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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I know I'm edging into Trump land right now, but is there a way that there could have been some shady dealings here? I still can't come up with an explanation for all this. There is no reason trump should have won by this much...

Obama coalition didn't fully turn out and the white rural voters came out in droves. Clinton was unpopular with her base and Trump was popular with his. Nothing illegal had to happen, just the worst timeline.
Hillary may have been the better candidate, but I'm beginning to question all of the conventional wisdom that indicated she was winning handily and that cautious centrism was the way to go.

A lot of people need to eat crow on that. Bernie had a better pulse on the people.


Who, then, can lead the Dems now? Clinton just won't. I feel horrible sad for her, but she has really transform the Clinton brand into something democrats won't want to associate with in further elections.
It's gonna fall to Obama and Biden.

Angry Fork

Says a lot about the voters, now doesn't it?

Many trump voters hated transnational trade deals and corrupt elite's who created rules that would benefit them instead of ordinary people. They opted against the candidate who they perceived as a personification of those problems. What is this supposed to say about them other than they're voting their own interests?

republicans treat their side that steps out of line all the time

why not try republican strats for one and possibly win in the future.

A lot of liberals are pussies too concerned with being civil and nice than defeating a real enemy. The right is winning because they do not respect institutions which don't benefit them, they're willing to subvert or break them when necessary to achieve their ends. Liberals act like this is heresy then wonder why they lose.

Supposedly getting all these great liberal policies in place would be a great idea, but only do it the way our constitution?? says or you're a bad guy. There were people here including myself who argued the left needs its own tea party and should start holding its politicians accountable to leftist positions, purging ones that are shitty. Everyone kept saying that would lead to unelectability, but here we are.
Hillary may have been the better candidate, but I'm beginning to question all of the conventional wisdom that indicated she was winning handily and that cautious centrism was the way to go.

Looking at the result the answer is that it obviously was not and every single one of us on here has a part to blame for being so astoundingly wrong on every single level for how we approached this primary.
Who, then, can lead the Dems now? Clinton just won't. I feel horrible sad for her, but she has really transform the Clinton brand into something democrats won't want to associate with in further elections.
Clintonism is absolutely dead. Both of them need to go away.


So I guess Bernie Sanders has become the de-facto leader of the Democratic Party?

I don't see how the Dems will want to continue to associate the party with the Clinton brand. Toxic from
now on.
He left the party.

Its probably going to end up being Warren or anyone who has Obama and Biden's blessing.


Who, then, can lead the Dems now? Clinton just won't. I feel horrible sad for her, but she has really transform the Clinton brand into something democrats won't want to associate with in further elections.
Which is crazy if you think about it. Everyone loved Bill.
As for who leads the Dems now... I dunno, Obama? LOL. Like I said earlier in this thread, Dems did very little to allow for new rising stars in the party since Obama became President. They need to work on that.


No Scrubs
So she over performed in Florida and many other swing states...but under performed in multiple blue states. Guess we might have to reconsider arguments about her being the worst dem candidate to run this year.

That's madness.

Well, I do admit I was worried about realignment not happening at an even pace between the two parties. Looks like that momentary worry was more founded than we all realized. We're in the middle of an electoral college realignment, only we found ourselves on the losing side.
I'm not giving up my ideals. Ideals instilled in me from this country and from my parents who raised me as a patriot. I will never concede that all men are created equal. I will never concede that we have inalienable rights under the constitution.

Middle ground? Fuck that. I will never give up those ideals to meet in the middle with xenophobic racists. It's just not going to happen.

you're gonna have to

what happened tonight

is that all the racist people, all the 'invisible' voters came out to vote for trump. They outnumber us. They will continue outnumbering us. Even black people and mexican people voted for trump despite what he said. fingers feel light now. race traitors against dems. we have to reach across the aisle cause we ain't winning any other way. obama had a troubled presidency because of republican obstruction. clinton was the last presiden who kinda did ok?

it's fucking horrific. You can try to keep your morals, the truth is those morals mean shit against the majority.


Won't stop picking the right nation

I remember on the leaked tape where she talked about bernie supporters, she also talked about how she could not in good concious promise what is not politically possible. While admirable, I think this was her absolute biggest mistake.

People don't give a crap about half measures and complicated legislation full of compromises. Nor do they care about simply talking about the problem and promising to fix it. People care about easily digestable stuff they think will actually affect their lives, even if it's practically a lie to promise they can get that done. Trump and Sanders had that, but Clinton certainly did not.
I'm not sure about that. Clinton was discussing her plan (possibly the most progressive plan in American history) as if there were no legislative obstacles. There's no way she would have been able to get a massive infrastructure plan, college affordability, immigration reform, etc through a Republican House, yet she kept saying that we're going to do it as if she could cajole legislators. I don't think promising an even more progressive platform was the solution here, because only a small segment of the population actually wants a single payer system, etc. Obama won twice and his policies weren't all that much more expansive, perhaps even less so. It's possible though that Clinton just wasn't the person who could sell them.
Yes, actually, I'm a white person and I never felt that for a damn moment. Stop excusing these idiots for voting for this monster.

I'm white, and neither did I. These people are assholes. But this is now a facet of history, and moral judgment is rarely a useful lens through which to view history nor historical actors. Something makes this compelling to people, and unless you can find a way to tie melanin deficiency to evilness, you'd better get to understanding it if you want to avoid being blindsided like this.


Wouldn't be enough. This election proved the Obama coalition isn't enough to win anymore. Her campaign hit their turnout goals and still lost. This is more than just the candidate.

I feel like I am reading conflicting information. I am hearing stuff that the Obama coalition was behind her and she won areas that Obama won by even more, but then I read that the overall voter turnout is the worst it has been since 2000. Seems contractirory.

If the latter is true, I am not as pessimistic about the future of the Democratic party. We just need a more inspiring candidate.


That's madness.

Well, I do admit I was worried about realignment not happening at an even pace between the two parties. Looks like that momentary worry was more founded than we all realized. We're in the middle of an electoral college realignment, only we found ourselves on the losing side.
I don't think anyone thought the rust belt would fade this fast.

Honestly though this is the lowest turnout since 2000. I think the rust belt is still winnable in a better environment with better candidates.


I think the Clinton brand is done in the Democratic party, and that's fine, they had a good run. I don't know who the fuck we rally behind now though. Our Party Elders are all strongly associated with the Clinton's in some way shape or form.

I think Sanders is too old to run again. We do have some rising stars like Booker, but I'm not quite sure they're ready yet.

I don't think it really matters who is popular right now. Whoever wins the nomination will have the chance to get popular and get people energized throughout a long long presidential campaign. I mean, if Trump proved anything, it was this.

The shallow democratic bench idea seems like a load of nonsense to me. Republicans had a deep bench and they voted for fucking Trump.


Which is crazy if you think about it. Everyone loved Bill.
As for who leads the Dems now... I dunno, Obama? LOL. Like I said earlier in this thread, Dems did very little to allow for new rising stars in the party since Obama became President. They need to work on that.

Bill threw away A LOT of his goodwill in '08 against Obama. He made some really shitty comments and brought race into it. He hasn't fully recovered since then, although he's still fairly popular in the party.

He's had heart surgery and isn't really his old self. I was younger when he ran in the 90's, but the guy was a fucking rockstar. Witty, really clever and charming as hell. Basically Obama.
You probably have a college degree and a job though.

Or at least live in an urban area that isn't rusting away.

I mean yeah a lot of it is racism, but some of these places surging for Trump straight up look like a different, much less developed country.

I live in a small town in Maine, so I know first hand what you're describing, and I also know first hand just how many people supporting Trump aren't hurting economically, and instead simply love his garbage rhetoric. It's all over the damn place. In my personal experience, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I'm so depressed right now, I just can't see it. I just need some time I guess.

Hell, if the economy gets fucked hard enough under Trump, it's pretty much guaranteed a Dem will take over in the election after, so long as said Dem gets the pitch right. It's just gonna be an excruciating journey to that point.
It's gross that turnout is so tied to charisma. That's not a good way to run a country.

welcome to the world

where your political affiliation is like a football team

you always go for your football team when they're losers

you always go for it

fuck this world fuck it all
Worst part is, this is why the Presidency was supposed to be so weak.

This is why it was supposed to be up to electors, not the general public.

Now that so many immigrants are going to be deported and Obamacare is going to be repealed, it's easy in hindsight to say Obama should have used the super majority on amnesty instead of Obamacare.


I know that you shouldn't vote based on looks, gender, or race.

But this makes me wonder how far we are from a female president. Hillary wasn't perfect and had her typical skeletons in the closet. But after 30+ years of public service I really thought she deserved it. I'm kind of sadden by it all. I voted for Hillary because she was the far better candidate, but in my heart I was thinking it would've been incredible to have the first black president and female president be back to back.

Congrats to Trump and his supporters.
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