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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Idk. I could just see this Melania interview doing a bit more harm than good. It just resurfaces something that happened over a week ago. With a shitty defense of it as well.

as a 1st Generation immigrant myself, the word ''egged'' is not the first word that pops into my English slang lexicon to describe this

this was written by her husband to say



First day of early voting here. Just got back, and one thing I was surprised to see is how busy it was. The place was packed with both people voting and registering to vote. Checking the news, and all over GA it's pretty busy. Turnout is going to be high here. There are about 6 million registered voters in the state.

I live in a blue district/county (DeKalb) which is part of Metro Atlanta so it's predominantly African-American. I think if Hillary can match Obama's numbers with AA's and many traditional Republicans stay home, or switch over to her, she can win the state.


Going to a Trump rally? Why in the hell would I do that?

Half of me wants to hear that the Orange Menace has abandoned the state.
Half of me looks at it as Colorado taking one for the team. He wastes money here that he could spend elsewhere.

You could be Poligaf's boots on the ground reporter


First day of early voting here. Just got back, and one thing I was surprised to see is how busy it was. The place was packed with both people voting and registering to vote. Checking the news, and all over GA it's pretty busy. Turnout is going to be high here. There are about 6 million registered voters in the state.

I live in a blue district/county (DeKalb) which is part of Metro Atlanta so it's predominantly African-American. I think if Hillary can match Obama's numbers with AA's and many traditional Republicans stay home, or switch over to her, she can win the state.

We going next week, should match 2012 in richmond

B. Obama (i) Dem 66.5% 52,461
M. Romney GOP 32.7% 25,821
G. Johnson Lib 0.7% 583


Neo Member
CNN is pushing the "boys talk" angle from the interview

Yeah this is going to be a thing

How so? Isn't it the same as "locker room talk", just different words to describe it?

Either scenario the excuse is basically this is what guys say, no big deal.
No, I think this is more PoliGAF dystopic fan-fiction. Nobody cares about the filibuster. Maybe you didn't notice from the last eight years of filibuster expansion that made basically no dent in media coverage and affected zero people's opinions on senate races. The media will spend half a page on it. Why make up problems for yourself?

There's a winning move. It's to pass legislation and nominees like the American people expect us to.

This. If you're fucked in 2018 no matter what, try to have a good 2 years until that point. Part of that is killing the filibuster (which will most certainly happen in 2018 anyway if the GOP gets Congress, which they will).


CNN is pushing the "boys talk" angle from the interview

Yeah this is going to be a thing

We'll see how far it goes. But this always had the problem of resurfacing the whole damn issue. and if they are going to go with that defense this will be talked about.


Neo Member
Wow, fuck CNN.

Seriously, they are trying to normalize his talk or excuse it by blaming Billy Bush?

CNN split personality confirmed.


You could be Poligaf's boots on the ground reporter

We going next week, should match 2012 in richmond

B. Obama (i) Dem 66.5% 52,461
M. Romney GOP 32.7% 25,821
G. Johnson Lib 0.7% 583

Word. I think there will be a lot of surprises here. It will be closer than we think


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Well, it's Melania trying to blame everything on Billy Bush. CNN's just hyping the interview.


It could be them just hyping the interview. I don't believe that defense is going to go over well and the panelists discussing this at CNN will just agree with this. I highly doubt someone like Ana just switches her stance an agrees.

Again I feel this brings up the tape and discussion about it all over again.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
She's going to win by at least 10 points, isn't she?

Senate would be nice.

What I really want to see is the ultimate humiliation and destruction of the most racist and despicable candidate in living memory and without exaggeration one of the worst human beings ever to get this far.

There is not a single admirable characteristic about this guy.


BTW this is an excellent breakdown from a former sex crimes and homicide prosecutor down here in AZ that he publicly posted to his facebook wall, I'm going to share it on mine:


Matt Long said:
TW: Rape, Donald Trump, and Facebook grandstanding
Donald Trump is a Rapist.
I am convinced of this. If I knew nothing more of him than this, that would be enough to not vote for him.
Trump just tells it like it is. He isn’t politically correct. He says what he means and he does what he says he’ll do. That’s his claim and that’s what his supporters would have you believe are some of the reasons they’ll vote for him. Believe him. Believe his words. I’m convinced he does tell it like it is, at least when it comes to women he does.
You've heard Trump's defenders attempt to convince you that he was fooling, joshing, bragging, or perhaps more precisely, uttering an untruth when he said this:
Trump: I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
His supporters need to believe and want you to believe he was speaking an untruth and not telling it like it is in order to convince themselves, and you, that Donald Trump is not a rapist.

Make no mistake, what he described is rape.

Sexual abuse or grabbing a woman’s pussy without her consent, is an act of rape. An act meant to rape her sense of safety, rape her sense of security, rape her confidence, rape her emotions, rape her day, and rape her personal space. That is what you do when you kiss them and “do anything you want” without their consent. You rape their ability to choose their own lived experience in that moment.

His supporters need to convince themselves that he is bragging, joshing, or telling an untruth in order to be convinced that he is not a rapist. I suppose another option is that they are convinced he is a rapist, but will vote for him anyway. If that is their argument, then we don’t have a quarrel because the point of this typewritten word vomit is to explain to my kids, and anyone else who cares to know, why I am convinced Donald is a rapist.

Now, for those who maintain he was bragging, joshing, or telling an untruth, I’d like to explore the idea that when Donald speaks about women, he always says what he means and tells what happened. All we need to do is look at the recording itself to know that Trump is, at least when it comes to women, telling it like it is and confessing to being a rapist.

Donald has never been shy about discussing exactly how he feels about women and how he treats them. He’ll tell you the women he thinks are pigs and the women he thinks are beautiful. He’ll even say the things he honestly thinks, as inappropriate as they may be, about his own daughter. Donald is so honest when it comes to women, he’ll even talk about his failures.

He was open about the married woman he moved on like a bitch. He humbly admitted that he tried to fuck the married woman who he moved on like a bitch. He conceded that this married woman turned him down.

Now, almost everyone would agree that Donald is not known for his humility. He has a big ego. Huge. Huge. The biggest and probably the best. But when it comes to women, Donald tells it like it is, even when he’s talking about being turned down.

His recitation of the time he was turned down is significant because it instructs us that what he’s talking about is real. He was really turned down. He isn’t bragging, he isn’t joshing, and he isn’t telling an untruth. He is telling what happened.

After honestly admitting about a time he was turned down, demonstrating that what he’s saying is real, he speaks about multiple times when he is in control, when he has the power, when they don’t turn him down. Times when he would just start kissing them, he’s like a magnet. He just kisses. He doesn’t even wait. He doesn’t EVEN WAIT! And because he’s a star, he thinks they let him do it.

What he doesn’t realize is, they aren’t letting him do it. They are frozen. They don’t freeze because they like it, but because his violence and intrusion put them in a fight, flight, or freeze state. They are experiencing what all animals experience when they encounter a predator. As a result of years of learned experiences dealing with men like this, these women are most likely to freeze.

Donald expresses in just a few words the frightful real world experience of every one of his victims. He describes how they froze, believing in his twisted mind they’re letting him do it. He then tells us exactly what he does to them after they freeze.

Now, they don’t all freeze. Some, like the married woman he moved on, turn him down. Some fight and others flee, but most freeze. He’s learned that if they freeze, there’s a good chance that they won’t tell. Donald has learned that if they freeze, there’s a good chance they’ll wonder to themselves if they let it happen. It isn’t their fault and they didn’t let it happen, but they’ve been conditioned to believe that freezing looks like consent to those who haven’t been in that situation, like many men. Even if they don’t wonder this, they’ll understand that others will. They’ll blame themselves and feel a sense of responsibility for not stopping him and for freezing. They’ll believe that no one will believe them. They’ll be mistaken. Many will believe them, but perhaps more won’t. That’s what he’s counting on - that more won’t believe them.

After unknowingly educating us about the real world and how a woman who is traumatized is likely to freeze, Donald tells us what he does after they freeze. He takes his hand and grabs their crotch without their permission. The thing that goes unspoken, but that must be understood, is what else he does when he has the time and opportunity to go further.

Make no mistake, I’m convinced he is a liar, a braggart, and a con man who will say any and every untrue thing. I submit that he has been demonstrated to be this type of person. But I’m not here to convince you he is a liar. That is not my point. My purpose in writing is to simply say it: Trump is a rapist! I say it so his victims might hear it and so other victims will hear me, a man, say it.

I’m convinced he has demonstrated that he tells it like it is when he’s speaking about women. He was honest when he says he believes some women are pigs. He's speaking honestly when he says certain women are beautiful. He talking about his real world when he said he’d date his daughter. He spoke truth when he talked about the benefits of owning a beauty pageant. He was being honest when he said he moved on a married woman and she turned him down. He was being honest when he unknowingly went through the process of victimization explaining how he selects his victim, engages them, and grooms them with a light touch or a kiss to gauge their reaction. He wasn’t telling an untruth, but was honestly sharing his lived experience when he described how he assaults “em” by grabbing “em” in what he likely perceives is the most private area of their body.

You told it exactly like it was Donald, you did what you said and said what you did. I believe you.
Donald Trump is a rapist.
For those who may not know my background, I am a criminal defense attorney who represents individuals charged with some of the most serious crimes. I am a former sex crimes and homicide prosecutor.
My bio can be found here: http://www.valleyofthesunlaw.com/
Clinton's favorable ratings and specific issues with the honesty and trust question? That and the reasonable assumption that Trump would be losing by more if this stuff didn't exist.

You're obsessed with favorable numbers, and the current race is being run between two people with low favorable numbers. Much lower, in fact, than the opponents they each annihilated in their primaries. Favorability means dick. Prove to me why anyone should care about it.

And no, that is not a reasonable assumption. You've clearly been living in California for too long. Come meet some real Republicans here in Mississippi. Trump is going to get 40% on November 8th, and that's regardless of who he's running against.


has calmed down a bit.
That and the reasonable assumption that Trump would be losing by more if this stuff didn't exist.

I don't take that as given AT ALL. Given that:

1. The country is highly polarized electorate (and nation)

2. This year would traditionally be a "change" election and there seems to be voter enthusiasm for "outsider" candidates. Look at the rise of Trump and Sanders, I think that signals that many voters are looking for change and let's not forget that is difficult generally to keep the party that's been in power for eight years.

I'd say that Clinton is benefiting more from Trump's incompetence than he is from the emails thing. The fact that this could still be a huge blowout is testament to that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
"New poll shows a tight race for the White House with Donald Trump managing to keep this race only a few points off outside of the margin of error. This is basically a dead heat." - Wolf Blitzer

If his name was Mike Blitzer or wolf Smith you'd never have heard of him.
I don't like that Donald has a talking point even if it is a nothing burger.
Trump probably has a bunch of "talking points" all lined up for the last debate. He's down by historic margins and there'll be three weeks to go in the election. I expect he's going to throw everything he can at Hillary in the hopes of getting something, anything, to stick.
Yes, this shady as fuck 60 year old, with a long history of saying nasty things(and now a dozen accusers), shouldn't be held accountable for his "boy talk". The media should roast Melania for saying that nonsense, because they've mostly been good on calling it bullshit from the very beginning.


Stop watching CNN

I wish news orgs wouldn't just tweet out topline numbers without a source linked, even if it is their own poll. Gotta be first I guess.
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