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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Unconfirmed Member
You guys keep saying "record minority turnout" but other places (admittedly it's like, CNN and Politico) are saying that she has depressed turnout among African Americans and women compared to Obama in 2012.

I assume that's in NC and OH, where there was a concerted voter suppression effort.


get some go again
i wish warren would have ran now. even if she lost i would have preferred to go down with my candidate of choice rather than the second choice. :(


Benchmark Politics keeping the hope alive.

Benchmark Politics

Currently a 50k vote difference in Wisconsin. Madison is good to make up 100k, depending on other counties.


Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 5m5 minutes ago

Only a 30k vote difference in Michigan. Detroit alone can make up about 130k difference.


God I fucking hope so.


Kills Photobucket
People wanting to blame HRC or any one person are in serious denial tonight. The country is sick, and as tonight proves... sicker than it has been since perhaps the Civil War.

Is she solely to blame? No.

Does she deserve a good chunk of the blame? yes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So, can anyone give me a some reasons for cautious optimism in bullet-point format right now?

Benchmark Politics keeping the hope alive.

Benchmark Politics

Currently a 50k vote difference in Wisconsin. Madison is good to make up 100k, depending on other counties.


Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 5m5 minutes ago

Only a 30k vote difference in Michigan. Detroit alone can make up about 130k difference.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Feingold losing is probably the other biggest blow of the night. We might have lost the senate, sure, but I really fucking hate Ron Johnson and would have loved to see his ass get kicked.


How do the "perceived baggage" weakness of Hillary Clinton makes sense when it's Donald Trump on the other side. How much baggage does that guy have that never mattered?


Whelp, my worldview is in tatters right now.
Data science = flawed
Current understanding the political campaigns = wrong
Polling science = flawed
Views of the country = wrong

I need to do some soul searching tonight. I'm so damn guilty of not seeing the reality of the world around me.
Crucify? Seriously? Again, no one has ever gone after Sanders at all. If you want to bash Clinton fine but accept that no prominent politician in America has received less vetting than Bernie Sanders.

So? Trump was vetted and destroyed left and right and see, he is winning. Bernie would be the same. People don't give a fuck. They wanted an outsider regardless of whatever.


This isn't about their pocketbooks. It's about white identity politics.

Even white identity politics come down to MONEY.

I believe that racists, at their most basic instincts, are most concerned that people who are a different race from them are cutting into money/resources, which could've gone to people of their own race.

White nationalists would much rather have a rich/diverse America than a poor/white America. At least that's what I believe.


LOL at people thinking Bernie would have won.

You really think with the votes going to Trump that an even more liberal candidate would've won?

All of the institutions meant to safeguard this kind of candidate winning failed.

This is a nightmare. Burn it all down.
Yeah. I really think so.

Rural white America could have been sold on another new deal to try and really make drastic changes. Instead they were given the option of the wanna be dictator that has minorities and foreign entities to blame galore.

If we can get out of the next 4 years intact we need a radical leftist. The country is never going to be united in the near future. Conflict is coming and the ones in power will win.


You guys keep saying "record minority turnout" but other places (admittedly it's like, CNN and Politico) are saying that she has depressed turnout among African Americans and women compared to Obama in 2012.

Turnout is up pretty much everywhere among every demographic. It's just rural whites blindsided people by being so insanely up/pro-Trump.

Caja 117

To this point Im just hoping he doesnt do all of the stuff he was saying to pander his base, Im scared and I dont think I could sleep tonight.

Angry Fork

If Trump wins, I am starting to think he wins no matter what.

Republicans came home as they always would.

Bigots were enthralled to vote for someone and they hadn't voted in years.

What Dem candidate changes that. Why would Bernie? Racism brought them out from nowhere. Nothing else.

There was a lot more at play here than racism, I'm sorry dude. Portraying all trump voters as just racist neo-nazi's makes it easier to blame them but it's not that easy. The dems must change, not into xenophobia-lite, but into an economically populist party.

The things lots of people hate Clinton for (corruption, hypocrisy, dishonesty, wall street shit, etc.) are still the driving forces of the party and they must be purged.


So, can anyone give me a some reasons for cautious optimism in bullet-point format right now?

If Hillary Clinton wins the states she was supposed to win she still wins. She has only lost true swing-states so far. The worrying thing is that Trump has consistently over performed everywhere so far, including in those remaining states she needs to hold.
I don't think Hilary is completely to blame, but it is also silly to think that her baggage (whether it was deserved or not) did not do her harm.

Well a large portion goes to the media for Trump-24/7-ratings!-coverage. None of the sounded them alarm bells, but propped him up like a legit candidate.


As distressing all of this is, and to say nothing of what a Trump presidency + republican congress will mean, it's completely mind boggling to me how wrong everyone was. Both campaigns, virtually every pollster... An absolutely enormous historic collapse of conventional electoral analysis and data.


Unconfirmed Member
So, can anyone give me a some reasons for cautious optimism in bullet-point format right now?

- Trump isn't a true believer conservative, and may be suprisingly good in some aspects we don't even know about since he never tells the truth about anything

- Maybe there's some merit in protectionism for the poor of our country

- If things go incredibly wrong, liberals could create their socialist dream 4 or 8 years from now with huge victories

I think that's it.


It's headed in the direction of your original post though :(

It is. After 8 years the House no longer functions, the Supreme Court only sometimes functions, voting infrastructure is barely functioning, and if Trump wins how many more core pillars of American democracy are going to come offline? Either the GOP obstructs Trump or they let him have his fascist wonderland.

We've arrived at last to the biggest American crisis since the country fucking fought itself.


I'm an emotional cripple, and I rely on TV quotes to express my emotions. From 30 Rock:

"I haven't seen so many riled-up dirtbags since CVS started putting the cold medicine behind the counter."
I don't think Hilary is completely to blame, but it is also silly to think that her baggage (whether it was deserved or not) did not do her harm.

The e-mails were probably THE best thing that could ever happen for the GOP. It was complex enough so that those who were intelligent enough could easily see it wasn't a big deal, but those who weren't could see it as a sign of distrust and dishonesty. And those who were intelligent enough failed to see that bad optics with those who only have a limited amount of knowledge of the whole e-mail thing is... well, really fucking bad to them.


It is not "blaming" HRC to say she was a bad candidate. It's reality! The fact that the electorate is filled with morons who are to blame doesn't change the fact the she couldn't appeal to those morons.

Now we don't want to appeal to them on the basis of racism and hate. But there is one area that we CAN make inroads and start to sway them, and that's being antiestablishment economically, no matter how much you hate it.

If the left flank of the party has to make compromises for the greater good, why shouldn't the centrist wing?


Does anybody else just feel numb?

Not angry. Not bitter. Not raging. Just numb.

I don't think the realization of what happened tonight has hit me yet.
This is exactly how I felt after Brexit. I still haven't woken up from that nightmare. Good luck, America.


i'm sorry but i like Clinton to the point that i don't think she's corrupt or yadayadayada. Though perhaps, it's time for Democrats to move to a new image of sorts...


If the markets crash, isn't it going to have a runaway bulldozer effect which reaches far into these states which are voting for Donald?

Might be a flash crash. If he truly wants to deregulate then the markets might actually move up based on that.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Benchmark Politics keeping the hope alive.

Benchmark Politics

Currently a 50k vote difference in Wisconsin. Madison is good to make up 100k, depending on other counties.


Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 5m5 minutes ago

Only a 30k vote difference in Michigan. Detroit alone can make up about 130k difference.


Finally a sane post. Been saying this for a while when those blue counties were still out there.
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