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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I read a bit about Cuban

Seems like there's potential there? I'd like to see him pivot more on LGBT stuff, but his current stances certainly aren't anything near Trump's. In general, if he were to run, I would not be surprised if he actively presented himself as an anti-Trump in every respect while still trying to have a broad appeal to white and non-white voters alike.

Couldn't they vote to have Trump impeached, but not vote to have him removed? I don't quite understand the process.

House does the impeachment.
Senate does the trial and either convicts or acquits.


I don't see why you run Kander for gov/senate again. Let him keep an outsider image since he lost and just let him run in 2020 for president.

I think it works better for him.
For the record, I voted and donated for Hillary and I donated to and supported Bernie in the primaries, and I can't help but feel a little resentment at how eager so many people were to say that we had to vote Clinton to protect ourselves from Trump and to see her come up short. No one could have predicted this so I understand that it was the safer bet, but if Trump was going to win I'd rather have put someone like Bernie up there and at least say we were able to give it a shot. Now I just feel like we were set up by a DNC that was woefully underprepared for this threat.


Trump had five campaign promises.

One was imprisoning Hillary Clinton.

Yeahhhhh... And yet he thanked her for running a good campaign. He isn't doing shit against her.

Might as well just commit mass suicide, it'll be faster

Okay, that's a nice soundbite.

Tell me why you think that.

She'd be better off never showing her face in public again.

Again - why? Because she lost? Does that invalidate everything good she's done? Everything that she is?



I'm gonna repost this, because maybe people aren't getting the message.

I already saw the article on the Guardian saying that Hillary lost because minorities didn't turn out enough.

Another way of saying that is that America has relied all along on people of color to work twice as hard, vote twice as much, focus twice as clearly on the important issues, because, on average, white people of all ages and income levels would really prefer to elect a white nationalist. People of color have prevented them from doing that for the last fifty years by organizing, demonstrating, arguing, and voting.

This time the white people got what they've always wanted.


At a certain point, all discussion of Hillary in relation to Trump will need to stop. That includes Trump supporters and surrogates shitting on her as a way to deflect from Trump's faults. That includes "Bernie would have won." Hillary is done in politics. Might as well talk about Romney, McCain, Kerry's candidacy. Same relevancy.

Sanders most ardent supporters will keep blaming Hillary for all the bullshit trump does. That is how delusional they are. They will keep fracturing the democratic party. We need to eradicate populism from the world, it only feeds ignorance and resentment.


@KFILE 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
As someone who spent 15 months researching Trump's past statements, if anyone says they know what a President Trump will do they're lying.

@KFILE 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump's taken strong stances on both sides of *every* major issues, including immigration reform and U.S. interventions.

@KFILE 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
He's at times signaled support same-sex marriage, supported abortion rights, etc. There's no actual barometer for what he will do.

I don't think that Bernie's actions during the primary were the deciding factor, but poisoning his base against the political process and the Democratic party in general probably didn't help, yeah?

Oh absolutely. Bernie shouldn't have encouraged people to believe conspiracy theories about rigged elections. I watched people go from favoring him at the start of the process but being prepared to vote for whoever won, to accusing Clinton of murder throughout the campaign.

Which rules were changed to better favor Clinton?

Yes, the establishment rules favored the establishment candidate, but it's not like there was anything going on other than that.

And who fed the anti establishment feelings on the left?

Lets say the primaries were Biden vs Clinton and Clinton wins without the accusations of primary rigging.

Does she still lose?

Isn't that as fair a 'hypothetical' to throw out there? We can't know.

We can only look at what happened and figure out how to move forwards. But no, I don't need to hear from the people who want to brag about having warned us that the only way to stop Trump was to vote Sanders, but who refused to vote Clinton.
Hillary had an INSANE amount of baggage. Come on. Don't compare her to Bernie in that area.

And, again, I was not a Bernie fan. I do know, though, that he would have been a MUCH better GE candidate.

In Republican eyes Bernie is an atheist and a communist. That's pretty significant baggage as well. Clinton's baggage was just bullshit made up by Republicans.


Hillary had an INSANE amount of baggage. Come on. Don't compare her to Bernie in that area.

And, again, I was not a Bernie fan. I do know, though, that he would have been a MUCH better GE candidate.

Bernie is a self-described socialist. Like, there was a video of him talking up the fucking Sandanistas. It's an indictment of American politics, but that in itself is a fuckton of baggage and makes EMAILS or whatever look like child's play in a GE. If you genuinely believe a Jewish socialist was going to play better than a xenophobic nationalist in Ohio then I don't know what to tell you.
Even accepting all of this is true (and I don't), you want the DNC to rig the primary?

What are super delegates for if not as an escape latch to stop unelectable candidate from winning the primary yet losing the GE?

I'm also shocked that with the FBI investigate, that was probably the final deathblow to her campaign thanks to Comey, the DNC even let her run without constantly screaming "GET OUT OF THE RACE".

But no, I don't think the DNC should have "rigged" it. I don't think they should have scheduled the debates in a way to deliberately put a stasis on Clinton's lead before the primary began. Hiding your party's message from millions of voters doesn't do anyone any good, not even Clinton. I don't think they should have been leaking the debate / townhall questions to the Clinton campaign before the night even began. I don't think the DNC should have been feeding stories to the press to damage Bernie's campaign because they wanted Hillary so badly. I don't think that a party that is supposed to be for everyone voting and voting rights, had so many closed primaries with some requiring being a registered democrat for 6 months to vote in the primary.
For the record, I voted and donated for Hillary and I donated to and supported Bernie in the primaries, and I can't help but feel a little resentment at how eager so many people were to say that we had to vote Clinton to protect ourselves from Trump and to see her come up short. No one could have predicted this so I understand that it was the safer bet, but if Trump was going to win I'd rather have put someone like Bernie up there and at least say we were able to give it a shot. Now I just feel like we were set up by a DNC that was woefully underprepared for this threat.

We must learn our lessons. I don't know that the lesson is to embrace the Sanders agenda points of free college and breaking up banks and killing trade agreements.

But we certainly need to embrace a fresh face. And we need to look at rural America and figure out how we can reach them by appealing to their best tendencies instead of their worst.


Paul Ryan out here smoothing the last year and a half over, waving the shit away.
It's really happening, this piece of shit is going to walk away without a care in the world.
Random thought: Could Hillary become the head of the DNC? Organisational expertise and planning is her thing.

I believe Hillary had one goal, and that was to be president for personal ambitions, I don't think she would work at such a small level job and frankly she is over qualified for it.


In Republican eyes Bernie is an atheist and a communist. That's pretty significant baggage as well. Clinton's baggage was just bullshit made up by Republicans.

Sanders actually wanted to raise taxes on everyone. I completely understand how necessary that is and I was completely in favor of but saying it will maybe get you votes among millennials but he would have also lost huge among the white racist rural. He is also culturally Jewish so just do the math...


@KFILE 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
As someone who spent 15 months researching Trump's past statements, if anyone says they know what a President Trump will do they're lying.

@KFILE 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump's taken strong stances on both sides of *every* major issues, including immigration reform and U.S. interventions.

@KFILE 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
He's at times signaled support same-sex marriage, supported abortion rights, etc. There's no actual barometer for what he will do.


This is why everyone is so anxious. Nobody knows what comes next. No one knows what he wants to do or if he'll do anything.

I'm not scared surprisingly. I just feel distant and foggy today. I'm more so nervous and I saw this same sentiment shared on my twitter timeline. A lot of us are just nervous for what's next. What is going to happen. I guess it's scary, but as a black man I've dealt with fear for far too long and I refuse to let Trump "scare" me.
There was a study where university researchers managed to make dudes not transphobic by having them talk themselves into supporting transgender rights.

So... We really need to see if that works with regards to race and test it right now in the Florida panhandle and Georgia.


This is what I meant when I said the primaries were "rigged." Not actual vote-rigging. Just that the whole thing was set up because they believed she deserved it.

This didn't matter in 08, this didn't matter on the Republican side in 16 and if Sanders was stronger or could better appeal to the Democratic primary base it would have been a non-issue on the Democratic side. Drop the subject.

I'm gonna repost this, because maybe people aren't getting the message.

I already saw the article on the Guardian saying that Hillary lost because minorities didn't turn out enough.

Another way of saying that is that America has relied all along on people of color to work twice as hard, vote twice as much, focus twice as clearly on the important issues, because, on average, white people of all ages and income levels would really prefer to elect a white nationalist. People of color have prevented them from doing that for the last fifty years by organizing, demonstrating, arguing, and voting.

This time the white people got what they've always wanted.

Yep Yep Yep

@KFILE 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
As someone who spent 15 months researching Trump's past statements, if anyone says they know what a President Trump will do they're lying.

@KFILE 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump's taken strong stances on both sides of *every* major issues, including immigration reform and U.S. interventions.

@KFILE 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
He's at times signaled support same-sex marriage, supported abortion rights, etc. There's no actual barometer for what he will do.


The biggest issue
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Like, there was a video of him talking up the fucking Sandanistas. It's an indictment of American politics, but that in itself is a fuckton of baggage and makes EMAILS or whatever look like child's play in a GE. If you genuinely believe a Jewish socialist was going to play better than a xenophobic nationalist in Ohio then I don't know what to tell you.

You know what happened?

People felt that they needed to stop hillary. Hillary was a criminal. She was a butcher. People rose up against that.

That's what happened. Say what you will about Bernie, but they wouldn't be chanting 'Lock him up' or calling him the Butcher of Benghazi. Who gives teh fuck if Sanders is a socialist? Trump is practically a fascist and he won.

It doesn't matter and you don't understand that. Because she had so much baggage against her, it was easier to rally against clinton.
For the record, I voted and donated for Hillary and I donated to and supported Bernie in the primaries, and I can't help but feel a little resentment at how eager so many people were to say that we had to vote Clinton to protect ourselves from Trump and to see her come up short. No one could have predicted this so I understand that it was the safer bet, but if Trump was going to win I'd rather have put someone like Bernie up there and at least say we were able to give it a shot. Now I just feel like we were set up by a DNC that was woefully underprepared for this threat.

No one could have predicted that we could lose? Sorry but losing is always a reality. You just don't always know exactly how. People did predict however over and over that if we somehow did lose progressive and liberal causes would be fucked for generations because of the stakes thus election.

Well here we are. This was not an election for protest votes. The candidates were not "both the same". Only one side wanted people to think that way to suppress the vote and it worked for them. This was a binary choice, progress or regression. The people have spoken.
@KFILE 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
As someone who spent 15 months researching Trump's past statements, if anyone says they know what a President Trump will do they're lying.

@KFILE 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump's taken strong stances on both sides of *every* major issues, including immigration reform and U.S. interventions.

@KFILE 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
He's at times signaled support same-sex marriage, supported abortion rights, etc. There's no actual barometer for what he will do.


Two things are almost certain, and that is both the Republicans and Vladimir Putin have blank checks to do whatever they want. These next 2 and possibly 4 years are going to be brutal.
I cannot even imagine what its like being Hillary right now. After maybe something looking like it would go right, to sudden validation that yes, the country really does personally and viscerally hate you for no good goddamn reason

We all know what the real reason is... Might have something to do with her being a woman. Exactly same traits that are seen as baggage for Hillary are seen as Trump's strengths.


The only reason why they believe it is because republicans sold it well. They would do the same with Bernie.

No, they were building up the bullshit on Hillary for years and years to prepare for this race. They wouldn't have had time to do that with Sanders. Sanders was coming in popular, Clinton was coming in with record unfavorability because GOP had been working this for years.


I believe Hillary had one goal, and that was to be president for personal ambitions, I don't think she would work at such a small level job and frankly she is over qualified for it.

So like are you just going to ignore her entire adult life history of trying to help people and working in public service? Get out of here with this shit.


@KFILE 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
As someone who spent 15 months researching Trump's past statements, if anyone says they know what a President Trump will do they're lying.

@KFILE 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump's taken strong stances on both sides of *every* major issues, including immigration reform and U.S. interventions.

@KFILE 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
He's at times signaled support same-sex marriage, supported abortion rights, etc. There's no actual barometer for what he will do.


I would be thinking like this if I thought Trump had any intention of actually trying to govern. Even if he does try somewhat at first, he'll be bored within 6 months and let Pence do everything.
No, they were building up the bullshit on Hillary for years and years to prepare for this race. They wouldn't have had time to do that with Sanders.

Because they didn't have to. Bernie never stood a chance in primaries. If he did Republicans would have had at least 10 months to prepare. They didn't have that much more with emails bullshit.


On the one hand, I think Barack Obama would be a great leader of the DNC.

On the other hand, Barack Obama's biggest demonstrated failures were in activating and mobilizing the DNC.

Also, frankly, I think everybody that thinks they know what will work in two or four years is an idiot.

At this moment, I won't commit to knowing what happens in the speech I've been waiting for thirty minutes for.
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