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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Trump beats Hillary
Obama beats Romney
Obama beats McCain
W. beat Kerry
W. beats Gore
Clinton beats Dole
Clinton beats H.W.

What does every single one of these have in common? The winner was 100%, without a doubt, more charismatic than their opponent. Every single election. Are we sure policies even matter anymore?

At this point no. Americans clearly don't vote based on policy or facts. They vote based on perception and "feelings". I don't know who the dems run in 2020 honestly.

I hate to say this, but right now the only thing I think sinks Trump and the GOP in 2020 is another recession or another major war.
Trump beats Hillary
Obama beats Romney
Obama beats McCain
W. beat Kerry
W. beats Gore
Clinton beats Dole
Clinton beats H.W.

What does every single one of these have in common? The winner was 100%, without a doubt, more charismatic than their opponent. Every single election. Are we sure policies even matter anymore?

They don't.

At this point H.W. is an anomaly. He's the only one who didn't run on charisma in the modern era to win. And that's because his competition was even more boring.

And honestly, maybe charisma has always mattered more than we'd like to admit. Charismatic presidents greatly outnumber bland one. People like Kennedy, FDR and TR were very charismatic and appealing to the common man (even if all three were ultra rich members of the elite and from wealthy, established families).


I don't know how much it matters. But I think she made the wrong VP pick. She needed to get people of color, young people, etc. exited and she chose an old white guy no one knows.
They don't.

At this point H.W. is an anomaly. He's the only one who didn't run on charisma in the modern era to win. And that's because his competition was even more boring.

And honestly, maybe charisma has always mattered more than we'd like to admit. Charismatic presidents greatly outnumber bland one. People like Kennedy, FDR and TR were very charismatic and appealing to the common man (even if all three were ultra rich members of the elite and from wealthy, established families).

I dunno if Gore or Kerry ran as a charismatic president, but I don't think they were very uncharismatic.


Hassan could pull it out.

I think we're going to get a centrist male Democrat in 2020 who will focus on rural voters. Anti-trade, little mention of social/criminal justice, focus on jobs and infrastructure. Basically Trump without the overt racism.

It's sad, but that might be the thing that we need to salvage the nation. I think we got too big for our britches too quickly; if we had just been a little safer, we could have gotten the Supreme Court and taken baby steps, attacking gerrymandering and the like.
This is true, but it's only true if you take into account 5 million 2012 Obama voters NOT showing up for Hillary.

That, PoliGAF, is not Comey. That's Hillary. She was the perfect candidate for a guy like Trump, and all our months of arrogance and surety in the numbers looks mighty silly when she just fucking failed to do what presidential candidates need to do.

Not comparable. Hillary was hardly as charismatic or as likable as Obama so she was never getting that 5 million but here's the thing: When you aren't as desirable, you have to get what you can and score how you can.
In a tighter race, where the difference is literally 110k votes from the Oval Office, the margins of error are a lot smaller.

So, yes, in that regard, something like Comey's letter can have the effect we saw last night. Without that letter, maybe Trump doesn't bridge the enthusiasm gap and make up that slight difference in returns.

Well, NOW I do.


A) I don't feel like charismatic is a word I'd use to describe Trump but considering I consider him to be offensive on a base level, I don't know if I'd be the right person to ask in that regard?

B) Maybe a stronger push for union rights may be the avenue for the Democrats to pursue? But a lot of that is up to the states and if the Dems don't control that State then what can be done?

Who gives a fuck who runs in 2020? Shit is going to be nigh-on-permanently fucked during the next 4 years anyway.

This is now a question of survival, not victory. Winning in 2020 won't count for shit.
I was still 17 and couldn't vote this election

I feel so shook to my core. I had always planned on voting every two years, for locals, etc. But I swear to god, I can't leave it to chance anymore, I have to get involved, going door to door, everything.

Fuck this is so humiliating as a Muslim-American.


I think we're going to get a centrist male Democrat in 2020 who will focus on rural voters. Anti-trade, little mention of social/criminal justice, focus on jobs and infrastructure. Basically Trump without the overt racism.

I dunno if they have one of those currently in the party. The Democrats have to hope that the trump presidency is a massive clusterfuck, and then they can go "We can clean this up!" with a damn charismatic person.

I mean, Obama is still an amazing orator when he speaks, even after all this time.


Oh there is. He will blame Obama for the problems he creates and the media will not challenge any of it.

I'm somewhat hopeful the media will finally wake the fuck up. For all the soul searching we need to do, their constant willingness to equate emails to the festering heaps of Trump scandals is really the biggest problem with this election.
If policies really really don't matter, like if literally nothing about a political platform matters other than salesmanship, where does that leave democracy?

Well it looks like the GOP figured it out. They control most local governments and congress and now the White House thanks to salesmanship.

Hassan could pull it out.

I think we're going to get a centrist male Democrat in 2020 who will focus on rural voters. Anti-trade, little mention of social/criminal justice, focus on jobs and infrastructure. Basically Trump without the overt racism.

One of Hillary's big mistakes was actually not painting Donald Trump like a regular Republican in economic messaging apart from being anti-trade.


Neo Member
And this is the kind of elitist attitude that costs democrats elections.

Yeah, because it's "elitist" to be opposed to racism.

Like it or not, that's the problem here. Millions--or at least hundreds of thousands--of people are predisposed to believe in empty promises because they inherently are willing to believe that black and brown people are the cause of the problems.

She did destroy Bernie. She trounced him by over 4 million votes.

For that matter, Trump's primary performance trounced him too.

So show me on paper how Bernie would have been better.

Poor white working class? No. Bernie is all entitlements, he's compete welfare state, and according to some in here white folk don't like they because they're too principled or some shit. You're tangling yourself here.

Bernie and Trump would have been fighting over the same coalition of voters, only Trump still comes with the name recognition and overt racism that would have put him over the edge. Oh, then there's the fact that Bernie is a gross disgusting pervert who writes rape fantasies (this is how you KNOW the GOP would sell it), and bam. Now you have the problems with women reproduced.

If there is a lesson the Dems should take, it's not running a dope like Bernie in hopes of winning some white rural. It's the complete opposite:

Do not waste a single fucking second playing for the Republican base. Republicans ALWAYS come home. Always.

Democrats thought a Trump candidacy would expand the map for them. They thought wrong.

Riling up your base. Keeping them engaging. Tossing them red meat. Needs to be priority number 1 for whoever runs next.

Because that's what Republicans do. And that's why their base always comes home.

You are living in fantasy land. Hillary won the nomination because mainstream networks didn't cover anything of Bernie Sanders' substance and yet he still won 22 states. Think about that for the next 4 years before you make the same mistake again.

Bernie had solutions that made sense. He was the best to combat Trump.

Oh, I took a honeymoon in Russia...your campaign is directly being supported by them. How's Manafort doing?

Oh, I spoke of Castro's plight to make Cuba a better nation...you went a step further and tried to do business there illegally.

The baggage Sanders didn't have(Bill) would have put him in the position to combat Trump's grabbing ways.

And so on and so forth. Trump had nothing on Bernie.

Bernie would have raked Trump over climate change, the Iraq war(Clinton loses again in that regard), minimum wage, trickle down economics and so forth. Yeah, Clinton hit those points too but Bernie is grumpy when he speaks and it would have held weight.

If this election was the year of the outsider, you can't get more outsider than the longest serving Independent in history. Clinton is partisan as they come who on many issues was wrong(TPP, Keystone, for private prisons before she eventually turned on that too).

I don't know who else the Democrats have. If Bernie's health is good...hell, let's give it to him. He's proven he can raise a shit ton of money. Maybe those who don't know him will pay attention over the next 4 years to what he does. He's up for reelection in 2018. If he's running for President he should bow out of that race and run full-time for the Presidency. I'm sure he learned a lot from mistakes he made this go around.
Trump beats Hillary
Obama beats Romney
Obama beats McCain
W. beat Kerry
W. beats Gore
Clinton beats Dole
Clinton beats H.W.

What does every single one of these have in common? The winner was 100%, without a doubt, more charismatic than their opponent. Every single election. Are we sure policies even matter anymore?
They don't matter as much, but we of a certain standing like to pretend they do. You have to be a warm face first, otherwise people don't listen to your words and policies.



Hassan could pull it out.

I think we're going to get a centrist male Democrat in 2020 who will focus on rural voters. Anti-trade, little mention of social/criminal justice, focus on jobs and infrastructure. Basically Trump without the overt racism.

Yup. This is how I see it. Many people think dems will go more left. Nope. They are going more to the Center on a few issues. If yall want that rural vote that we'll never get no matter what this is what dems will do. A more economically populist message. Probably very little gun talk etc.


I was still 17 and couldn't vote this election

I feel so shook to my core. I had always planned on voting every two years, for locals, etc. But I swear to god, I can't leave it to chance anymore, I have to get involved, going door to door, everything.

Fuck this is so humiliating as a Muslim-American.
This is what us 26-34yos had to go through that the 18-25s didn't. The chasm this election has been noticeable between those two groups.
I would also like to point out that we're already skipping 2018. MIDTERMS.
Are a referendum on the current Pres.

Well, NOW I do.

I've never wanted W more in my life.

I am actually longing for the days when a distant war in a distant country was the worst thing I had to care about in politics (I was a kid/teenager during Bush)

I just want Obama to give me a hug and tell me things are always darkest before they get better. I need him to be there for us all right now. And for the next 4 years. And forever.


royalan, if you genuinely believe that, you can kiss sweet goodbye to 2020. I mean, I don't even know what to say if you think the answer to Clinton is to run... effectively more Clinton.

No, I don't think the answer was running more Clinton. After last night's results, I can admit this.

If you've followed my posts, you remember me saying this months ago: Politics is performance, and Dems lose up and down the ticket when they forget that.

It's the thing we've been talking around all election. These people:

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Elizabeth Warren

What do they have in common? They understand, on an intrinsic level, that Charisma Matters. It matters more than it should. But it matters. It's why they can grip us with a speech. It's why they can so effortlessly talk about complex politics in a fervor and language that grips even the uninitiated. They're not afraid to speak simply, and in absolutes.

It hurts me to write that, because I adore Hillary Clinton. She's devoted decades of her life to being a public servant, to preparing for this. She's the type of person we SHOULD WANT to be our President.

But the next person we runs needs to have the one thing she admitted she didn't and never had: an affinity for the performance of politics. We need to run performers, and those performances need to be aimed squarely at the Democratic base.
Yup. This is how I see it. Many people think dems will go more left. Nope. They are going more to the Center on a few issues. If yall want that rural vote that we'll never get no matter what this is what dems will do. A more economically populist message. Probably very little gun talk etc.

At this point, I know he has to be white and male for sure.

I think Dems need to get stronger at the local level first.



I would also like to point out that we're already skipping 2018. MIDTERMS.
I mean, I don't think anyone here is holding out hope for midterms. Dems have been horrific at voting in midterms.

Who gives a fuck who runs in 2020? Shit is going to be nigh-on-permanently fucked during the next 4 years anyway.

This is now a question of survival, not victory. Winning in 2020 won't count for shit.
And thinking about 2020 right now is essential. The Dems need to be a hard opposition party now with people to rally behind. We can't take any chances and start thinking about this in 2020. The only thing (besides complete destruction) that is worse than a one term Trump presidency is a two term Trump presidency.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If he's bland, it won't matter.

how about mark cuban

I think the democratic party is going to fight over going further left like UK labour or something. We're going to be in the woods for another 20 years, watch. which is amazing considering how popular obama is.
I would also like to point out that we're already skipping 2018. MIDTERMS.

For me, it's a lot of different factors. For one, the GOP is going to kill the filibuster, and in all likelihood, we are going to lose a couple seats in the Supreme Court more likely. So it makes me fret that even if Americans are upset by the GOP, winning the Senate will not do much. I am definitely going to do more to get people voting in my state in the midterms.
Not comparable. Hillary was hardly as charismatic or as likable as Obama so she was never getting that 5 million but here's the thing: When you aren't as desirable, you have to get what you can and score how you can.
In a tighter race, where the difference is literally 110k votes from the Oval Office, the margins of error are a lot smaller.

So, yes, in that regard, something like Comey's letter can have the effect we saw last night. Without that letter, maybe Trump doesn't bridge the enthusiasm gap and make up that slight difference in returns.

The CNN exit polls showed that most had decided long before the Comey letter what they were going to do.

Trump's base was enthused as fuck, while Clinton's was not.

Clinton was a bad candidate for this electorate. People need to let that sink in, or else 2020 is gonna be the same fucking problem all over again.
Elections democrats historically snooze on.


Like, for fuck's sake. You guys want to know the reason why Dems can only succeed in Presidential years with super charismatic candidates? It's because the Democratic base is looking for a hero. A singular savior, someone to fix all the problems by themselves. The Democratic base needs to be trained to understand that EVERY VOTE MATTERS. EVERY ELECTION MATTERS. Black voters get it, but it's looking like every other part of the coalition is goddamn slow on the uptake.

I mean, I don't think anyone here is holding out hope for midterms. Dems have been horrific at voting in midterms.

And thinking about 2020 right now is essential. The Dems need to be a hard opposition party now with people to rally behind. We can't take any chances and start thinking about this in 2020. The only thing (besides complete destruction) that is worse than a one term Trump presidency is a two term Trump presidency.

As to the first, that's sort of my point.

As to the second, we'll see how it goes. President is a hard fucking job, I could see Trump tapping out after one term.


Yeah, because it's "elitist" to be opposed to racism.

Like it or not, that's the problem here. Millions--or at least hundreds of thousands--of people are predisposed to believe in empty promises because they inherently are willing to believe that black and brown people are the cause of the problems.

Plenty of people have pointed out that she could not reach working white voters and at worst that she seemed to have disdain for them. Comments like those deriding whites who voted for Trump miss the point entirely and shows why she did so poorly.
A) I don't feel like charismatic is a word I'd use to describe Trump but considering I consider him to be offensive on a base level, I don't know if I'd be the right person to ask in that regard?

B) Maybe a stronger push for union rights may be the avenue for the Democrats to pursue? But a lot of that is up to the states and if the Dems don't control that State then what can be done?

Unions are dead. Expect right to work on a national scale.
You know what. I'm cautiously optimistic. There's a tiny sliver of hope in my mind that maybe... it won't be as bad as I think. Maybe under all the bluster and racism and garbage, Trump is actually ready and willing to try and do his best to make the country a better place for everyone.
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