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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Real talk, is there any chance the DNC gets its shit together for the midterms?

Not seeing how that's even remotely possible. The House would require an immense vote surge due to its gerrymandering, and I don't see how the DNC can get that kind of turn out during a mid-term even firing on all cylinders, there's no central message/messenger to rally around.

The Senate would be possible except that the seats up in 2018 are abysmal for the Democrats, there are way more Democrats in Red States up than Republicans in Blue or Marginal.


The climate won't be able to be fixed.


You know those graphs we varying climate scenarios, with differing emissions levels and temperature changes?

The chance that we're going down The Very Bad Line just jumped last night.

The climate won't be able to be fixed.

There are technological fixes, like capturing CO2 to make ethanol, and reducing cattle methane emissions by 99% by feeding them ground up seaweed, that may allow climate change to be halted and reversed even in the absence of substantive government action. And China and India may take the lead even if the US fucks up.


This is the first thing I've smiled about all morning. I think my main (only?) source of political pleasure over the next few years is going to be Trump inevitably reneging on a ton of his campaign promises.

Of course he's going to. He can't realistically pass that shit and no member of the GOP would do it.

It's unfortunate his base who just fucking elected him in won't care. They ate that shit up and no doubt it's going to come to light that he just said all that to get elected.
There are technological fixes, like capturing CO2 to make ethanol, and reducing cattle methane emissions by 99% by feeding them ground up seaweed, that may allow climate change to be halted and reversed even in the absence of substantive government action. And China and India may take the lead even if the US fucks up.

We could try dumping a bunch of Sulphur into the atmosphere as a short-term stabilizer. Acid rain and shit air quality is a small price to pay for dodging the destruction of civilization.
I commit to making every single day of the next four years the worst day of Donald Trump's life.
Fuck that.

Find your local organizers, the local grass roots activists in your neighborhood. Support school board candidates. Maybe run for library board. Find petitions that can win in your state and register people. Support local politicians who are doing the right thing. Support your congressman or find a challenger who represents the left properly. There are a lot of things people can do, things the democrat party has ignored for too long. Trump isn't going anywhere so all we can do is work for change in our communities.

And in 2018 as candidate trial balloons rise and fall...pay attention to who has ties to local activists, organizations, movements, etc. Not just who the NAACP is giving awards to, not just who Planned Parenthood is inviting to dinners, not just who Ezra Klein thinks is really smart. As some of us said months ago Sanders was not wrong about the democrat establishment. The field is open now. Do something with it before other powers do first.

There's a lot of work to be done. Some of it will be online but a lot will be done in communities on the ground. It's going to be hard and won't bear fruit in 2018, maybe not 2020 either. Thie is a process. And it needs to start with a rebuilding of solidarity instead of various factions fighting over perceived slights or placement in the pecking order. After last night we're all in the same boat. Let's work together.
Real talk, Trumps approach to problem solving may make him amenable to solar radiation management if he can be convinced that global warming is worth addressing.

You don't have to use sulfur, you could make reflective nano-particles and achieve the same effect.


she is also a woman and i think women seeking the presidency just got shut down for a generation.

Yup. That's done. Shut it down, white folks aren't having it, and minorities wouldn't be that enthused about it unless it's Michelle. We need to regroup, we need a "Democratic saviour", the kind that we made fun of with Marco Rubio.
1. Blaming Hillary for this loss is crazy. Republicans would have destroyed Bernie's reputation as well. I think he would have higher chance to win but nothing would be guaranteed.
2. Ignorance of average human being on this planet keeps surprising me. How did we get here? How did the same society which invented TV and Internet can be so stupid?
3. Fuck it! Let's see what happens over the next few years. I can't imagine Republicans doing that much damage. The biggest loss is of course Supreme Court...
We need to put together a PoliGAF Pleasure Reading List to get people's minds of the election.

I propose we start a Discworld reading club.
I just remembered the only Discworld I haven't read is the last one Pratchett wrote before he died and that no more are coming and now I'm even sadder.
This loss will demoralize people for awhile I think. I don't think Dems are fired up enough to fight back like the tea party did.

When people lose their health insurance and their Social Security benefits are cut and it's a recession, people are going to get fired up.

The party is about to become far more extreme than I wish it would be, but they're going to be fired up.


You left out the first one!

There won't be another woman candidate for president for a major party in our lifetimes.

I used to tell my daughter she could be anything she wanted.

Hopefully she was too young to remember.
Ah yes, this is true and it FUCKING SUCKS. I always thought racism and sexism were equally bad in this country but maybe sexism is worse? Or was Obama just that good he could make up the deficit?

Also this is telling boys all over the country that they can be human garbage and still become president. This is an awful message for them too.
I mentioned it earlier this morning elsewhere, but people forget that women got the right to vote 52 years after the black man did.

So which one of you is up for waiting 50 years to get a female president?


God the SC is lost.
The Senate is lost
Congress is lost.

We literally got swept out wholesale. 2018 is still going to be a bloodbath for dems to boot. We're gonna be fucked till I'm old and gray.
Well doesn't the in-power party usually lose seats in the midterms?

sure. but right now we know literally nothing about what's going to happen, so guessing where 2018 goes is, in my honest opinion a bit premature.

About all we can say for sure is that the supreme court stays GOP.

So gay marriage, and abortion are probably safe for the time being, but so are voter suppression and super pacs etc.

And that's so long as no one else retires or dies, so even that's precarious.

Beyond that... I guess Obamacare is definitely dead... but beyond that? Who can honestly say.


What an absolute shitshow with the senate. Hassan pulls it out while McGinty and Feingold get blown out.

New Hampshire came through. Have to give them that.


1. Blaming Hillary for this loss is crazy. Republicans would have destroyed Bernie's reputation as well. I think he would have higher chance to win but nothing would be guaranteed.
2. Ignorance of average human being on this planet keeps surprising me. How did we get here? How did the same society which invented TV and Internet can be so stupid?
3. Fuck it! Let's see what happens over the next few years. I can't imagine Republicans doing that much damage. The biggest loss is of course Supreme Court...

The biggest loss is the damage Trump will wreak on climate action. That shit is irreversible and affects the entire planet. And unlike, say, not immediately bringing back jobs or building the wall, it's not an obvious short-term consequence that he can be punished for in four years.


Ah yes, this is true and it FUCKING SUCKS. I always thought racism and sexism were equally bad in this country but maybe sexism is worse? Or was Obama just that good he could make up the deficit?

Obama is the most skilled politician of our generation. Hillary is probably the worst who has gotten a presidential nomination in my lifetime at least, despite being exceptionally qualified for the actual job.


So what happened to the record turnout? Seems like will be a couple of million short compared to 2012 and way off the estimated 135 million I saw.

More people early voted compared to 2012 which means even less people voted on actual election day compared to 2012. Is this because less polling places or just people on the left did not come out to vote?
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