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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This. Is. Not. Happening.

They are block voting against the advancement of minorities. They are not going to suddenly block vote with you.

But they will! You just have to get them to understand what policies you are fighting for!!!1

But, those policies will benefit minorities? Fuck


Love seeing the Trump supporters bring up Wikileaks "aka the Jews did it" in OT as a force for good.

Dark times ahead. Shades of Harding's "normalcy" come to mind.
The new deal coalition is what I described, it's not impossible. It only requires a democratic party that would defend the working class on a universal basis against big business and corruption. It's really not hard at all to at least try but the dem party is so shit it can't do anything right.
The New Deal coalition fell apart as soon as LBJ signed the civil rights act.

We're just plain ol' fucked.
I just can't get over Obama having such a high approval rating and people just not caring. But yes climate change is the real victim here. We are on the cusp of going irreversibly down the path of destruction


I'm sorry, the establishment Democrats lost to Donald Trump. That's pretty damning.

We have no bench. We have no one coming in the horizon to save us.

Let the Bernie bro wing of the party have its shot in 2020. If it works, well then... if it doesn't, we can go back to the old playbook. Either way, we'll be more unified as a result.

As technically a Bernie Bro, if Dems go into 2020 thinking that this election had anything to do with the politics of social class and not with the politics of racial identity then we are completely fucked. The idea that we lost this election because we didn't nominate someone who was sufficiently socialist against Donald fucking Trump as opposed to someone who could stem the tide of American racism is cosmically stupid.

Kid Heart

People like McCain and Graham are our only hope of that not happening.

So I'm not very confident they won't nuke it.

A SC seat is at stake, plus all the things they've ever wanted as a party, they can get them all in less than 2 years if they nuke it.

I admit to wanting McCain in '08. I've fallen out of love with him since then due to how his act has changed, but I hope for this country's sake that some semblance of his old self is still in their somewhere and ready to buckle down if need be.
And the people voted Trump who isn't really any of those things.

People are dumb. They want dumb pithy points.

Bernie Sanders can provide that easily.

Bernie Sanders is over. He isn't running again. Republicans would have had a field day labeling him as a communist that supported Castro and Russia anyway. Also he kept going on about higher taxes. No chance he would have won.


I don't think impeaching Obama will stop Trump from becoming President.

Har de har har. :p

(Though, yes, I suppose you're right. Impeachment only happens once actual President.)

Posted this in the results thread, but it moves so quickly, figured I'd post it here, too:


So, Hillary will be speaking to her supporters after a night's sleep (presumably).

This can go two ways:

We mustn't give into hate, we must protest in a non-violent manner, and prepare to fight as a grass-roots community, holding close everything we hold dear.


I tried to help you, America. I tried to guide you forward. I tried to make this country and the world a safer place for all of us. But you gave into hate. You gave into lies. And now you are on your own as your lives, your rights and your livelihoods are removed by the person you voted in. But when you are done being robbed in 4 years, the Democrat Party will help you stand up again. But until then, you are lost.

The first is obviously more likely, but fuck me, I'd love the second.

Angry Fork

Trump has normalized what he is preaching.

we've lost the millennials as a progressive generation.

This just isn't true. Bernie got like 90% of us during the primary. We're the ones that organize the counter-demonstrations against Trump's people. We're very left-wing.


Jesus.... CHRIST.

We just elected TRUMP and we are still criticizing BERNIE SANDERS. Do you think a guy like him would appoint right win nut jobs or fuck over minorities like Trump will? What is the point of this?

Are we going to learn anything from this or are we going to double down when we have been thoroughly and astoundingly proven dead wrong this election.
This isn't about Sanders so much as it is this delusional fantasy on the far left that this is about "economic anxiety" and not just straight up racism.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
As technically a Bernie Bro, if Dems go into 2020 thinking that this election had anything to do with the politics of social class and not with the politics of racial identity then we are completely fucked. The idea that we lost this election because we didn't nominate someone who was sufficiently socialist against Donald fucking Trump as opposed to someone who could stem the tide of American racism is cosmically stupid.

This isn't about Sanders so much as it is this delusional fantasy on the far left that this is about "economic anxiety" and not just straight up racism.


drunk as dumbo


I was so hopeful

hopeful mroe than ever beforee. my god. darkest timeline. sorry for drunkr ants poligaf. I'm sorry for you lgbt folk. sorry for women. sorry for minorities like my self. maybe won't be that bad. but that type of compalancye is what ruins liberral party. can't. have to fight.


No Scrubs
As technically a Bernie Bro, if Dems go into 2020 thinking that this election had anything to do with the politics of social class and not with the politics of racial identity then we are completely fucked. The idea that we lost this election because we didn't nominate someone who was sufficiently socialist against Donald fucking Trump as opposed to someone who could stem the tide of American racism is cosmically stupid.

Yup. This wasn't an economic win, it was based on racism. Just look at how Trump's supporter's act and what they say. They're straight up telling us they're racists, why should we not take them at their word?
I think it's just more likely that millenials are still a massively progressive block but that those supporting trump turned out while more stayed home because Hillary


My BFF was really mad that Hillary wouldn't speak to her audience after her loss but I had to agree with him that it wasn't a good look...albeit, I really don't blame her after the shit she has been through out all these years.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

drunk as dumbo


I was so hopeful

hopeful mroe than ever beforee. my god. darkest timeline. sorry for drunkr ants poligaf. I'm sorry for you lgbt folk. sorry for women. sorry for minorities like my self. maybe won't be that bad. but that type of compalancye is what ruins liberral party. can't. have to fight.
I feel stupid for being hopeful

Of course our stupid shitty country can't get this one fucking thing right

We deserve everything

Fuck America
This just isn't true. Bernie got like 90% of us during the primary. We're the ones that organize the counter-demonstrations against Trump's people. We're very left-wing.
90% of the Dem voters

Overall milennials didn't vote overwhelmingly against Trump and that's frightening


No Scrubs
My BFF was really mad that Hillary wouldn't speak to her audience after her loss but I had to agree with him that it wasn't a good look...albeit, I really don't blame her after the shit she has been through out all these years.

Given how important this speech is going to wind up being, I can't blame her for wanting to make sure it's perfect and heard by as many people as possible.

So how much can we rely on state legislatures to protect us from National level fuckery? Speaking as someone from Massachusetts.

Not a whole lot. Supremacy clause and all of that.


I wonder how some groups within the republican party will handle trump at this point like the Mormons.I don't think some republicans at this point are to happy about trump winning this election.
3 quarters of 750 ml vodka bottle almost drunk

countr is failrue

my goodness

pence is horrible, hpe pence doesn' tmake decision

hurts so much. hurts. hurst. trump please be more liberal. please your comment of 'run republican' be ture. progress cannot be lost.


Well, lets see how long it takes for the GOP to fuck things up again. We gave them a surplus in 2000 and a booming economy and they turned it into a 4 trillion dollar debt, a global recession, and two ground wars in 8 years.



After everything he's done, after all of the horrible, evil shit he's done, we rewarded him. After all the hate and ignorance, we elected him. I just don't know what country I'm living in right now. I don't envy you having to explain all of this.

I'm probably going to keep it simple: White people, and white men in particular, are mostly (but not entirely) very racist and sexist. So they rejected a well qualified woman and elected an avidly racist white man who appealed to them.

We'll have lots of conversations that stem from it. But that's the foundation. Just the cold hard reality of the situation.

Man. Zootopia called this shit back in spring. Fear always works.


Okay. I've done my best over a very long time on PoliGAF to persuade you of this, and I doubt there's much more I can do. So you tell me. I'm listening. What do we do now if we want protection for minorities? How do we achieve that?

So, I mean, Hillary won the popular vote. I'll take the L, I was wrong -- the electoral college needs to be dismantled immediately. If the elections are going to be urban versus rural it's time to change all the rules so that they don't privilege rural voters -- which were literally set up this was originally to protect white nationalism!

In the general case, though, as I said, I am unconvinced that there is a peaceful solution. I don't acknowledge the right of white supremacists to rule over me -- the Declaration of Independence tells me not to. They clearly don't acknowledge the right of people who believe in equality to rule over them -- they've been calling Democratic presidencies illegitimate since the Civil Rights Act. It's not accidental!

Why do you assume there is a way for me to live in a peaceful democracy alongside people who literally take it as a tenet that our peaceful democracy is a conspiracy created by the Jews to stop them from killing me as nature intended?

We are two countries -- Hamilton's America and Jefferson's America; Lincoln's America and Davis's America. Maybe we should stop trying to force them into one republic.
Real talk: Do the Democrats have anyone for 2020?

It looks like the party is done.

If you told me I would be reading a post like this 10 hours ago, i would have called you crazy. Dems went from a lock in the whitehouse and a good decent shot in the senate to No senate, no congress, and no presidency. What a crazy election


This isn't about Sanders so much as it is this delusional fantasy on the far left that this is about "economic anxiety" and not just straight up racism.
How is it delusion?

Trump has galvanized that white rural vote into blaming foreign countries and minorities for their woes. You could steer some of them into blaming the rich and wall street instead of where Trump has taken them.

It might just be primarily racism and xenophobia and perhaps even nothing we can do about that. But we must at least try to give a more peaceful outlet for their woes like the ideals Bernie held.

Because otherwise we're looking at a facist taking power solely on the back of racist and xenophobic ideals.

The cure for which, throughout history, has only ever been conflict and death.


Well, lets see how long it takes for the GOP to fuck things up again. We gave them a surplus in 2000 and a booming economy and they turned it into a 4 trillion dollar debt, a global recession, and two ground wars in 8 years.


I hate to say this but I'm not sure how republicans will be able to handle trump for 4 years right now. They may be partying now, but they won't be on a high forever.


I'd die laughing if Trump flipped, and came out as liberal on a couple of issues. So unlikely as to be impossible, but he's surely got to realise he's creating as big a rift as North v South, pre-Civil War?
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