T. R. Ramachandran
1) Let's address the latest manufactured Clinton email scandal about an alleged quid pro quo - by @stephenfhayes
2) The claim: Patrick Kennedy a senior State official offered a quid pro quo to the FBI to declassify an email found in Clinton's server
3) The scandal is presumably that Kennedy did this to save HRCs skin so that she could claim she never sent/received classified emails
4) This is based on FBI interview transcripts just released see pages 25-29 in this FBI release
5) First, if you read the FBI notes, youll see how the Weekly Standard story is deeply misleading from the very start
6) Why? The email in question was UNCLASSIFIED at the time it was sent/received! From the FBI report..
7) So, this is ENTIRELY about the common practice of RETROACTIVE classification something Ive discussed before
8) Second, the FBI made NO CHANGE to their after-the-fact classification there was NO ACTUAL quid-pro-quo
9) So this tweet is very misleading; HRCs comment applied to emails not classified at time they were sent/received
Skipping a bit
15) Heres a story on this from 15 from months ago!
16) There's NO scandal here. No quid pro quo. No HRC wrongdoing. Routine stuff is being made to look suspicious.