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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I think we can still count on "backlash to ruling party during an economic collapse" theory.

Trump's trade ideas are batshit and will destroy the economy, we'll win back the House in 2018.

Anyway, please sign my petition. These don't change anything, but I needed to do something about this today.

It's sad that the best we can hope for is a total economic collapse that spurs a new deal like movement and energizes the Sanders crowd like no other.


3. Fuck it! Let's see what happens over the next few years. I can't imagine Republicans doing that much damage. The biggest loss is of course Supreme Court...
It's not necessarily just about how much damage they can do, but about the things they won't act on while they're busy destroying things.

We needed climate change legislation already. Renewable energy and all that jazz needed to be set up and researched now to be ready in the future.


1. Blaming Hillary for this loss is crazy. Republicans would have destroyed Bernie's reputation as well. I think he would have higher chance to win but nothing would be guaranteed.
2. Ignorance of average human being on this planet keeps surprising me. How did we get here? How did the same society which invented TV and Internet can be so stupid?
3. Fuck it! Let's see what happens over the next few years. I can't imagine Republicans doing that much damage. The biggest loss is of course Supreme Court...

Hey leave us Scots out of this.

Actually second thought, Trumps Mother was Scottish.

Sorry World


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So what happened to the record turnout? Seems like will be a couple of million short compared to 2012 and way off the estimated 135 million I saw.

More people early voted compared to 2012 which means even less people voted on actual election day compared to 2012. Is this because less polling places or just people on the left did not come out to vote?

Every year we get reports on twitter, social media, from the press, etc, that turnout is crazy. But it's always the same.


If this election is going to make the media do anything, it's focus more on rural areas.

I feel like absolutely nobody was checking turnout in these rural areas all election day and it led to this blindslide.
Bye gaf. It was a roller coaster with a horrific surprise ending. I'm in shock, partly numb, still kind of shaking like adrenaline overload.

I can't take it anymore, time to unplug and decide what's next....



Pretty sure no socialists voted for Trump.

Who did they vote for?

What did they do this last year? How did they organize? What messages did they spread? Where did they donate and volunteer?

It is very helpful for me to see all the "but Bernie" takes today and yesterday because it makes it very easy to identify the people who ultimately had no stake in this election.

I like you, but I think it should be clear why I think that article is self-satisfied mush. I've already made the case multiple times in this thread. Frankly, I've been making it for the last year. Anybody who voted for a white nationalist because they were worried about economic issues is saying "your life and the life of your daughter are important to me, but not as important as some other things, so I'll have to take it day by day on which I prioritize."

Those people are not allies, no matter how they voted in 2012.
I think we can still count on "backlash to ruling party during an economic collapse" theory.

Trump's trade ideas are batshit and will destroy the economy, we'll win back the House in 2018.

Anyway, please sign my petition. These don't change anything, but I needed to do something about this today.


Someone in OT said he should just go all in and repeal NAFTA and have astronomical import tariffs. That just made me sad because I don't want to know how many people think this is a good idea for American jobs. It would result in companies that relied on foreign companies (whether they had an American choice or not) getting screwed, which is passed down to the employees. To say nothing of what other countries would do in response.
It's horrible, but Obama was too good of a human being and too trusting in liberalism.

If he really ran the IRS as a political vehicle, as alleged by Chaffetz and Cruz and every Republican, he could have leaked Trump's tax returns and that might have given the edge.

It's sad when you lose for being too good of a person.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think he gives a fuck but Reid should take over the DNC. He understands organizing and understands getting dirty. He treats politics as intensely personal and bitter. Fuck Donna Brazile.



Tell me more about Bernie Sanders, white males
If you're a 'but Bernie' type who voted Clinton, I'll let you have the stage.

But if you're a 'but Bernie' type who didn't vote, or who voted third party... then you can shut your mouth.

How's that for salt?



This one is more difficult. In 2000, tilting the court and lurching the country leftward was a theoretical thing. In 2016, we could literally see the empty seat, waiting for us.

Still numb this morning. My main bright spot is knowing that >80% of my city didn't go along with this man. But I also had to witness my husband weeping when he awoke and saw the news. I can handle a lot, but that breaks me.

This one will haunt us for decades.

My wife cried all night and it crushes me to see her like that. Ever since I've known her, she's said there will be a woman president some day. She used to get into arguments with some of my lunkheaded friends in our younger days about it and them saying it will never happen and mocking her. When Bill was in office she used to say, "Someday Hillary is going to be president. Just you wait." She really felt that Hillary would be someone that would champion women's rights and despite her baggage someone she deeply admired. Last night she was inconsolable and just said, "It's never going to happen in my lifetime. I can't take it." Watching the dreams of someone you love just die like that is the worst feeling.
If you're a 'but Bernie' type who voted Clinton, I'll let you have the stage.

But if you're a 'but Bernie' type who didn't vote, or who voted third party... then you can shut your mouth.

How's that for salt?

This is the mentality that lost the vote IMO. This exact attitude.

Jesus Christ.


Every year we get reports on twitter, social media, from the press, etc, that turnout is crazy. But it's always the same.

But it's even less than 2012 and there was an increase in actual voter registration. Just means less people actually care to vote?

What are the chances the Republican senate don't nuke the filibuster?

Is that the only saving grace if they keep it? The supreme court is fucked though right?

So how easy is it to overturn gay marriage and roe v wade? Like how easy? And if gay marriage is overturn even liberal states will have to ban it?

My uncle is gay and lives in Boston so I know that is liberal state but can stuff change?

I live in Canada but really follow US politics but don't know the above.


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
The ONLY silver lining to all of this is that I won't have to hear relatives and customers shitting on Obama any time they complain about something they don't like that is out of their control. Just yesterday I had a customer saying "I'm surprised OBAMA and the goddamned EPA hasn't shut you down." when walking around our production facility and seeing how much dust we kick up when we engrave rocks. So much anger all the time directed at someone I admire so much is just tiring.
I don't think he gives a fuck but Reid should take over the DNC. He understands organizing and understands getting dirty. He treats politics as intensely personal and bitter. Fuck Donna Brazile.

Reid is exactly the bitter and vindictive leader the Democrats need.
There's no question Clinton consolidated support early, had the support of party elites early, and raised big money early. That stuff is all part of the primary process and not some kind of pre-game riggery. But people still had to actually vote for her. Ask Jeb how that worked out.

The DNC's job is to make sure the Democrats win elections. All the data during the primary pointed towards Clinton having serious weaknesses in the general election. Head to head polling showed Clinton barely being Trump in nationwide polls. Bernie was consistently polling 7-15% over Trump in GE match ups. And the head to head match up during the primaries ended up being the case. Clinton was statistically tied with Trump.

It is absolutely insane that the DNC let Clinton run with the FBI investigation. And you can say that the FBI investigation was much ado about nothing, and it was. Can you imagine if Bernie tried to run while actively being investigated by the FBI for any reason? The cries for him to get out of the race would be deafening. And guess what? The Comey's nothing announcement was possibly the last deathblow to her campaign.

Anyone who was paying attention to what was going on in the electorate saw the writing on the wall as far back as January that Clinton was in serious danger of losing to Trump.


The ONLY silver lining to all of this is that I won't have to hear relatives and customers shitting on Obama any time they complain about something they don't like that is out of their control. Just yesterday I had a customer saying "I'm surprised OBAMA and the goddamned EPA hasn't shut you down." when walking around our production facility and seeing how much dust we kick up when we engrave rocks. So much anger all the time directed at someone I admire so much is just tiring.

You do realize they will blame Obama anyway?

"It's only Trump's 3rd year, Obama set this all up in his 8 years!"


Who did they vote for?

I assume Clinton or Stein, but I don't think Stein garnered enough votes anywhere for it to be her fault right? Or, I don't know, La Riva.

What did they do this last year? How did they organize? What messages did they spread? Where did they donate and volunteer?

It is very helpful for me to see all the "but Bernie" takes today and yesterday because it makes it very easy to identify the people who ultimately had no stake in this election.

I like you, but I think it should be clear why I think that article is self-satisfied mush. I've already made the case multiple times in this thread. Frankly, I've been making it for the last year. Anybody who voted for a white nationalist because they were worried about economic issues is saying "your life and the life of your daughter are important to me, but not as important as some other things, so I'll have to take it day by day on which I prioritize."

Those people are not allies, no matter how they voted in 2012.

I don't disagree that if people in swing states didn't vote Clinton that they're not allies. But I just would really need to see the receipts to believe they voted Trump.

In terms of organizing we need to do better. Bernie did go all in for Clinton after his loss. As for SA or whatever, its not like they have any strength anyway - socialist orgs have been dead in the water for decades. For intersectionality, we need to do better, and it's baffling that a movement that has historically been strong with PoC worldwide has an element that will only accept class analysis. But I think, and you know I'll always think, that we need to adopt a more populist, more vicious style to win.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The DNC's job is to make sure the Democrats win elections. All the data during the primary pointed towards Clinton having serious weaknesses in the general election. Head to head polling showed Clinton barely being Trump in nationwide polls. Bernie was consistently polling 7-15% over Trump in GE match ups. And the head to head match up during the primaries ended up being the case. Clinton was statistically tied with Trump.

It is absolutely insane that the DNC let Clinton run with the FBI investigation. And you can say that the FBI investigation was much ado about nothing, and it was. Can you imagine if Bernie tried to run while actively being investigated by the FBI for any reason? The cries for him to get out of the race would be deafening. And guess what? The Comey's nothing announcement was possibly the last deathblow to her campaign.

Anyone who was paying attention to what was going on in the electorate saw the writing on the wall as far back as January that Clinton was in serious danger of losing to Trump.

Even accepting all of this is true (and I don't), you want the DNC to rig the primary?


My personal opinion is Trump will be a do-nothing stooge that sits on the throne while the rest of the people around him actually set the policy and do the work. He might as well be president anyways.

Yup. Pence will be acting President anyway. Trump will just be traveling the world and making speeches. Pushing GOP ideals. He'll literally be their puppet. Sometimes I'll assume he'll go off message and say something fucking stupid.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Me neither, but I don't worry that's he's either a Russian stooge or someone who could get us into a nuclear war. On the other hand, I do think he's more likely than Trump to eviscerate the social safety net.

Trump is going to rubber stamp anything coming out of the Republican Congress, and that's where the dismantling would happen if it does.
You don't get to let Donald Trump win the election while you sit back and do nothing and then say that it proves you right.

"You don't let Donald trump win"

Stop talking about him. Make people excited about YOUR candidate. Stop blaming other people. Start owning up; Hillary was a GOD awful candidate. She did not connect with the people as much as Bernie did (for example).
What, the attitude that voting at all costs is important is what lost the election? Because it seems to me like the attitude that lost the election was the people who couldn't be bothered to turn out
If what you say is true then nobody but Hillary is at fault here, she was awful.

Ask yourself, how shitty of a candidate do you have to be to lose against Trump?
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