Isaac Otherworld
no, the red flags were Trump doing as well as he did in the primaries...
Bernie's loss was routine. This Bernie stuff doesn't make sense to me at all.
Then again, this election came from seemingly nowhere so I'm not the best judge, obviously. None of us are, I suppose.
Bernie went from someone only political junkies like us were aware of to someone who got 46% of the primary vote against one of the most well known politicians in our lifetime who had the party apparatus actively helping her by leaking her debate questions. That doesn't even cover the media and how it framed the democratic primaries. I remember one debate / townhall where Coumo was screaming, redfaced at Bernie crying "WHY DO YOU WANT TO PUNISH THE RICH" for four questions straight. While Hillary got four questions in a row about how many endorsements she's recently gotten and why does Obama love her so much more than Bernie.
I'm only being slightly hyperbolic.
People are angry and have been for some time, left and right. The wounds of the 2008 financial crash never healed. People hate all the billionaires that profited off it while they languished. People hate the donor class directly shaping policy and the politicians left and right that kiss up to these people. They hate the cocktail parties where people hang around saying "Indubitably" at each other for hours on end and they hate everyone in it. Of course the person most tied to that was going to lose.