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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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If I were a betting man, I'd bet the farm that it does get repealed. Not only does Trump want it to happen, but don't forget how many years and the 40+ votes Republicans spent to repeal it with Obama in office. They are going to repeal it, and my guess is they are going to do it with giant smiles on their faces.
This is going to ruin America.

My only hope is 2020 will be a sweep year for Dems.


For one thing, the Republicans are going to stop calling it "Obamacare" and start calling it "Affordable Care Act".

Most of the dumbfucks who voted for Donald will think that "Obamacare" has been repealed and replaced with the "Affordable Care Act".

lol, I could see that happening haha.


ACA won't get repealed.

edit- they're not going to strip 20 million Americans of health insurance.

100 day plans yall.

Day one of the legislative session

Paul Ryan is insane

Like, Paul Ryan is completely disconnected from reality.

Paul Ryan was literally the only person in Congress in 2005 pushing to privatize Social Security.

(Also, his plan was funny in that it would accidentally turn the U.S. into a Communist nation by having workers control 98% of the stock market.)

It's a first-hundred-days promise. Republicans hold the house and senate. How could it possibly not be repealed?

Really? It's the biggest thing republicans have ran on for years and there is nothing to stop them. It might not get completely repealed, but it will be dismantled

I'm not even sure how it could be

It's technically impossible to hard repeal the law. It would have to be dismantled slowly with a solid plan, and I don't think the GOP has a plan to do that

It's possible, I guess. People hate Obamacare in the abstract, but tend to dig most of its specific provisions. They've been using it as a football for so long they may keep it around so they can kick it some more, but... there's also the premiums to consider. Idk.

Says who?

I saw a post on Twitter saying that the Republicans have been like a dog chasing a car. Now that they've caught the ACA, they have no idea what to do. The shallow rhetoric they've used for years would demonstrate they have no clear path.


aka andydumi
They'll simply strike the pre-existing conditions part to "keep out opportunists" and "keep premiums low".

Pretty much, despite being popular and a lifeline for many. And any coverage/buy-in mandates and penalties will likely be gone.


I saw a post on Twitter saying that the Republicans have been like a dog chasing a car. Now that they've caught the ACA, do they even know what to do. The shallow rhetoric they've used for years would demonstrate they have no clear path.

Remember that healthcare plan they had brought up in favor of over the ACA? Yeah I don't either, you know why? It was a load of shit.


No Scrubs
I think they have to repeal the ACA. This is Brexit. They campaigned against it really really hard and never expected to have to follow through. But now that they won they can't not repeal it.

If they're smart they'll say that's what they're doing but in reality they'll give it a fix. But they aren't smart, they're dumb and we're fucked.
Attacking Bernie as a communist wouldn't matter, because the Dems lost due to turnout which was because they disliked Hillary. Unless you think that Dems would abandon Bernie bc of socialism, that doesn't hold up. What matters is how depressed minority turnout would be for him compared to Hillary and whether he would keep a hold of the Rust Belt, which I think by virtue of being a white man railing about jobs he probably would've done a better job at.

What state did Clinton won thanks to minority support, which was already very low for her? Florida? Nevada? Bernie could have won PA, MI, WI and even OH with his appeal to white workers.

Bernie was an anti-free trade, charismatic candidate. Going by Trump's success, seems that was enough for millions of whites.
Attacking Bernie as a communist wouldn't matter, because the Dems lost due to turnout which was because they disliked Hillary. Unless you think that Dems would abandon Bernie bc of socialism, that doesn't hold up. What matters is how depressed minority turnout would be for him compared to Hillary and whether he would keep a hold of the Rust Belt, which I think by virtue of being a white man railing about jobs he probably would've done a better job at.

Forgot who said it, but Bernie lost against her in Florida, North Carolina, pennsylvania? It's funny that clinton lost all of those anyway.

It's possible Bernie would've done a better job in Wisconsin and MIchigan. Who knows at thi spoint though.

What state did Clinton won thanks to minority support, which was already very low for her? Florida? Nevada? Bernie could have won PA, MI, WI and even OH with his appeal to white workers.

Bernie was an anti-free trade, charismatic candidate. Going by Trump success, seems that was enough for millions of whites.

That's the other aspect. He was an old white dude who had a bunch of white people vetting for him. The minority vote didn't matter because hey, something happened that lost us Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Those are majorly white states? Maybe Bernie would've been better. I feel drunk.
This is going to ruin America.

My only hope is 2020 will be a sweep year for Dems.

I wouldn't count on it.

He might be popular and do ok (with who he won with). He'll ask Republicans for what he wants and they will likely give it to them. He's given them everything that they could ask for. They'll find the money for the infrastructure bills or whatever he plans on doing


Neo Member
I'm not.

The reason for that is he doesn't have the pull with minorities and women that Hillary did. Hillary's pull with minorities is not as strong as Obama's, but it was nothing to scoff at, especially since that's why he lost in the primary.

I agree; he would not have..but you missing the point..he did not need to..he had enough appeal in the rust belt and with white millennials to win the actual swing states that mattered in this election!


The ACA will definitely be dismantled, though I expect the pre-existing conditions and covered-up-to-age-26 provisions will stay in some form.

I expect Congress and Trump will also defund Planned Parenthood next year.


What state did Clinton won thanks to minority support, which was already very low for her? Florida? Nevada? Bernie could have won PA, MI, WI and even OH with his appeal to white workers.

Bernie was an anti-free trade, charismatic candidate. Going by Trump success, seems that was enough for millions of whites.

alternately, he was a white nationalist and white people love that

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Perception I guess. Gotta rile people up.

Im willing to take critiques on my position though because feingolds loss really does bother me.

Feingold's loss bothers me. He's one of the most popular Senators the state ever had to hear people tell it. I thought if anything him being on the ticket would energize liberals in Wisconsin

I'm still in shock about Wisconsin


For one thing, the Republicans are going to stop calling it "Obamacare" and start calling it "Affordable Care Act".

Most of the dumbfucks who voted for Donald will think that "Obamacare" has been repealed and replaced with the "Affordable Care Act".
I'm looking forward to seeing some old guy waving a sign that says "Keep Obamacare Out Of The Affordable Care Act!"


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What state did Clinton won thanks to minority support, which was already very low for her? Florida? Nevada? Bernie could have won PA, MI, WI and even OH with his appeal to white workers.

Bernie was an anti-free trade, charismatic candidate. Going by Trump's success, seems that was enough for millions of whites.

I'll be back, I need some time to fully laugh at this notion I keep seeing repeated.
ACA won't get repealed.

edit- they're not going to strip 20 million Americans of health insurance.

Said this earlier.

GOP either "keeps" (let Democrats filibuster any repeal bills that come through) ACA as a war drum against Obama, Democrats and liberals in general.

Or they attempt to go through with the repeal and replace plan. The caveat being if they screw up and it's just as bad or worse, "Trumpcare" will become the egg on the face of the GOP.
So what? On the traditional battleground map, Hillary beat Bernie where it counts. Other than Wisconsin and Michigan-- which, like, ok, forgive me for not thinking those would be up for grabs-- Hillary beat Bernie in Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Bernie won in Michigan, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire. It's not a huge fault, I think, for people to think that Clinton was better tested for the battlegrounds.

I am fine judging them by how they perform in the states up for grabs. Bernie didn't do well.

You are conflating result with performance. Sanders was able to outperform the polls against Hillary in the Midwest, so did Obama, and so did out new president Trump. In my analysis I only focused in those key state cause they decided the result in my eyes. I could extend the study, I did. He did outperform the polls in florida, NC, MI, WI, PA, NV, and slightly under performed the Polls in OH.

Source: RCP
How can you look at that and said that Sanders with all that was happening was a worst candidates in the battleground states is baffling.

Seriously: which states that Clinton won does Sanders lose? The closest states Clinton won were New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Nevada. Sanders almost edged Clinton in Nevada and easily beat her in New Hampshire and Minnesota. The closest states Clinton lost were Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Sanders won Wisconsin, won Michigan in an incredible upset, and drove Pennsylvania close. These are all despite massive institutional disadvantages against him!

Like, why are you even talking about how he did in Florida? a) Clinton lost Florida anyway, and b) Florida ended up not being THE swing state. You should be talking about how well he would have done in the Rust Belt. And this is important, because it tells the Democrats how to win next time.


I bet ACA is done but I wonder if they'll even try to come up with replacement before they repeal it. They've had 8 years to come up with a better healthcare plan and they've got nothing.


The ACA will definitely be dismantled, though I expect the pre-existing conditions and covered-up-to-age-26 provisions will stay in some form.

I expect Congress and Trump will also defund Planned Parenthood next year.
You know, under Trump's proposed tax policies we stand to gain a lot every year. Like $30-50k a year.

We should divert that to funding whatever shit he tries to defund. I'm sure PP wouldn't mind $10k a year.
Btw guys, super good news out of Florida's 7th district. This was the headline a couple of weeks ago: Top GOP congressman laughs his way to possible defeat
“I’ve represented the general area for 23 years. … I walked all of these areas in the past and I know folks, and I think I have a good reputation,” he said. “You’ll see.”
He lost. D Challenger Stephanie Murphy is 37 year old Vietnamese-American.

Like I've been saying, we need to draft these young D's like Kander, Sellers and Stephanie into leadership positions in DNC. We need our version of drain the swamp :(
Feingold's loss bothers me. He's one of the most popular Senators the state ever had to hear people tell it. I thought if anything him being on the ticket would energize liberals in Wisconsin

I'm still in shock about Wisconsin

According to that study I posted earlier, strict voter ID causes both Democratic votes AND turnout to fall by about 8%.
It's possible, I guess. People hate Obamacare in the abstract, but tend to dig most of its specific provisions. They've been using it as a football for so long they may keep it around so they can kick it some more, but... there's also the premiums to consider. Idk.

Literally something I was thinking, lol.

I'm Jewish, and I think I have the family history stuff to prove it, so going to Israel and then trying to influence politics there feels like a real option to me.

They literally just said trump means we should forget about a Palestinian state

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Stop bringing up Bernie Sanders, he lost to the "Shitty" candidate you guys keep talking about. Obama beat Hillary, if Sanders was was better than she was he would have won as well.

If anything she lost because the democratic base are a bunch of idealists who only want perfection.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Btw guys, super good news out of Florida's 7th district. This was the headline a couple of weeks ago: Top GOP congressman laughs his way to possible defeat

He lost. D Challenger Stephanie Murphy is 37 year old Vietnamese-American.

Like I've been saying, we need to draft these young D's like Kander, Sellers and Stephanie into leadership positions in DNC. We need our version of drain the swamp :(

What were Kander's positions on non-gun issues?


Bernie's message resonated: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-poll-mood-idUSKBN1332NC?il=0

- 75 percent agree that "America needs a strong leader to take the country back from the rich and powerful."

- 72 percent agree "the American economy is rigged to advantage the rich and powerful."

- 68 percent agree that "traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like me."

- 76 percent believe "the mainstream media is more interested in making money than telling the truth."


They can't repeal it without replacing it. Look how easily a campaign of you kicked 20 million Americans off of health insurance writes itself. If the replacement is bad though, they're screwed. My only hope is whatever the replace it with keeps the protections for those with preexisting conditions in place.
I'll be back, I need some time to fully laugh at this notion I keep seeing repeated.

Well he is the most liked politician in America atm. And he created a cult-like following that was quite evident during his rallies. I don't see what's there to laugh.

This is all fucking pointless though. Hopefully the Dems can learn from this fuckery and avoid nominating an insipid candidate like Clinton in 2020.
According to that study I posted earlier, strict voter ID causes both Democratic votes AND turnout to fall by about 8%.

8% in wisconsin? That would've won her that state.

Michigan and Wisconsin are all within a 20,000 vote margin
Pennsylvania is within a 90k margin

So close

So damn close.
Guessing republicans get rid of insurance mandate and all private insurance marketplaces. Allow states to run the Medicaid expansions until they bottom out. Meanwhile pass HSA and other conservative plans piece-by-piece.

To all those far left liberals and their smug indifference to a law that provided a pathway to single payer (and saved lives)...I hope you're happy now, you'll get your wish to start over.
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