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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I'm brown, I have a Muslim name, I live in GA. There is no one in office above who I can trust will stand up for me. I have to worry about my safety just going out now. I have to worry about my family's safety. I feel like the enemy now.


Obama is fucking +6 right now and his antithesis won

Nothing makes sense at all.

Like I said, I don't think Obama's approval has anything to do with it. He's a great President and the country largely loves him.

People weren't voting necessarily for Trump or Johnson/Stein/whoever. They were voting against Clinton. Everyone knew she was unpopular, but nobody expected it to fuel this kind of turnout against her. Nowhere does this prove itself more than the disparity between Obama's popularity and Clinton's turnout.
It's starting to look like the story of 21st century democracies is functional collapse in the face of technological unemployment that cannot be solved by the sporadic and susceptible whims of the masses. Real solutions to these problems arguably require more autocratic methods and China/Russia may be best poised as leaders in the world to come through their authoritarian structures.
What the fuck is this shit? I'm not selling bootstraps. I wanted Clinton to win - because she was better for the poor, minorities, women, the LGBT community, everyone we ought to care about. I'm just pointing out why she didn't win, and what can be done to make sure this doesn't happen again - precisely for the poor, minorities, women, the LGBT community. And this makes me a disgusting person? Fuck me, if this is how you treat your side, little wonder you couldn't make any headway with the other side.

That kind of vitriolic high-horsing is exactly what propelled Trump to victory. White people saw that the country was not just changing, but changing in such a way as to cast them as the villains in the minds of the future. With the lives they envisioned for themselves taken away, and that weighing on them, is it any wonder they felt backed into a corner and lashed back?


There's going to be soooooooooooooo much pressure on the few moderate R senators to not cast the deciding votes on things that they know will destroy the country.So millions of people probably thought it was in the bag and stayed home. Lovely.

yep. this has all the makings of the sort of thing you'd see at midterms. florida, north carolina, pa, wi, mi, nh, and az all should have happened with ease.
its not 'anymore'. Its just this election. A massive rural white turnout isn't the new normal until it becomes a trend.

I'm sure once Paul Ryan eliminates unemployment insurance and a trade war with China sends into a massive recession and Ryan refuses to pass a stimulus bill, rural whites will surely come out again.

It's terrifying how stupid Ryan is economically.


Unconfirmed Member
How about actual economic populism.

Regardless of all the other factors, Trump is the first Republican candidate in 50 years to suggest policies that could even be considered populism. Railing against trade deals, building up infrastructure, against Washington, etc..

Trump didn't win just because of an appeal to racism. Hillary flopped on states and with voters even Obama won easily because he actually reached out and appealed to the white working class voters Hillary did not connect with at all.

We need a candidate with actual authenticity that really puts forward their economic ideas first and foremost.


I remember on the leaked tape where she talked about bernie supporters, she also talked about how she could not in good concious promise what is not politically possible. While admirable, I think this was her absolute biggest mistake.

People don't give a crap about half measures and complicated legislation full of compromises. Nor do they care about simply talking about the problem and promising to fix it. People care about easily digestable stuff they think will actually affect their lives, even if it's practically a lie to promise they can get that done. Trump and Sanders had that, but Clinton certainly did not.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If nothing else, I hope this result forces many of you guys to think a little more realistically about the flaws of any future candidate you support. During this whole election cycle, there was an excessive amount of hubris about Clinton as a candidate within contingents of PoliGAF. The negative attacks that had been thrown at her for years had a real effect, and it was foolish for many of you to deny that.

Understand your psychological biases and try to learn to correct for them.

I say this as somebody who voted for Clinton in the general without a second of hesitation.
That sounds like big bold lies to me.

Believe me. I'm not going to raise your taxes.

I have a plan... the best plan. To raise your incomes. You see. They will be the best incomes. And the best part... You won't have to pay any additional taxes. Infact I'm gonna cut your taxes.

See easy.
So I guess Bernie Sanders has become the de-facto leader of the Democratic Party?

I don't see how the Dems will want to continue to associate the party with the Clinton brand. Toxic from
now on.
That kind of vitriolic high-horsing is exactly what propelled Trump to victory. White people saw that the country was not just changing, but changing in such a way as to cast them as the villains in the minds of the future. With the lives they envisioned for themselves taken away, and that weighing on them, is it any wonder they felt backed into a corner and lashed back?

Yes, actually, I'm a white person and I never felt that for a damn moment. Stop excusing these idiots for voting for this monster.
Despite being warned for months and months that staying home could well mean a Trump win, this'll be the difference of a few hundred thousand Obama Coalition voters in a few states not voting. Ugh.


Hillary may have been the better candidate, but I'm beginning to question all of the conventional wisdom that indicated she was winning handily and that cautious centrism was the way to go.


i really didn't know there were so many racist/sexist/xenophobic white people around these days. this result is startling exactly for that reason.

The thing is, as anyone who has grown up in rural America knows, rural white Americans' political views are fucking terrifying. Trump's rhetoric, which we collectively flip out over in progressive bastions like NeoGaf, are pretty coastal establishment in comparison. We just didn't realize just how many there still were in rural America, and just how mobilized they would be when someone finally started speaking something vaguely like their language.


I guess the best hope now is that the GOP tries to undermine him in favor of "the devil you know" and there's enough disillusion for some heavy swings in midterms and re-election. Though I half suspect the American electorate follows a stupidly predictable pattern that doesn't actually care much for who the candidates actually are, given the keys to the White House model panned out afterall.
So... MSNBC reporting that Trump team has focused on:
—Rudy as AG.
—Newt as Sec. of State.
—Reince as chief of staff.
—Corey as RNC chief.

We are going to have to come to terms with the fact that NAFTA-opposing, single-payer-supporting, Iraq-War-opposing, classic New Dealer Russ Feingold not only got beat by a guy who thinks Social Security is a Ponzi scheme -- he also ran BEHIND Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. This wave of rural whites doesn't give a shit about the New Deal at all.
Ann Coulter just tweeted out that the last time the GOP controlled the presidency, the Senate, and the House was 1928.

...... This is a terrible thing to remind people of.

We are going to have to come to terms with the fact that NAFTA-opposing, single-payer-supporting, Iraq-War-opposing, classic New Dealer Russ Feingold not only got beat by a guy who thinks Social Security is a Ponzi scheme -- he also ran BEHIND Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. This wave of rural whites doesn't give a shit about the New Deal at all.

Right, Russ Feingold losing badly to Ron Johnson does not fit at all with the Socialist narrative right now. Feingold is wildly pro-worker, Johnson wildly anti-worker and... Johnson outran Trump.


So I guess Bernie Sanders has become the de-facto leader of the Democratic Party?

I don't see how the Dems will want to continue to associate the party with the Clinton brand. Toxic from
now on.

I think the Clinton brand is done in the Democratic party, and that's fine, they had a good run. I don't know who the fuck we rally behind now though. Our Party Elders are all strongly associated with the Clinton's in some way shape or form.

I think Sanders is too old to run again. We do have some rising stars like Booker, but I'm not quite sure they're ready yet.


Hillary may have been the better candidate, but I'm beginning to question all of the conventional wisdom that indicated she was winning handily and that cautious centrism was the way to go.


I'm questioning everything right now. Reality has been shattered for PoliGAF.


I know I'm edging into Trump land right now, but is there a way that there could have been some shady dealings here? I still can't come up with an explanation for all this. There is no reason trump should have won by this much

What's the explanation here?
So what I'm taking from this election is a lot of white people want the power they once had back. Many see equality as bad for them. They feel as if they are the under attack. This win has less to do with Hillary or government. But more to do with BLM and the underling racial tensions that are still a major reality in this country. Trump was just the right catalyst to flam the fires in a way to galvanize this white vote


My wife and I both feel totally sick

I can't believe this, I am devastated.

Trumps crowd is a sea of white. Every minority is going to know the racist, sexist, xenophobic rural white vote came out and put trump over the top of a coalition of all races in America for Hillary...
Yes, actually, I'm a white person and I never felt that for a damn moment. Stop excusing these idiots for voting for this monster.

You probably have a college degree and a job though.

Or at least live in an urban area that isn't rusting away.

I mean yeah a lot of it is racism, but some of these places surging for Trump straight up look like a different, much less developed country.
Despite being warned for months and months that staying home could well mean a Trump win, this'll be the difference of a few hundred thousand Obama Coalition voters in a few states not voting. Ugh.

"Both are the same". Which was the message Trump camp was pushing and it worked. They weren't the fucking same and these idiots fell for it.


Hillary may have been the better candidate, but I'm beginning to question all of the conventional wisdom that indicated she was winning handily and that cautious centrism was the way to go.

I wish I could see internal numbers... did they suggest this was possible or was there no data suggesting it at all? I'm so lost


Diablos was right.

We have activated the darkest timeline. Hillary, Y2Kev and Shira aren't true prophets.

Eh. I thought she was going to win too.

At 8PM I was worried about the Senate, not the Presidency.

American voters definitely deserve some blame given that Hillary basically ran as Obama's third term and they give him high marks in the polls... but Hillary also deserves some blame for not being able to get out the vote where they desperately needed it.

All these years, everything Obama accomplished... it's just crazy...


I'm not giving up my ideals. Ideals instilled in me from this country and from my parents who raised me as a patriot. I will never concede that all men are created equal. I will never concede that we have inalienable rights under the constitution.

Middle ground? Fuck that. I will never give up those ideals to meet in the middle with xenophobic racists. It's just not going to happen.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think the Clinton brand is done in the Democratic party, and that's fine, they had a good run. I don't know who the fuck we rally behind now though. Our Party Elders are all strongly associated with the Clinton's in some way shape or form.

I think Sanders is too old to run again. We do have some rising stars like Booker, but I'm not quite sure they're ready yet.

If the Democrats run Booker, they have learnt absolutely nothing.
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