Dem pollster/strategist
If the Clinton campaign knew about the tape for a while and has even more devastating oppo I'm very confused as to why it was their idea from the beginning to not link Trump to downballot Republicans
Is anyone else using Sam Wang/Princeton Election Consortiums Android app? It's really a great tool to keep up on his changing stats. It uses StatX as the platform. I highly recommend it for moment to moment changes in his model's movement
Donald J. Trump
The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD
What's the name of the app?
Fareed Zakaria's take on Death of GOP deserves a new thread. It's masterful.
The FBI is going to be on high alert on the 8th and 9th.
Whole lot of "Rigged! Rigged!" squaking today
The FBI is going to be on high alert on the 8th and 9th.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 59m59 minutes ago Washington, DC
I feel like the easiest bellwether of this election is Marco Rubio
It's like Trump sees his surrogates on tv twisting themselves in knots saying "That's not what he meant!" and decides to just be like, "Nope, that's exactly what I meant."
Patrick Murphy is nonexistent on TV down here. Like nothing at all.
He's definitely crossing a line and his media cohorts of Newt and Rudy are complicit and should know better.
Although it's funny. His own VP said they would respect the results on election day.
So, if I had to guess, I bet someone in his campaign showed him some internal polling today. I mean, it's probably done on a chalk board or something, but whatever passes for their internal polling. Cause he's been bitching all fucking day.
Patrick Murphy is nonexistent on TV down here. Like nothing at all.
Yep. Really not sure what the Democrats are thinking with this race, but they pretty much threw it away.Patrick Murphy is nonexistent on TV down here. Like nothing at all.
It's pretty shameful. Murphy has no visibility
I need to read that now.
MSNBC just reported that a "top Arizona GOP official" says that Trump will lose Arizona. Hmm.
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.
It's rigged!! Please go vote.
Um... mixed message, much?
I've never seen a single ad for him.
Yep. Really not sure what the Democrats are thinking with this race, but they pretty much threw it away.
Patrick Murphy is nonexistent on TV down here. Like nothing at all.
"Vaginas Against Trump" shirts worn by the cast of "Orange Is The New Black".
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.
Clinton's biggest mistake imo was uncoupling Trump from the GOP. I know she wanted to go for moderate republicans, but she have gone harder at republicans, especially those in the house for enabling trump.
Tapper tired of the bullshit.
I hope one of the inevitable movies this election generates is a 70s-style paranoia thriller/psychological horror film told from Trump's perspective.
I want to see a shot of Trump standing in front of a wall of sticky notes and crudely drawn diagrams connected with string and thumbtacks and muttering "The debates are rigged! CNN is rigged! SNL is rigged! The whole damn system is rigged!" over and over again.
I hope one of the inevitable movies this election generates is a 70s-style paranoia thriller/psychological horror film told from Trump's perspective.
I want to see a shot of Trump standing in front of a wall of sticky notes and crudely drawn diagrams connected with string and thumbtacks and muttering "The debates are rigged! CNN is rigged! SNL is rigged! The whole damn system is rigged!" over and over again.
Any story that covers Trump's campaign should be titled Winning.