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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Do you have any articles on the problems of HSA? I'm not educated on that issue.

I have 4 children. One breaks his arm, boom: all my money in the account is gone. Next one needs vaccinations 2 weeks later: sorry, no money left.


Won't work, unless you attach a dog whistle to it.

And that's why I don't know what to do moving forward.

Keep on the path, elect someone who is not a career politician, and let the demographic shift do its work.

Trump is now the Republican party. What he will say and do will alienate minorities and millennials even more and completely tarnish the Republican brand in the future.

The rural white demographic is shrinking. What the Republican party has now is not a winning long-term strategy. It will be 4 years of pure hell, but in 2020 you'll likely get a huge democratic turnout in a census year to fight against Trump. Hopefully by that time he has alienated and completely disgusted or was simply ineffectual for all the people who voted for him.


Why does it have to be any single thing? It's a numbers game. Whoever has the numbers at the end wins. Any of those things could impact the numbers in some tangible way. No point in trying to single out which exact factor caused it when the answer is all of them.
I'm not sure about you but I think it would be easier to digest raw turnout for turnout's sake being the deciding factor, and not the director of the FBI helping GOP enthusiasm from the top down on the ticket at the last second while depressing/turning off on the fence Clinton voters. The margins we're seeing tonight... every last fucking vote counts.


The results of this election have basically screwed up my life.

I can't afford to get out of the military now (which I loathe being in, to the point where it's causing me to be depressed and nobody in my squadron gives a shit, and I have been suicidal in the past, to the point where my mom had to step in to get help). It's the only way I'm going to be able to afford health care (after the GOP destroys it, which they'll probably do to Tricare as well) for my son.

I honestly don't know what to do at this point.



As a millennial (91) with millennial Latino friends who were all pumped about Clinton, this makes no sense to me.

I understand Red America voting for Trump. I understand rural whites coming out of the woodwork. But I don't understand Latinos, young or not, not voting for Clinton (outside of Cuban boomers).


Keep on the path, elect someone who is not a career politician, and let the demographic shift do its work.

Trump is now the Republican party. What he will say and do will alienate minorities and millennials even more and completely tarnish the Republican brand in the future.

The rural white demographic is shrinking. What the Republican party has now is not a winning long-term strategy. It will be 4 years of pure hell, but in 2020 you'll likely get a huge democratic turnout in a census year to fight against Trump. Hopefully by that time he has alienated and completely disgusted or was simply ineffectual for all the people who voted for him.
We are fucked.

We are so fucked.


I'd take Pence's eroding civil rights over Trump's foreign policy and the possibility of doing irreparable damage to the civilized world right now.

I have 4 children. One breaks his arm, boom: all my money in the account is gone. Next one needs vaccinations 2 weeks later: sorry, no money left.

Don't they still have maximum out of pocket? Granted it's much higher than a PPO plan, but this sounds like an employer enforcing plans on their employees that they can't afford.


Once someone reaches 270. Even then just like Trump. Maybe Hillary will "see what happens" and not concede.

That'd be something. lol

Once someone reaches 270 it doesn't matter if the other candidate concedes

The danger is if a sitting president refuses to leave, which is entirely possible with Trump if he becomes president. If he wins, which it looks like, and he loses it 2020 he might refuse to step down


maybe the biggest takeaway here is that voting seems to be down over 2012. we're seeing more of a midterm than a presidential election this time around.

i hope in intervening years, democrats begin building strongholds in arizona and try regaining trust in the midwest. with a trump presidency, that might not be very hard.
Going bed now. Holding out hope but I know better than to trust the Midwest. Honestly think the planet is beyond saving now considering Trump's stances on the environment.

Keep on the path, elect someone who is not a career politician, and let the demographic shift do its work.

Trump is now the Republican party. What he will say and do will alienate minorities and millennials even more and completely tarnish the Republican brand in the future.

The rural white demographic is shrinking. What the Republican party has now is not a winning long-term strategy. It will be 4 years of pure hell, but in 2020 you'll likely get a huge democratic turnout in a census year to fight against Trump. Hopefully by that time he has alienated and completely disgusted or was simply ineffectual for all the people who voted for him.

Isn't it evident from tonight that it doesn't really matter how much you mobilize minorities, the white vote will always triumph if it wants to?

2020 very well might be another wave for the GOP in an election identical to this one
I just can't imagine what this means for the Democratic Party. This is a devastating loss.

We'll survive and believe it or not grow stronger. Hopefully Obama gets involved BIG LEAGUE for midterms. Racist Whites will continue dying off. This might actually be their last hurrah if they manage to pull this off.


I just can't imagine what this means for the Democratic Party. This is a devastating loss.

I hope it means figuring out how to get people to vote in the midterms. That's a good place to start so we can hopefully begin to have a solid foothold for the next democratic presidential candidate to work with.


Joy Reid ‏@JoyAnnReid 1m1 minute ago

What's happening: Trump is winning

Exit polls, so grain of salt and all. But, what the fuck!?


Fuck guys. I was laughing during the primaries. "Go Trump! Tear the GOP apart! Start the great GOP war when you get pummeled in the general election by literally anything else because you'll have turned away every minority and young vote, hahaha~" It feels so goddamn disgusting in hindsight, how dangerous this was. Playing with a goddamn bomb that hardly anyone could see going off.

I'm so sorry everyone.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Keep in mind in reference to Pence: When Trump asked him to be VP, he told him he'd be in charge of "domestic and foreign policy." He's running things.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh fuck, it gets worse.

There's no way RGB is going to stay on the court for another four years, which means Trump gets not only one, but TWO new SC appointments. Hell, Thomas might even want to retire.

This night just keeps getting worse and worse.
I want to know what hurt Hillary most:

1. Hidden vote in rural areas by pandering to the worst in US society
2. Comey's last minute bullshit blunting a surge in Dem momentum during the final hour
3. Third party candidates

I think all three of these played in big role, but the question is what exactly pushed Trump over the top? I won't be able to move on from this until I know.
Diablos how are you still awake and not curled up in a corner with drool all over the place. And Naked. Like me.


Isn't it evident from tonight that it doesn't really matter how much you mobilize minorities, the white vote will always triumph if it wants to?

2020 very well might be another wave for the GOP in an election identical to this one
Yep. This election kind of defeats the whole idea that building a coalition among minority groups is the way forward. A maximized rural white turnout apparently beats everything.
So I have a theory as to why polls showed Hillary winning up until election day that ultimately were proven wrong. Let me know what you guys think.

Hillary's wheelhouse was millennials, blue collar workers, and minorities. The former two being the most critical because millennials and blue collar workers are overworked, busy all the time, and as a millennial I can also vouch that we are chronic procrastinators. I think this demographic had full intentions of voting for Hillary, and when they were surveyed by the pollsters they planned on it. But come election time, they were either too busy to vote, or put it off early voting until election day and something else came up or they simply forgot to get out and vote.

Trumps wheelhouse was white men, baby boomers and silent generation. The latter two of which are mostly retired and have plenty of time on their hands. The ones that said they would vote, DID vote. And that was the difference.


With the caveat that not all these states are 100% in. Excepting Hawai'i and California, 2012 Obama's top ten states -> 2016 Clinton.

DC: 90.9% -> 92.8%
VT: 66.6% -> 61.1%
NY: 63.4% -> 59.7%
RI: 62.7% -> 54.9%
MD: 62.0% -> 60.6%
MA: 60.7% -> 60.4%
DE: 58.6% -> 53.4%
NJ: 58.4% -> 54.8%
CT: 58.1% -> 52.1%
IL: 57.6% -> 55.6%

DC was the only one she increased the D share in.

Kid Heart

My American friends: democracy doesn't end when you cast your vote. Democracy is much more than that. Engage in local politics, call your representatives, organize demonstrations... by all means, don't let this be a defeat. Don't quit, because this is far from over. The times ahead may be rough, but you will pull through. Raise your voice. Let this election serve as a reminder not to take anything for granted in politics. You can be sad today, I am too and I'm not even American, but from tomorrow on don't let the GOP destroy all the progress you've accomplished in the last 60 years. From tomorrow on, fight!

Yeah, this sucks but I'm not quitting. I'll be here around midterms to start fighting back. As long as this country still stands I'm not giving up on it. I'm just gutted to know apathy and hate can indeed trump love.


As long as black people are getting those benefits too? Good luck.
It won't convince all of them. Maybe not even a whole lot. But it could convince enough of the new apparent largest and most important voting block.

Maybe it doesn't work, maybe it really is just a massive surge of racist and xenophobic ideology that has no way to stop it.

Should we not try to give them a new deal that has worked before to convince them? If their ideals of racism, facist police, and xenophobia are what they really want then there is nothing we can do. Save to continue fighting with the pen and sword to keep our future.

East Lake

I know this sucks but after having your confident expectations dashed tonight, maybe it's best not to be so certain of the future with the doom and gloom scenarios.
Do we even have a functional party anymore? We have no power in any part of the government, millennials are completely disillusioned with the party, I assure you this outcome is not going to help any minority voters who already only voted dem because it was the better alternative, and the culture of compromise and "listening to the otherside" when the other side is a bulldog with rabies has led to..This.
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