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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Just a casual conversation on MSNBC of "do you think Muslim-Americans are going to be afraid for their lives?"

WTF @ this country if this happens

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I went to sleep thinking you had this covered.

Where's your PEC now?



Oh, it's worse than that. The second Trump wins, he will follow in the footsteps of his idol Putin and begin brainstorming ways to indefinitely suspend elections, likely by having Congress declare martial law in the wake of a terrorist attack (whether the attack is real or not).

I am not being hyperbolic. I am not trolling. We are staring down the barrel of America's first dictator.

The nightmare is here.

I really, really hope you're wrong.
Like seriously to see the US fall by someone so lame...


People, people.

We got a RUSSIAN PUPPET as our CiC for the next 4 years at least.

Putin is laughing his ass off right now.


Trump doesn't even have to propose any campaign reform laws. He can just say "Just stop collecting so much cash, idiots. You got fleeced, I didn't. No laws needed."


Wisconsin.. Fuck.

Fucking hell rust belt. Wtf are you doing? Trump ain't gonna do shit for you.

Doesn't matter, they're in full on fuck Washington mode and trump was the biggest brick they could find to throw through their window. It'll eventually sink in that he won't do shit for them, but the damage will be likely minimal for them. If you were on the other side of the ticket, a shit storm's coming that's potentially going to set us back a generation or two once his supreme court picks are made.


I thought America went full retard when they reelected Bush in 04, but that pales in comparison to tonight's disaster. And Republicans are going to have the advantage in 2018. I'm embarrassed to be an American tonight.
So can we say that trump actually knew what he was doing when focusing on the rust belt? Everyone said he was crazy for focusing on northern rust belt states states that previously voted democratic but wisconsin, michigan, new hampshire and ohio really did it for him.

Their plan was that they would not get punished by independents and just ramp up their base. They did exactly that and it seems to have worked.


Everyone take a deep breath. We are not going to act like republicans when Mcain and Romey lost. Those people made absolute asses of themselves with their doom and gloom about how America was going to be a third world country. It this a little more scary, yes but we are too close at the moment to objectively view it. Let's keep some dignity people.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, Kornacki said that it's going to be real difficult for Hillary to win Wisconsin. It's pretty much over.
This tweet is hitting me hard and I'm white.


Looking like the Civil Rights Act is gone. The Disability Rights Act is gone. Roe is gone. The ACA is gone. 60 years of progress. Poof.

Adios, New Deal. Adios, social safety net. Adios, progressive taxation. Social security and Medicaid privatized. Medicaid cut to ribbons. Gay marriage gone. Supreme Court packed with Scalias for a generation. Press freedoms fucked. God knows what grandiose mistakes he'll make on foreign policy.


Clinton really is horrible.

I mean, a horrible candidate, I guess that has been proven to be true after all. But no, I will not accept she is a horrible person. She has done more good in her life for people than I ever will even get close to doing. The Republicans did a good job of completely assassinating her character for the last decade or two.
That's what they said after Bush lol. And yet here we are at President Trump.

Well we elected Obama that one time.

Knowing democrats, this'll just teach them to pander more to the racist white vote in the future.

I'm referring more to women, minorities, LGBTQ+, etc.

Honestly this is all so surreal to me. And honestly I don't know if there's anything Clinton could have done about this. Literally nobody expected this white turnout.


i just did a desperation drunk call to family in Florida and basically was like 'what the fuck is this'. Dont even remember. Its over folks.


Hope PoliGaf is doing alright in all this. I did my part voting Hillary in NH. However Trump had a black swan vibe from the get go at least to me (which I talked about on gaf ages ago), which is hilarious now hearing these experts talking about how Trump did not follow the normal rules in relation to election statistics. Gaf made talking about Trump pretty damn hard. If he does win, lets hope his lack of policy details during the election works in our favor in that he surprises us in not being a complete asshat.


This is the first time my depression has ever hit the point where I feel legitimately suicidal.

Hang in there buddy. Decent people are going to fight this man every step of the way. Congress is still close and believe it or not, strong overreaching can inspire bipartisan resistance. America can and will survive this man.
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