A core part of the problem here is the underlying authoritarian undertones the GOP has always had; GOP falls in line, ALWAYS. We can't treat the Dem voting block the same way. They won't go out and vote just because the party tells them to vote. They want to be wooed.
You also can't try and scare them into line, they just get disgusted. That's why we're stuck in this cycle of Republicans fuck the country, Democrats get voted in to fix it, they do, then Republicans get voted in again. Because the Dem voting block CANNOT be frightened into voting with promises over what happens if they don't, even though it's happened before.
Anger works as a motivator, but the problem with that is that things have to ALREADY be shit for that to happen, which is non-ideal. The only way to convince people that things are shit without them being shit is to find a scapegoat. The GOP uses minorities for this, and to a lesser extent, women. We are thus faced with two options: fully embrace the "eat the rich" rhetoric, or actually, successfully manage to other-ize Republicans. I'm not sure either is a good idea, long term, though I'd love the second works.