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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Hillary Clinton won every Democrat county by bigger margins in Florida than Obama did in 2012.

In rural counties, she mostly matched or got close to his totals.

Trump's rural numbers were MASSIVE beyond anyone's expectations.

These are clearly unreliable voters. How do you explain them except racism/sexism?

You don't. Trump's bigoted rhetoric woke these people up, and that's the truth.
Here's something I would love to see in the US discourse now. No Trump people talking about Hillary "E-mails" Clinton any fucking more. You have the job, defend your actual positions and what he actually says and does. If one Trump person pivots off policy towards Hillary Clinton on TV, they should have their mic cut off and they should never be allowed on again.

I just realized that they're gonna blame Obama for everything, aren't they?


Podesta delivering concession speech?

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Dan MericaVerified account
John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chair, just left the Peninsula hotel. Asked if HRC was headed over, he said, "No. I'm headed over."


Wow. Pooler @danmericaCNN reports that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta just left HRC hotel to come to Javits solo. She is not coming.


Unless I'm missing something, at least a sliver of good news for my fellow NC buddies. Roy Cooper looks to have taken NC Governor by less than 0.1% of the vote. He actually managed to survive the deplorable tidal wave, which at this point is really fucking impressive.

I mentioned this earlier also but it looks like AZ, GA and TX all ended less republican then the national by a decent or signficant margin compared to 2012 which may be good for the democrats in the future.



For the first time, a U.S. state has elected an openly LGBT governor.

The landmark was reached in Oregon, where the Associated Press projects that Kate Brown has won the gubernatorial election.

Brown was the incumbent in her race — but running for election for the first time.


Brown was not the first LGBT person to serve as a governor — former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey came out as gay in 2004 and resigned months later. But she has now become the first openly LGBT person to win a gubernatorial election.

She spoke to the Washington Blade last month about what her victory would mean.

"You can't be what you can't see," she said. "If I can be a role model for one young person that decides that their life is worth living because there's someone like them in the world, it's worth it."
Podesta delivering concession speech?

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Dan MericaVerified account
John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chair, just left the Peninsula hotel. Asked if HRC was headed over, he said, "No. I'm headed over."

Uh... wtf.


This has literally been the worst case outcome for the Democrats tonight. We've lost every senate seat sans Nevada and Illinois (New Hampshire looks like Ayotte is going to hang on), massively depressed turnout, and major gubernatorial pickups and holds.

Like holy shit did we fuck this up. Like majorly.
Clinton used the word 'Deplorables'.
Clinton didn't connect to the worker class.

Trumps supporters embraced teh Deplorable moniker. This CNN person is right. Clinton only empowered these people.

Fuck, I don't know who to believe. I don't know. This fucking system has failed me. It has failed my country. My mother wonders why I was on edge tonight while she's trying to continue her own little shit. Fuck me.
Not sure?

"Well, guys, I'm going to prison and may possibly be executed because I sent emails and don't have a penis, so go suck my clit and enjoy your retirement going in flames."

It has to be a horrible feeling. Work all your life, be someone of the people, and get taken out because of bullshit emails and racists.


y'all what if we just lowkey ignored what Trump says and just continue to listen to what Barack Obama says for the next 4 years...

People have been through this so many times. If racism was all it needed, why didn't Gingrich win? Why didn't Buchanan? Why has it taken 50 years to work out all you need to do is be racist? If that was the magic key, it would have been done long before this. These people have turned to racism and hatred as a solution to their problems - problems Democrats refused to address. That's the explanation.

None of them were as outwardly racism as Trump.

What do you mean problems Democrats have refused to address? THEY HAVE.

It's called minimum wage, health care reform, fairer tax policy, more social safety nets, etc.

The problem is at every turn they've been turned back by Republicans.

Republicans have literally HALTED THE GOVERNMENT for six years, blamed the Democrats, with a media that cared more about ratings than reality, and allowed racism/sexism to take hold.

What could Democrats have done? Tell me, please. What would have stopped these people from doing what they did today in this political climate.

The truth of the matter is the GOP discovered something. They can break gov't and reap ALL THE FUCKING REWARDS by doing it because our electorate is filled with bigots and idiots.

You cannot do anything to overcome this; just wait it out til they die.


This has literally been the worst case outcome for the Democrats tonight. We've lost every senate seat sans Nevada and Illinois (New Hampshire looks like Ayotte is going to hang on), massively depressed turnout, and major gubernatorial pickups and holds.

Like holy shit did we fuck this up. Like majorly.
Pray for backlash elections in 2/4 years.
I blame this solely on the media spending the last year and half making the email non-story seem more nefarious than Trump wanting to deport 11 million immigrants. More nefarious than his constant denigration of Muslims. More nefarious than sexual assault. More nefarious than the constant deligitimization of our sitting president. More nefarious than calling a hit on and threatening to jail a political opponent. More nefarious than the head of the FBI purposefully acting to influence the election.

The email story should have been dropped months ago. There was literally NOTHING there. But emails made Hillary Clinton more evil than Donald Trump. Our media is an absolute disgrace.

You can disagree, I don't care. I know where I'm personally assigning blame.

Why not blame your shitty fucking candidate?


Clinton used the word 'Deplorables'.
Clinton didn't connect to the worker class.

Trumps supporters embraced teh Deplorable moniker. This CNN person is right. Clinton only empowered these people.

Fuck, I don't know who to believe. I don't know. This fucking system has failed me. It has failed my country. My mother wonders why I was on edge tonight while she's trying to continue her own little shit. Fuck me.

we all thought things were not headed this way. there was no way to assume it would. all evidence pointed that clinton would win. this is a new 'southern strategy' and it's far more terrifying than the last.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Pray for backlash elections in 2/4 years.

Not going to matter. Not going to fucking matter. Backlask waves literally are not going to be able to overcome all of the voter suppression that's going to steamroll forward now that the GOP is unchained

We are fucked for at least a decade. Probably more

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The biggest failure of news media?

The idea that the USA was somehow in some form of crisis. It is doing fantastically in spite of congressional and senate-level intransigence. The democrats have helped people.

Also, emails.


I don't blame Hillary one bit.

She's been strong through 3 decades of this shit.

She carried the hope of a better America on her shoulders in this election, and was rebuked by the worst of America. Everyone has to break at some point.

I hope she's OK.


Trump wins PA - unreal. I was even skeptical when I posted that PA was in danger, I didn't want to believe earlier in the day after that registration breakout. The rurals crushed us and massive underperformance in key counties. What a sad night for the planet.


I guess that's that.
I never, ever thought -- even when WI first started to slip away -- that PA would follow suit.
Like, seriously, as a Pennsylvanian I am just in a state of disbelief.
I am not sure how fast Dems will be able to bounce back from this election, and it was so god damn important.
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