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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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McCain lost all sense of integrity.
I know! What happened to him? I never really liked him but I used to respect the guy. He showed Obama plenty of respect and stood as a voice of reason against the Tea Party and government shutdown bullshit for years.

I don't know why he's buckling under pressure to please the crazies. He's old and has nowhere left to go in his political career.
I'm trying to reconcile single polls with one another, which is dumb, but what does Hillary + 9 with RVs and Trump + 4 in OH with RVs mean?

That Clinton focusing on AZ, GA, and TX is a good idea because those states are where she's getting such a big national lead while losing states like OH.

Terrible analysis, I know, but I like to dream.


Schumer, pls.
I live for the moment when he pulls the trigger. I'll probably call-in sick to work that day.

The GOP knows, deep down, that once the court is gone, a lot of their shit is dead. Gerrymandering, social agenda, voter suppression.. it's all judicially DOA. And they're terrified of this.


I know! What happened to him? I never really liked him but I used to respect the guy. He showed Obama plenty of respect and stood as a voice of reason against the Tea Party and government shutdown bullshit for years.

I don't know why he's buckling under pressure to please the crazies. He's old and has nowhere left to go in his political career.

I think he's just trying to play both sides. He disowned Trump and now AZ might be in play so he's in panic mode. Quick, throw the crazy Trump supporters a bone!
Weekly Standard's horrible misleading of the quid pro quo story complete debunked. Already reported 15 months ago

T. R. Ramachandran

1) Let's address the latest manufactured Clinton email scandal about an alleged “quid pro quo” - by @stephenfhayes

2) The claim: Patrick Kennedy a senior State official offered a “quid pro quo” to the FBI to declassify an email found in Clinton's server

3) The “scandal” is presumably that Kennedy did this to save HRC’s skin – so that she could claim she never sent/received classified emails

4) This is based on FBI interview transcripts just released – see pages 25-29 in this FBI release https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/hillary-r.-clinton-part-04-of-04/view …

5) First, if you read the FBI notes, you’ll see how the Weekly Standard story is deeply misleading from the very start


6) Why? The email in question was UNCLASSIFIED at the time it was sent/received! From the FBI report..


7) So, this is ENTIRELY about the common practice of RETROACTIVE classification – something I’ve discussed before

8) Second, the FBI made NO CHANGE to their after-the-fact classification – there was NO ACTUAL quid-pro-quo


9) So this tweet is very misleading; HRC’s comment applied to emails not classified at time they were sent/received

Skipping a bit

15) Here’s a story on this from 15 from months ago! http://mediamatters.org/research/2015/08/12/myths-and-facts-on-hillary-clintons-email-and-r/204913 …


16) There's NO scandal here. No quid pro quo. No HRC wrongdoing. Routine stuff is being made to look suspicious.
Holy shit is our media bad.
McCain makes it clear that the GOP will never fill Supreme Court vacancies if they get a Senate majority with Hillary as president.


The worst part about this Trump cycle is that it has given Repubs a pass to do even worse obstruction for the next 4 years.

I hope we take the Senate and go nuclear on their asses but it seems the Dems don't want to fund the 1 race where the balance of the Senate may rest on: Rubio v Murphy.

Murphy isn't lighting it up in polling but Rubio's lead is purely on name-recognition right now (he did just spend the last year running for Prez). This is a winnable race dammit.


National polls since Friday:

Clinton +4 ABC/WaPo
Clinton +6 Morning Consult
Clinton +7 Fox
Clinton +8 GWU
Clinton +11 NBC/WSJ
Clinton +12 Monmouth

All point to around an 8-point national lead.
I think Democrats should use what guys like McCain and Lee are saying - that they'll block SCOTUS noms from Hillary - and juxtapose it over what these guys and their colleagues were saying in March, which is that the next president should get to pick who fills Scalia's seat.

Highlight that these guys are playing games with one of the highest offices in the land and really hit them on this. I think it could be effective depending on the messenger.


I know! What happened to him? I never really liked him but I used to respect the guy. He showed Obama plenty of respect and stood as a voice of reason against the Tea Party and government shutdown bullshit for years.

I don't know why he's buckling under pressure to please the crazies. He's old and has nowhere left to go in his political career.

I guess he felt he was fucked over in the election for playing nice. Now it's all about looking out for himself.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That was O'Keefe's nuclear bomb? lol

When he blew his cover while doing his George Soros investigation a few months back, he told Breitbart that he had some operative that was embedded deep into the Clinton campaign. I figured that was a lie intended to create FUD within the Clinton campaign (you don't tell your enemy they have a spy in their midst) but I also figured there was a slim chance that might be true. Confirmed it wasn't, I guess.


I think Democrats should use what guys like McCain and Lee are saying - that they'll block SCOTUS noms from Hillary - and juxtapose it over what these guys and their colleagues were saying in March, which is that the next president should get to pick who fills Scalia's seat.

Highlight that these guys are playing games with one of the highest offices in the land and really hit them on this. I think it could be effective depending on the messenger.

Totally agreed. They banked so hard that they would win the Presidency.

Obama's in dgaf mode, maybe he should speak out on it given his high popularity right now. He wouldn't even need to say much, but just highlight what the GOP themselves are saying, as you suggested.
The last few national polls have been

This isn't one of the outliers.

Yep. I think they're on the high end but I'd believe +9 now too. Have we gotten a CBS/NYT poll lately?

I also thought Pew had straight election numbers buried in their last report somewhere but I can't find it.
Murphy is like playing a co-op game with your friend, but he's not very good so you kind of have to put in more work. Strickland is similar, but he's really extra bad at playing and you also need both players to reach the checkpoint so no matter what you do you can't win.
Murphy is like playing a co-op game with your friend, but he's not very good so you kind of have to put in more work. Strickland is similar, but he's really extra bad at playing and you also need both players to reach the checkpoint so no matter what you do you can't win.
Strickland is not even a player. He's an NPC.


So Trump said in a speech: "One people, under one god, saluting one american flag."

He is quite literally channeling Hitler at this point.


If Hillary is actually up by 8 then maybe these pics from 538's article about her landslide victory back in August are relevant again.




Some interesting notes about how his predictions then and current states stand.

Georgia: He predicts it tips with a 7.2 point lead, which would mean that it is likely to go blue if his prediction stands true.

Alaska: He said Alaska wouldn't tip until she is ahead by 15 points, but it seems like it's much lower than that from recent polls.


Monmouth poll is way too positive, probably really a 7 point lead at most, depends how you weigh certain to vote with likely to vote


Monmouth poll is way too positive, probably really a 7 point lead at most, depends how you weigh certain to vote with likely to vote

I think it's a little high as well. Like I posted earlier, if you average the weekend polls we're looking at about a 7-8 point lead which is still fantastic.
No it isn't.

"One nation, under god, indivisible" is the pledge

I mean it's cute that he took out "indivisible" but we salute to one American flag and pledge allegiance to it as one nation under God. And I know that last bit was stealth-added decades ago and I think the whole thing is weird, but still.

CCS is British (I think) so I wasn't sure if he was recoiling in horror at the very idea and was unfamiliar with the US pledge of allegiance.
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