I commit to making every single day of the next four years the worst day of Donald Trump's life.
Fuck that.
Find your local organizers, the local grass roots activists in your neighborhood. Support school board candidates. Maybe run for library board. Find petitions that can win in your state and register people. Support local politicians who are doing the right thing. Support your congressman or find a challenger who represents the left properly. There are a lot of things people can do, things the democrat party has ignored for too long. Trump isn't going anywhere so all we can do is work for change in our communities.
And in 2018 as candidate trial balloons rise and fall...pay attention to who has ties to local activists, organizations, movements, etc. Not just who the NAACP is giving awards to, not just who Planned Parenthood is inviting to dinners, not just who Ezra Klein thinks is really smart. As some of us said months ago Sanders was not wrong about the democrat establishment. The field is open now. Do something with it before other powers do first.
There's a lot of work to be done. Some of it will be online but a lot will be done in communities on the ground. It's going to be hard and won't bear fruit in 2018, maybe not 2020 either. Thie is a process. And it needs to start with a rebuilding of solidarity instead of various factions fighting over perceived slights or placement in the pecking order. After last night we're all in the same boat. Let's work together.