TW: Rape, Donald Trump, and Facebook grandstanding
Donald Trump is a Rapist.
I am convinced of this. If I knew nothing more of him than this, that would be enough to not vote for him.
Trump just tells it like it is. He isnt politically correct. He says what he means and he does what he says hell do. Thats his claim and thats what his supporters would have you believe are some of the reasons theyll vote for him. Believe him. Believe his words. Im convinced he does tell it like it is, at least when it comes to women he does.
You've heard Trump's defenders attempt to convince you that he was fooling, joshing, bragging, or perhaps more precisely, uttering an untruth when he said this:
Trump: I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
His supporters need to believe and want you to believe he was speaking an untruth and not telling it like it is in order to convince themselves, and you, that Donald Trump is not a rapist.
Make no mistake, what he described is rape.
Sexual abuse or grabbing a womans pussy without her consent, is an act of rape. An act meant to rape her sense of safety, rape her sense of security, rape her confidence, rape her emotions, rape her day, and rape her personal space. That is what you do when you kiss them and do anything you want without their consent. You rape their ability to choose their own lived experience in that moment.
His supporters need to convince themselves that he is bragging, joshing, or telling an untruth in order to be convinced that he is not a rapist. I suppose another option is that they are convinced he is a rapist, but will vote for him anyway. If that is their argument, then we dont have a quarrel because the point of this typewritten word vomit is to explain to my kids, and anyone else who cares to know, why I am convinced Donald is a rapist.
Now, for those who maintain he was bragging, joshing, or telling an untruth, Id like to explore the idea that when Donald speaks about women, he always says what he means and tells what happened. All we need to do is look at the recording itself to know that Trump is, at least when it comes to women, telling it like it is and confessing to being a rapist.
Donald has never been shy about discussing exactly how he feels about women and how he treats them. Hell tell you the women he thinks are pigs and the women he thinks are beautiful. Hell even say the things he honestly thinks, as inappropriate as they may be, about his own daughter. Donald is so honest when it comes to women, hell even talk about his failures.
He was open about the married woman he moved on like a bitch. He humbly admitted that he tried to fuck the married woman who he moved on like a bitch. He conceded that this married woman turned him down.
Now, almost everyone would agree that Donald is not known for his humility. He has a big ego. Huge. Huge. The biggest and probably the best. But when it comes to women, Donald tells it like it is, even when hes talking about being turned down.
His recitation of the time he was turned down is significant because it instructs us that what hes talking about is real. He was really turned down. He isnt bragging, he isnt joshing, and he isnt telling an untruth. He is telling what happened.
After honestly admitting about a time he was turned down, demonstrating that what hes saying is real, he speaks about multiple times when he is in control, when he has the power, when they dont turn him down. Times when he would just start kissing them, hes like a magnet. He just kisses. He doesnt even wait. He doesnt EVEN WAIT! And because hes a star, he thinks they let him do it.
What he doesnt realize is, they arent letting him do it. They are frozen. They dont freeze because they like it, but because his violence and intrusion put them in a fight, flight, or freeze state. They are experiencing what all animals experience when they encounter a predator. As a result of years of learned experiences dealing with men like this, these women are most likely to freeze.
Donald expresses in just a few words the frightful real world experience of every one of his victims. He describes how they froze, believing in his twisted mind theyre letting him do it. He then tells us exactly what he does to them after they freeze.
Now, they dont all freeze. Some, like the married woman he moved on, turn him down. Some fight and others flee, but most freeze. Hes learned that if they freeze, theres a good chance that they wont tell. Donald has learned that if they freeze, theres a good chance theyll wonder to themselves if they let it happen. It isnt their fault and they didnt let it happen, but theyve been conditioned to believe that freezing looks like consent to those who havent been in that situation, like many men. Even if they dont wonder this, theyll understand that others will. Theyll blame themselves and feel a sense of responsibility for not stopping him and for freezing. Theyll believe that no one will believe them. Theyll be mistaken. Many will believe them, but perhaps more wont. Thats what hes counting on - that more wont believe them.
After unknowingly educating us about the real world and how a woman who is traumatized is likely to freeze, Donald tells us what he does after they freeze. He takes his hand and grabs their crotch without their permission. The thing that goes unspoken, but that must be understood, is what else he does when he has the time and opportunity to go further.
Make no mistake, Im convinced he is a liar, a braggart, and a con man who will say any and every untrue thing. I submit that he has been demonstrated to be this type of person. But Im not here to convince you he is a liar. That is not my point. My purpose in writing is to simply say it: Trump is a rapist! I say it so his victims might hear it and so other victims will hear me, a man, say it.
Im convinced he has demonstrated that he tells it like it is when hes speaking about women. He was honest when he says he believes some women are pigs. He's speaking honestly when he says certain women are beautiful. He talking about his real world when he said hed date his daughter. He spoke truth when he talked about the benefits of owning a beauty pageant. He was being honest when he said he moved on a married woman and she turned him down. He was being honest when he unknowingly went through the process of victimization explaining how he selects his victim, engages them, and grooms them with a light touch or a kiss to gauge their reaction. He wasnt telling an untruth, but was honestly sharing his lived experience when he described how he assaults em by grabbing em in what he likely perceives is the most private area of their body.
You told it exactly like it was Donald, you did what you said and said what you did. I believe you.
Donald Trump is a rapist.
For those who may not know my background, I am a criminal defense attorney who represents individuals charged with some of the most serious crimes. I am a former sex crimes and homicide prosecutor.
My bio can be found here: