What time did WaPo post the tape?
It was 3-4 EST IIRC.
What time did WaPo post the tape?
What time did WaPo post the tape?
Just donated to Kander, Hassan, Masto and Ross
"Easily influenced" is a great leadership quality
Oh melania, just lay low, divorce him in 6 months and take half before it's all gone.
I don't see Indiana and Alaska flipping blue before Georgia. I think Utah going blue or yellow is even more likely than Indiana.
Georgia would go blue before Texas (or likely Indiana).
It is fucking nothing.
There isn't much trust, but the Dems are hemmed in by a Media and base that expects the rules to be followed. Media would spend every day running down the Party that "Broke the Senate" ignoring historically outrageous uses of cloture by the GOP. If the Republicans took back control in 2018, the Narrative is already set for payback. It's a shitty reality, but it's what will happen, and the Dems would take the blame from all sides.
There are no winning moves here
If Hillary Clinton is given control of Washington, we risk losing the spirit and the initiative that makes America exceptional.
It is quite obvious that orange turd is disgracefully using his wife in order to have the media attack her for her comments. What a coward.
What is this FBI/DOJ/State department and Hillary thing?
Was there another wikileak or something?
What is this FBI/DOJ/State department and Hillary thing?
Was there another wikileak or something?
Trump was bullied and pressured into being admitting sexual assault by THE Billy Bush.
It is fucking nothing.
Hillary used her vampire lizard powers to emails ben ghazi.What is this FBI/DOJ/State department and Hillary thing?
Was there another wikileak or something?
Its the same stuff again and again and again we heard it all.That's not how he'll present it Wednesday night, though. Hillary better have a great answer, because, frankly, she's had kind of trash responses to this throughout the debates.
Oh, it was just peer pressure.
That's not how this works, lady.surejen.gifjessieopie: @Acosta She told me (whether or not it's true) she spelled it wrong on purpose to push back on the idea Trump supporters are uneducated
No, I think this is more PoliGAF dystopic fan-fiction. Nobody cares about the filibuster. Maybe you didn't notice from the last eight years of filibuster expansion that made basically no dent in media coverage and affected zero people's opinions on senate races. The media will spend half a page on it. Why make up problems for yourself?
There's a winning move. It's to pass legislation and nominees like the American people expect us to.
What time did WaPo post the tape?
True of every 'scandal' leveled against Hillary Clinton since she was first lady. The GOP have been trying for decades, and still haven't found any real dirt. While their candidates fall apart the moment someone gives them a second glance.It is fucking nothing.
Why... We expecting something...?
Why... We expecting something...?
True of every 'scandal' leveled against Hillary Clinton since she was first lady. The GOP have been trying for decades, and still haven't found any real dirt. While their candidates fall apart the moment someone gives them a second glance.
Why... We expecting something...?
Whether it's real or not makes no difference if it does the damage.
What damage?Whether it's real or not makes no difference if it does the damage.
Not that awesome when currently only 20% of our congress are women
What damage?
Support for third party presidential candidates comes from two very naive and very fundamental misunderstandings about how our system of government works.
1) The president is not a dictator (aka the Green Lantern theory - "why can't the president be more like the Green Lantern and do everything they want to do?"). The president has a lot of authority in foreign policy and can do some things at the executive level but ultimately is bound to Congress. 9 times out of 10 when a president breaks a promise on any given issue it has more to do with Congress obstructing or the Courts tossing in part or in whole legislation.
Let's look at Obama and some of the things he tried to accomplish (setting aside any ideological disagreements with what he wanted to do). Affordable Care Act is often attacked by the left for not providing universal coverage. It had near-universal coverage in the form of the Medicaid expansion that was made optional by the Supreme Court. Since then Republican states have refused to expand Medicaid under the law, preventing millions from getting health insurance. What is he supposed to do about that? Look at immigration reform which sailed through the Senate with huge bipartisan support. House leadership refused to even hold a vote on it. Now he can't get his Supreme Court nominee through, and Republicans announced their intent to block them before Scalia's body was even cold and well before Obama even named anyone. All of the blame for these things seems to fall at Obama's feet for "not doing enough" without ever specifying what more he could actually have done or do, completely absolving the powers that are actually preventing these things (Congressional leadership) from any responsibility. Way to hold their feet to the fire, everyone!
So you have this belief that if the president is just a good and honest person, they can get things done however they want and failure to do so means they were actually dishonest and bad the whole time. I hope we can all agree on why this is problematic because that leads into my next point.
2) Where the major party candidates are inherently flawed, the third party candidates are good and pure. This point might be a little more oblique and forgiving of the two major parties so bear with me. Basically the reason everyone hates Clinton and Trump (besides Trump being a genuinely abhorrent person) is that they've been in media spotlight for decades. Clinton's baggage, in my opinion is no worse than any other politician's, we've just endured thirty years of it so it adds up. I think this also explains why Bernie caught on as a relatively fresh face even though there were plenty of skeletons in his closet too (look up Sierra Blanca). This then extends to candidates like Johnson and Stein who are fairly unknown quantities, but people are willing to give them a chance in the face of the alternatives.
Johnson has demonstrated over the past few months that he is woefully unqualified and ignorant to world politics. I don't think he's necessarily shady, but there also really is no way to know because he hasn't been under a microscope the way major party candidates typically do. Same with Stein except her ramblings about Wi-Fi giving kids brain cancer and attending dinners with Putin are quite public (the Putin thing should be especially troubling considering her proposals on American foreign policy essentially consist of total disarmament, allowing Russia to take over as the dominant superpower). Like, neither of these candidates are qualified. Dollars to donuts there are scandals in both of their closets that won't come out because no one cares enough about either of them.
Tl;dr - President's not a dictator and third party candidates aren't inherently better than the two major ones. I mean, I would vote for Johnson over Trump in a heartbeat. Stein vs. Trump... I might just leave.
Pretty sure he had 2 on sunday.
You going?