahead by 11 in that NBC poll. BELIEVE!


Wouldn't make sense to release more oppo now. Better to wait until after the debate so there's no way for Trump to shift the conversation.


jfc...... does Mike pence ever answer a question put forward to him? all he does is keep talking and talking but never answering the question asked. I just cant wait for this election to be over.


jfc...... does Mike pence ever answer a question put forward to him? all he does is keep talking and talking but never answering the question asked. I just cant wait for this election to be over.

Little girl: Trump's words make me feel bad.
Pence: ISIS! You're all gonna die.


I'm just glad that Paul Ryan and other GOP officials have insisted on sticking with him. They've had more than adequate opportunity to decouple from this candidate; now they'll all be stained by association and dragged down when it finally does drop.


So, acknowledging that it's impossible to predict the state of the political scene 4 years from now, what are the chances that the blue wall + VA, NH, and CO remain the absolute firewall they have been this cycle? If Kasich, Rubio, or some other "moderate" Republican actually managed to break through and become the nominee, do you think they'd realistically present a challenge to Clinton in any of those states?


So, acknowledging that it's impossible to predict the state of the political scene 4 years from now, what are the chances that the blue wall + VA, NH, and CO remain the absolute firewall they have been this cycle? If Kasich, Rubio, or some other "moderate" Republican actually managed to break through and become the nominee, do you think they'd realistically present a challenge to Clinton in any of those states?
Realistically yes. But also keep in mind that they'd be dealing with a totally different Clinton.


The perfect VP pick.

lol yeah definitely true. But man its annoying. After this election the media really needs to re-asses how they deal with candidates and surrogates. This shit is so stressful just watching them bullshit all the way thru an interview with lies while running out the clock to commercials.
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