So, I mean, Hillary won the popular vote. I'll take the L, I was wrong -- the electoral college needs to be dismantled immediately. If the elections are going to be urban versus rural it's time to change all the rules so that they don't privilege rural voters -- which were literally set up this was originally to protect white nationalism!
In the general case, though, as I said, I am unconvinced that there is a peaceful solution. I don't acknowledge the right of white supremacists to rule over me -- the Declaration of Independence tells me not to. They clearly don't acknowledge the right of people who believe in equality to rule over them -- they've been calling Democratic presidencies illegitimate since the Civil Rights Act. It's not accidental!
Why do you assume there is a way for me to live in a peaceful democracy alongside people who literally take it as a tenet that our peaceful democracy is a conspiracy created by the Jews to stop them from killing me as nature intended?
We are two countries -- Hamilton's America and Jefferson's America; Lincoln's America and Davis's America. Maybe we should stop trying to force them into one republic.