Black Republican
looking at iowa final results, wow still cant believe she lost that one atleast
I don't think I've heard one positive thing said about Hillary since the race was lost.
A few hours ago I'd say Republicans trying to repeal gay marriage or roe v. Wade would cannibalize their chances in 2018 and 2020
Now I'm facing the possibility that not only will they try, not only will they succeed, but that the majority of America will support them in doing so
I want this nightmare to be over
I don't think I've heard one positive thing said about Hillary since the race was lost.
Doubt we'll see another female candidate for a long time. That sucks.
I still think she would've been a good president. I think she would've gotten more done than Obama even with all the obstructionists. And again, I preface this as someone who voted for Bernie. I rallied behind Clinton because I knew she could get the job done, but that could just be my naivete.I don't think I've heard one positive thing said about Hillary since the race was lost.
I personally doubt this, it was close. It's not like the Mondale/Ferraro sweep at all.
Here, I'll do it.
I know a lot of the other people of color on this board are pointing out the racism angle, but I'll point out the sexism one. Hillary Clinton ran an excellent campaign and was an awesome candidate, but in order to get anyone to vote for a woman, that woman has to be perfect, unassailable, so pure that no one could even get fake scandals on them. That's the sexism rooted deep in our country. Like other groups dealing with oppression, we work twice as hard for half as much.
Fuck that as much as the white nationalism.
You can believe in democracy without believing in the legitimacy of an elected fascist.
Here, I'll do it.
I know a lot of the other people of color on this board are pointing out the racism angle, but I'll point out the sexism one. Hillary Clinton ran an excellent campaign and was an awesome candidate, but in order to get anyone to vote for a woman, that woman has to be perfect, unassailable, so pure that no one could even get fake scandals on them. That's the sexism rooted deep in our country. Like other groups dealing with oppression, we work twice as hard for half as much.
Fuck that as much as the white nationalism.
This is the ultimate revenge story. He mocks Obama and is the starter of the birther movement. Got mocked by Obama at the press state dinner and had to sit through it. Now he gets to replace Obama in the White House and delete his legacy.
Despite losing this election hilary is on track to do as well as obama did in CA in 2008 and 2012 in terms of share of the popular vote and on track to have a PV margin 5% higher than obama probably.
96% reporting
Donald Trump
Republican Party
Hillary Clinton
Democratic Party
Democracy is a flawed institution, Plato knew this. He cautioned against giving ignorant people the right to vote, correctly prognosticating the likes Trump.
Most Americans can't name the three branches of government or who their senators are...
Where are you getting this from? So far Google is showing this:
Where are you getting this from? So far Google is showing this:
There was nothing we could have done to stop this. That's the worst part.
Absolutely amazed, what an epic fail of data from pollsters and forecasters.
Nevertheless, still baffled by the margin in some states. He fucking won PA?
Looks like turnout is down, lowest since 2000.
Sill need to process this.
Voting for Donald Trump was clearly == picking your nose and sticking the boogers under your seat.
Everyone does it, no one wanted to admit it.
Someone please tell me it's going to be okay. Please.
Someone please tell me it's going to be okay. Please.
Voting for Donald Trump was clearly == picking your nose and sticking the boogers under your seat.
Everyone does it, no one wanted to admit it.
What happens to betting websites that already paid out for wins on Clinton? Do they get their money back?
I'm not talking about nationally. I'm talking about Califorina. Her victory margin will be closer to 28% there when all votes are counted.
He means in California specifically. The forecasters do say that Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.1%, though - so the polling error was about 2.4% on national polls, which is... pretty normal, to be honest. That's better than 2012's national error.
The real failing was state polls.
Donald is more Democrat than Republican.
If the GOP wasn't able to strongarm him in primaries, they are not going to be able to strongarm him as President.
For example, I HIGHLY doubt that a Donald administration pushes an anti LGBT agenda.
We'll see, though.
Someone please tell me it's going to be okay. Please.
My single biggest fear right now is not that he's going to make a domestic or foreign relations disaster, since that's still something we can recover from.We'll survive
Disgusted. Jesus christ white people.
I see adam387 has deleted his account. Anyone know him/talk to him outside this forum? Hope he's okay.