People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps the Civil War.
People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps the Civil War.
How much of nh is inHTC is only down by 7K votes in NH now. If she flips that and MI she can still win if she gets NV.
Well I was wrong about pretty much everything. But so were the polls.
The fundamental issue is that Clinton should not have run. We knew that from the start, regardless of the final result.LOL at people thinking Bernie would have won.
You really think with the votes going to Trump that an even more liberal candidate would've won?
All of the institutions meant to safeguard this kind of candidate winning failed.
This is a nightmare. Burn it all down.
It wasn't her policies. It was literally her.
People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps the Civil War.
Whether or not the reasons for it were legitimate, Clinton was a weak candidate. Her campaign took things for granted and they have failed miserably. They have let a literal racist beat them. Fuck letting Clinton off the hook for that. She's been planning this for a decade and she fucking blew it.
Do we really give Clinton credit for the minority turnout, or Trump for doing everything possible to alienate them.
The fundamental issue is that Clinton should not have run. We knew that from the start, regardless of the final result.
Sorry guys Bernie deserves blame for this
Hillary deserves blame for this
Gary Johnsln and Jill stein
Idiotic voters deserve blame for this
We got we deserve, Fuck everyone who voted for this piece of shit
really funny thread in retrospect. Soooooooooo much overconfidence
Same here. I don't know what to think.Yep, just in a state of pure disbelief.
If she wins NH, NV, and PA she can still win.
GA would be nice and help make up for lost ground.
Pretty much everyone in mainstream academia were wrong. This is a remarkable night. Horrible, but remarkable.
People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps the Civil War.
If the markets crash, isn't it going to have a runaway bulldozer effect which reaches far into these states which are voting for Donald?
People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps theCivil WarCivil Rights Era.
hillary the clinton?HTC is only down by 7K votes in NH now.
If the markets crash, isn't it going to have a runaway bulldozer effect which reaches far into these states which are voting for Donald?
I give up.
If Trump wins, I am starting to think he wins no matter what.
Republicans came home as they always would.
Bigots were enthralled to vote for someone and they hadn't voted in years.
What Dem candidate changes that. Why would Bernie? Racism brought them out from nowhere. Nothing else.
I share your feelings, believe me. Though things are likely to be worse than they are now for awhile, people forgot how bad life was under George W Bush and for how long. But disasters caused by legislation can be fixed by more legislation, Supreme Court justices aren't a rubber stamp, and I try my best to keep events in perspective.Thank you for writing this. It honestly gives me a little bit of hope and something positive to take out of this whole thing.
If the markets crash, isn't it going to have a runaway bulldozer effect which reaches far into these states which are voting for Donald?
I have to just go to bed, and attempt to sleep. I'm shattered. Utterly destroyed.
Ehh. Rural counties are the champions of this election for Trump. Doesn't feel like enough.Benchmark Politics keeping the hope alive.
Benchmark Politics
Currently a 50k vote difference in Wisconsin. Madison is good to make up 100k, depending on other counties.
Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 5m5 minutes ago
Only a 30k vote difference in Michigan. Detroit alone can make up about 130k difference.
If we could crucify Bernie for his flaws as a candidate, which we did and should have, then HRC has to be critiqued in the same way.
If the markets crash, isn't it going to have a runaway bulldozer effect which reaches far into these states which are voting for Donald?
Pretty much everyone in mainstream academia were wrong. This is a remarkable night. Horrible, but remarkable.
No. There's no cause for optimism right now. It's that bleak.So, can anyone give me a some reasons for cautious optimism in bullet-point format right now?
That's not true. It's the exact oppositeUpdate to death penalty vote in Nebraska
291,887 ban death penalty
219,225 restore death penalty