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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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The Autumn Wind
The frustrating thing is the media is making the leaks themselves the story as opposed to what's actually in them. It's literally nothing, but you'd never know that. We're just supposed to be outraged at standard campaign machinations.


Dem pollster/strategist

I'm glad the shift has started and that their goal is to expand the margin of victory. It will be a very interesting three weeks!

If the Clinton campaign knew about the tape for a while and has even more devastating oppo I'm very confused as to why it was their idea from the beginning to not link Trump to downballot Republicans

As someone on the outside looking in, I'm torn between the timing of linking the GOP to Trump. On the one hand, I think doing it this late in the game is very powerful because it has illustrated just how complicit the GOP is with his views. Alternatively, doing so earlier might have allowed it to seep into the electorate's mind a little more.

Regardless, I'm just happy they are linking Trump to the GOP because they are ultimately cut from the same cloth. His nomination has been a legitimate shame for our entire country and the GOP needs to bear responsibility for his rise to power and all of the damage that is being wrought because of it.
Is anyone else using Sam Wang/Princeton Election Consortiums Android app? It's really a great tool to keep up on his changing stats. It uses StatX as the platform. I highly recommend it for moment to moment changes in his model's movement


The FBI is going to be on high alert on the 8th and 9th.

He's definitely crossing a line and his media cohorts of Newt and Rudy are complicit and should know better.

Although it's funny. His own VP said they would respect the results on election day.
So, if I had to guess, I bet someone in his campaign showed him some internal polling today. I mean, it's probably done on a chalk board or something, but whatever passes for their internal polling. Cause he's been bitching all fucking day.


I'm going to be working at my polling place this election. The others there are the same people that have always worked that polling place for as long as I can remember; they're the families of kids I went to elementary school with. I can't imagine why any of them would rig this election when they haven't rigged any of the previous ones.
He's definitely crossing a line and his media cohorts of Newt and Rudy are complicit and should know better.

Although it's funny. His own VP said they would respect the results on election day.

This is further proof he didn't want Pence, and was basically railroaded into the selection by the saner forces in his campaign. Those forces are probably gone or marginalized now, and he's running as pure Trump, while Pence is running his 2020 campaign in parallel.

This year really is going to be a litmus test in the Conservative movement for a generation. Lotsa operatives are going to end up out in the cold with the big funders of the GOP after this all shakes out


So, if I had to guess, I bet someone in his campaign showed him some internal polling today. I mean, it's probably done on a chalk board or something, but whatever passes for their internal polling. Cause he's been bitching all fucking day.

LMAOO. him looking at the recent polling released today and I'm sure he's getting word internal polling is bad. At this point the man is going to depress his own damn turnout.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.
MSNBC just reported that a "top Arizona GOP official" says that Trump will lose Arizona. Hmm.

I always read these types of whispers from the ether as a 'wake-up call' to voters and state ground campaigns that they need to work harder, because the margin is too close. Like getting a month-long barrage of "OMG NATE SILVER SAYS WE'RE LOSING!!! 1!1!!!" from Clinton HQ


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.

I don't think anyone knew the extent of the deplorables.


It's rigged!! Please go vote.
Um... mixed message, much?

And then we get a Wikileak story where the Clinton campaign's messaging coordination is supposed to be regarded as scandalous, lol..


And as far as "reasonable" Republicans are concerned:
this cycle is confirming my stance that if you're okay with this scientifically illiterate clown being an environmental committee chairman, you're not reasonable.
Patrick Murphy is nonexistent on TV down here. Like nothing at all.

Murphy is a candidate with no real constituency, who was parachute'd into the race to take back his House seat from Allen West. Plus, FL Dem party is a mess of 5 different major cities' infrastructure, which rarely coordinate outside their regions, and tend to nominate bland candidates who have no appeal around the state. I mean, they keep nominating GOP retreads like Crist FFS
I hope one of the inevitable movies this election generates is a 70s-style paranoia thriller/psychological horror film told from Trump's perspective.

I want to see a shot of Trump standing in front of a wall of sticky notes and crudely drawn diagrams connected with string and thumbtacks and muttering "The debates are rigged! CNN is rigged! SNL is rigged! The whole damn system is rigged!" over and over again.
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.

The problem with ringing that bell too much is that it can have the knock on effect of making voters circle their wagons. Attaching Trump to the GOP works both ways. If you are a voter who likes the GOP then it could improve Trump's standing in your eyes.
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.

I think the entire country is beside itself at how sticky the party affiliation and loyalty is, and just how many deplorables are out there.

Also, this was always a race to 270 for the Clinton campaign and if it was close she was going to need to be able to peel off suburban Republicans and intellectuals who were always going for vote for a Ryan congress but might not be comfortable with Trump.

Lastly, she's winning by a margin bigger than Obama 08 without any of the structural advantages Obama enjoyed in that election. Give her team's strategy some credit.
I hope one of the inevitable movies this election generates is a 70s-style paranoia thriller/psychological horror film told from Trump's perspective.

I want to see a shot of Trump standing in front of a wall of sticky notes and crudely drawn diagrams connected with string and thumbtacks and muttering "The debates are rigged! CNN is rigged! SNL is rigged! The whole damn system is rigged!" over and over again.

Any story that covers Trump's campaign should be titled Winning.
I hope one of the inevitable movies this election generates is a 70s-style paranoia thriller/psychological horror film told from Trump's perspective.

I want to see a shot of Trump standing in front of a wall of sticky notes and crudely drawn diagrams connected with string and thumbtacks and muttering "The debates are rigged! CNN is rigged! SNL is rigged! The whole damn system is rigged!" over and over again.

I will buy the book, but in the meantime I need more 'Downfall' parodies to whet my whistle until it's wtitten
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