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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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We'll survive and believe it or not grow stronger. Hopefully Obama gets involved BIG LEAGUE for midterms. Racist Whites will continue dying off. This might actually be their last hurrah if they manage to pull this off.
Racist Whites will get replaced by Racist Whites.


Yep. This election kind of defeats the whole idea that building a coalition among minority groups is the way forward. A maximized rural white turnout apparently beats everything.

It was always a misnomer because that coalition still had the backbone of whites in places like PA, IA and WI.

They've now lost those whites to Trump and who knows if they come back.


Fuck guys. I was laughing during the primaries. "Go Trump! Tear the GOP apart! Start the great GOP war when you get pummeled in the general election by literally anything else because you'll have turned away every minority and young vote, hahaha~" It feels so goddamn disgusting in hindsight, how dangerous this was. Playing with a goddamn bomb that hardly anyone could see going off.

I'm so sorry everyone.

Seriously. I desperately want neocon Jeb! right now.


I hope it means figuring out how to get people to vote in the midterms. That's a good place to start so we can hopefully begin to have a solid foothold for the next democratic presidential candidate to work with.
I think if we're banking on midterms to jumpstart a Dem resurgence, we're fucked. For whatever reason, this party just does not give a fuck about midterms.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
The fucked up thing of it all? I'm white. I'm middle class. We'll probably be alright. How do minorities or immigrants retain any sort of faith in our electoral process at this point? The GOP basically just proved a swell in Latino turnout didn't really matter, at the end of the day. It just boggles my mind that this is what the majority of voting America wanted...


Do we even have a functional party anymore? We have no power in any part of the government, millennials are completely disillusioned with the party, I assure you this outcome is not going to help any minority voters who already only voted dem because it was the better alternative, and the culture of compromise and "listening to the otherside" when the other side is a bulldog with rabies has led to..This.

Adopt a strong and unquestionably progressive attitude and millennials will be in love.

Warren 2020 basically


My mom, who hasn't followed the US election, has no interest in, and has no eggs in this basket, just asked me what's happening with the election.

I told her who's winning.

She said, "Oh God, what is going to happen to all those poor people?"
The fucked up thing of it all? I'm white. I'm middle class. We'll probably be alright. How do minorities or immigrants retain any sort of faith in our electoral process at this point? The GOP basically just proved a swell in Latino turnout didn't really matter, at the end of the day. It just boggles my mind that this is what the majority of voting America wanted...

It's not. Hillary is likely to win the popular vote and lose the EC like Gore did.

PInk Tape

I don't know what to do right now. I really don't feel up to going to class tomorrow because of this; I'll be in such a shitty mood.

God I can't even imagine what ASA's gonna be like..

At least my friends are going to that concert tomorrow so they can take their minds off of this.

hows the bedwetting

Just like 2 days ago people were saying 'stop bedwetting'

I'm annoyed

All the bedwetting in this thread before and after this election created a brand new ocean.


I'm not sure about you but I think it would be easier to digest raw turnout for turnout's sake being the deciding factor, and not the director of the FBI helping GOP enthusiasm from the top down on the ticket at the last second while depressing/turning off on the fence Clinton voters. The margins we're seeing tonight... every last fucking vote counts.

Edit: NM, I agree with you. Turnout was the deciding factor and the turnout for Trump was higher than expected.
I would suggest that, however upset you are, going "Fuck white people!!!" is playing right into the zeitgeist that made racism such an appealing thing for a lot of people this time around. The GOP could not have won on this platform 8 or even 4 years ago. They might not be able to win on it again, but enough of these people are not going to die between now and 2020 that this couldn't happen again if rural whites keep feeling like they're backed into a corner.
The fucked up thing of it all? I'm white. I'm middle class. We'll probably be alright. How do minorities or immigrants retain any sort of faith in our electoral process at this point? The GOP basically just proved a swell in Latino turnout didn't really matter, at the end of the day. It just boggles my mind that this is what the majority of voting America wanted...

Yeah, this will just make harder for Dems to turn them out in future elections. This will be one of the lasting damage tonight has caused, along with the Supreme Court.

I also fear that the Democrats will go back to their earlier chicken little selves and start nominating old white guys again.
I hope it means figuring out how to get people to vote in the midterms. That's a good place to start so we can hopefully begin to have a solid foothold for the next democratic presidential candidate to work with.

The only chance of a a Dem wave in 2018 is if Paul Ryan goes too far and tries to privatize SS and medicare.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I know this sucks but after having your confident expectations dashed tonight, maybe it's best not to be so certain of the future with the doom and gloom scenarios.
I thought Hillary's worst case scenario was 323 today, and that we'd take the goddamned Senate. Considering all of that is a flaming fucked to death pile of garbage at our feet, I don't see where optimism that a Trump presidency won't be a fucking nightmare is in order.
I would suggest that, however upset you are, going "Fuck white people!!!" is playing right into the zeitgeist that made racism such an appealing thing for a lot of people this time around. The GOP could not have won on this platform 8 or even 4 years ago. They might not be able to win on it again, but enough of these people are not going to die between now and 2020 that this couldn't happen again if rural whites keep feeling like they're backed into a corner.
Real talk I hope most of these people do die before 2020 tho


Tonight's results only ensure me never standing up for an anthem ever again. But on that note, FUCK Kaepernick. That asshole didn't vote. So many others like him too. Listen, I wasn't really team Hillary either. I've fought with you guys a lot during the primary as I heavily favored Bernie. I thought you all so fucking annoying that I just stopped posting in general. But Hillary would have been an excellent President. Easily the most qualified in recent history and she would have continued what Obama started.

That's all done now. 60 years of progress will also now be reversed. I'm just done. Done with this country honestly. I really have no reason to stay and it's obvious I'm just completely incompatible with the majority of this country in every facet of understanding. I held out hope that maybe Hillary could stem the red tide a bit and we can get some progress accomplished. Sigh...
I left for a bit after getting into it with some Sanders fans. Going to say just one thing to everyone before taking nyquil and going to sleep. Everyone knows that right now the market is crashing but in a week or two there will be a relief rally when the world doesn't end. Thats just what happened with the brexit. Use that time to sell any stocks, re-allocate your 401ks toward bonds and cash, etc. This election is going to cause a massive loss of confidence in the economy. I absolutely believe that this time next year there's going to be a serious recession. Maybe not 2009 bad but worse than 2001. We need to take of each other but also watch out for yourself. Best of luck.


Trump was told by everyone he was dumb and wrong, even his own party, and he ended up being right. He will only listen to himself now and the few he admires. He's going to be approached by some really weird and dangerous people on power trips. People might say this is exaggerated but the Bush administration showed us how it works, except this time it will be outsiders, weird rich sociopathic outsiders.

I'm certain that one of their top priorities right now will be to force Pence out. They're not stupid, they need to make sure no one gets the silly idea that they could force Trump out to get Pence as president. In parallel to that the FBI, CIA, the police forces, are all going to be padded with his folks as the Republicans either quit and are replaced by his own folks, or get reelected by supporting Trump.

No Republican is keeping his seat by opposing him unless it's already tight where they present themselves.


At this point, I doubt it made a huge difference, but seriously, FUCK Comey for his stunt. His stunt was way out of line.

I can't believe I'm writing this, but I honest to god hope Obama preemptively pardons Hillary just to make sure her life is not a living hell.
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