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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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As opposed to what?

Being on the outside looking in, as they lose control of all three branches of government? What exactly does that achieve?

I got a newsflash for you- If the Democratic party chose a male to be the nominee, we'd likely be looking at a different outcome.

You might be. What about women? How different would their outcome be?

There is no significant difference from my perspective between an intersectional political party that loses and a progressive but racist political party that wins. Either way, racism wins.


This was not a landslide repudiation of the Democratic agenda. This was a race won -- and lost -- on the margins.

Chasing the WWC fantasy is far riskier than bolstering the current coalition -- and actually making sure it turns out in the next election. (also, we know this coalition is growing, and the trump coalition is shrinking)


Huh, it looks like Trump's margin of victory was actually pretty small in FL, WI, MI and PA.

Not that it matters in the end, but hey, at least it wasn't that bad?

The scary part is if he pulls a george bush 2.0 and wins the popular vote in 2020. His margin of victory in those states may be closer to iowa and ohio then.


Huh, it looks like Trump's margin of victory was actually pretty small in FL, WI, MI and PA.

Not that it matters in the end, but hey, at least it wasn't that bad?

Democrats need to come out with a viciousness I don't know we possess in the midterms. 2020 can easily be a blowout if Trump drops the ball hard.


There are a few things giving me hope right now, in the long term:

-Hillary won the popular vote.
-The DNC has now been made painfully aware that MI and WI are important states to campaign in. Plus, his wins in PA and FL were really slim.
-There were actually less votes for Trump than McCain or Romney - he won because there wasn't enthusiasm for Clinton. And whoever runs in 2020 will inevitably have much less baggage than Clinton simply by not being in the public eye for 30 years.

I know, I know, you can counter all of these with "what if??????" but at least it's enough for me to think that things aren't completely hopeless and that I can get through this one day at a time until 2020.
I mean, not exactly. I know the popular vote is not meaningful but could Labour in the UK ever win a popular plurality or majority of anything?

Right now? No. Regardless of who's leading it. The tories is the only party that gained support after brexit, and all the others are still trying to find out what the fuck they can do to chip at it, since even the Lib Dems stance of "we aint brexiting" failed to accrue them any additional support whatsoever.


Huh, it looks like Trump's margin of victory was actually pretty small in FL, WI, MI and PA.

Not that it matters in the end, but hey, at least it wasn't that bad?
That just makes me feel worse. If things just went slightly differently we could have been waking up to a president Clinton.


Yup. This is the future. Get rid of the systems that were specifically set up to promote minorities and women in the Democratic Party. Let it go right back to its white male roots. You want progressive values? This is how you get them. Talk about class, not about race, not about gender, not about GLBT. Those people will have to fend for themselves.

It's sad how easy this stuff is to see coming.

There's a middle ground between that and having someone who gave debate questions to one of the candidates as the DNC chair.

There was a problem with the way Hillary was coronated. We are going to have to deal with it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
More or less, yeah.

So, maybe Crab can explain why Russ Feingold and Zephyr Teachout got less votes than Hillary Clinton running on a platform much like you think the Dems should, and why Kander got way more votes than Clinton?


This was not a landslide repudiation of the Democratic agenda. This was a race won -- and lost -- on the margins.

Chasing the WWC fantasy is far riskier than bolstering the current coalition -- and actually making sure it turns out in the next election. (also, we know this coalition is growing, and the trump coalition is shrinking)

Yep. That is where some of the southern/western states hilary barely lost in this election come in. Whoever is the next democratic candidate needs to focus on flipping some of these states plus trying to win back a midwest state or two. Focusing just on the midwest won't result in the democrats winning the presidency in 2020.


with the current batshit crazy republican congress? i highly doubt it. then again this election's been full of surprises so idk.

Part of me thinks the rules will change when they control everything, just like they did with GWB. The Tea Party wasn't really a thing back then, though. They could actually fuck it up for the Republicans, because a big infrastructure spending bill could actually have a big stimulus effect on those that voted in Trump.


Junior Member
For much of the night, that was the tenor of conversation at Morgan. Clinton is no Obama, everyone agreed. But she would be better than Trump. Some admitted that they did not vote, mirroring the views of celebrities such as San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick who told reporters he would not vote.

Malik Pelham, 20, a civil engineering student said he did not vote. “I did not want either one in office,” he said.

Yet, he looked as concerned as other students when it became clear that Trump was winning. “This is crazy, to go from Obama to Trump,” he said, after the large screen in the front of the theater showed Trump edging ahead in the Electoral College.


A civil engineering student didn't vote but was concerned when it started to look bad.


Blamed it for job losses in the workforce.

Rust belt voters are anti-trade. They think a lot of the manufacturing job loss was due to trade deals shipping jobs overseas and Trump told them what they wanted to hear

I'm sorry, I'm just incredulous and really, shit is just flying out of me. He focused more on NAFTA than tpp and just hammered it.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Having a drink at work with other depressed new yorkers.

Guys, We need to regroup and keep fighting the good fight.

USA made it through the civil war, WWII, the 60s, Bush W, and The Great depression...

We can survive Trump!


Cotton said basically stem the flow of green card issuance and visas. Basically get rid of immigration in any form or limit it severely.
Rust belt voters are anti-trade. They think a lot of the manufacturing job loss was due to trade deals shipping jobs overseas and Trump told them what they wanted to hear

Rob Portman, Ron Johnson, and Patrick Toomey all won in the Rust Belt last night and all are wildly pro free trade.


I'm ready to put the immediate blame squarely on Hillary's campaign staff.

I still can't believe they completely fucked up on WI PA MI.

Kinda feeling this on the blue wall... all the money spent in Ohio, Iowa, NC... and they had problems that bad with no knowledge?

we didn't even get near a record amount of people voting. The low turn out shocks me.
Right now? No. Regardless of who's leading it. The tories is the only party that gained support after brexit, and all the others are still trying to find out what the fuck they can do to chip at it, since even the Lib Dems stance of "we aint brexiting" failed to accrue them any additional support whatsoever.

it will take them a generation to become a genuine third party force again but there has been some small progress. they got a twenty percent swing in the witney byelection The richmond by election could be huge for them.


Having a drink at work with other depressed new yorkers.

Guys, We need to regroup and keep fighting the good fight.

USA made it through the civil war, WWII, the 60s, Bush W, and The Great depression...

We can survive Trump!

We definitely can. The unfortunate truth is that it's going to get worse before it gets better, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
I'd like to think so but I live in la. Though to be fair a lot of my white friends happen to be globalist too

Almost none of my other white friends had their parents born here or themselves. The rest are obvious minorities.

In fact, now that I think about it I only have two people in my life that are multi generational American white family. One of them is my girlfriend.

So I guess you're right. I don't relate to them?

Well now I'm more depressed.

Basically. I have three friends that align with me. I work in Orange County and my friends from youth have all become deplorables. Ones even educated!
Kinda feeling this on the blue wall... all the money spent in Ohio, Iowa, NC... and they had problems that bad with no knowledge?

This is going to be seen as the biggest failure of the Clinton campaign. The math was all in their favor but they wanted to run the board and flip states, so rather than ensuring they spent time in PA, MI, WI--which alone would have ensured a win--they spent all their time in Ohio, NC, Iowa, and Florida, even going so far as to spend a ton of time and money in AZ, GA, and SC.


Cotton said basically stem the flow of green card issuance and visas. Basically get rid of immigration in any form or limit it severely.

I think somebody posted it today, but it seems they'll make it tough for anyone to want to come here and build a life while also giving people a reason to go elsewhere with this sort of policy.
Having a drink at work with other depressed new yorkers.

Guys, We need to regroup and keep fighting the good fight.

USA made it through the civil war, WWII, the 60s, Bush W, and The Great depression...

We can survive Trump!

We'll survive Trump but we need to come out stronger, better than we were before.

I think everyone needs to focus a bit less on rhetoric and a bit more on learning about the issues that both sides care about rather than just focusing on one side's complaints. This election has been too divided, in part (imo) because of the endless attacks from both parties and an unwillingness to listen to the issues of the other side.


FGC Waterboy
So, maybe Crab can explain why Russ Feingold and Zephyr Teachout got less votes than Hillary Clinton running on a platform much like you think the Dems should, and why Kander who did not got way more votes than Clinton?

I thought Kander ran like 15 points ahead of Clinton in MO?


Junior Member
Remember when we said how good the movie about this election would be?


After gaf crashed last night I went to bed because I just couldn't take it anymore. Woke up to what I expected. Bleh.

Goodbye my health insurance come January 20th. I looked up how much my daily meds cost and god, it'll be close to half a thousand a month just for three pills. Fuck.


I didn't sleep much last night but I think I've reached acceptance. My grief has been replaced by morbid curiosity as to how the fuck this is actually going to work. A lot of people's lives are going to be appreciably worse but there's fuck all I can do about it. May as well strap in.

The lesson that democrats need to learn out of this is that charisma is a non-negotiable in any presidential candidate. If they can credibly lay status to some sort of outsider status all the better. Policy knowledge and political experience - especially political experience in Washington - are unhelpful at best and actively detrimental at worst. Look at the democratic candidates since 1992: gore, Kerry and Clinton are all extremely qualified, realistic, intelligent. But they're boring. They can't sell a narrative. By contrast bill was a known sex pest before he won, and was basically a republican lite. Yet he cleaned up the democratic base - minorities included - as well as working class whites. Obama was a first term senator that won on airy fairy three word slogans and bullshit. Despite both of them being career politicians, they managed to claim outsider status.

People want rhetoric and they want hope. Believe it or not trump's MAGA is basically a right wing version of hope and change. A lot of the white rural voters that came out the woodwork this year voted for Obama in 08. It's deluded, and I think unethical to sell something that can't possibly be delivered, but it is what it is.


I'm going to subscribe to the NYT, WaPo, and Guardian. The liberal elite media may have failed us as well, but if they ever crumble we'll be far worse off. We need them more than ever now and I hope they fix their mistakes covering this election and rebound.


I think somebody posted it today, but it seems they'll make it tough for anyone to want to come here and build a life while also giving people a reason to go elsewhere with this sort of policy.

Also, the corporate sector will revolt if that means eliminating H1B visas.


So, actually, this is a tweetstorm worth reading:


I could quote it all but I decided not to, not because I don't value your time, but because of economic issues that seemed more important to me. So click the link.

The tl;dr is that Comey destroyed Hillary's chances. He toppled Hillary's support, cut into her turnout among Democrats, and activated Republicans.

So that's bad.

The bright spot at least is that maybe an intersectional candidate can win again in America, if the FBI and Russia don't work together to destroy her.

And if an intersectional coalition still exists in America after Trump gets started implementing his agenda.

We'll see.


Neo Member
God it is so depressing to even contemplate ignoring minorities in order to win an election.

That is my worry.

If you're a progressive white nationalist party you can certainly win America and pass progressive policies, as long as they're racist.

While this may not be a great parallel, it reminds me of the New Deal. People often forget that while it gave the country a lot of good social programs and started establishing a safety net, there is a good deal of academia that believes it was intentionally written to exclude poor black people.
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