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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I'm so angry right now. I'm stuck at the anger stage in Kubler-Ross. I haven't been this angry at racist white people since I read The Autobiography of Malcolm X in sixth grade and toyed with the idea of converting to Islam.


FGC Waterboy
We need to lay the blame right where it belongs.

On Chicago.


As a Cardinals fan, I laughed.
Republicans answer to voters in their Republican primaries above all else. They answer to the people that call into their office. If their primary voters agree with whatever Trump is pushing, then there will be no pushback. If Trump suggests something unpopular with their primary voters, then they oppose.

Trump has no consistent policy. It is not inconceivable that he might suggest something that the base does not like.

2 things:

Trump's base has demonstrated that they'll turn out no matter what, so they effectively ARE the Republican primary base now.

Trump's voters give not one fuck about anything Trump does so long as he keeps pounding on the racism.

I see literally no way this works out well for us, unless Trump actually veers left, which is pretty fucking unlikely.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Immigrants are coming here and starting successful businesses and educating their kids to work in STEM, as doctors, as professors. I instruct college classes for a living, and the amount of bright, hard-working, African, Asian, and Latino/a people who come through my classes is noticeable. It's everything beautiful about the American dream.

Meanwhile, a bunch of angry white folks in the Midwest think they're owed a fucking factory job that makes them 80K a year and are mad that other folks are passing them up. Like, GO TO FUCKING COLLEGE AND MAKE SOMETHING OF YOURSELF. Fuck. Sorry that the world is getting increasingly more global and you can't compete with a Malaysian factory worker anymore. Fuck you, go get educated like the fucking rest of us had to do.

It burns me that I worked so hard to get where I am, and a bunch of white rural and union workers are irritated because their racism is so ingrained that they are mad that they have to do a quarter of the work I did to get what they want.

Sorry if that's too much of a #hottake, but that sure is fuck how I feel. And hey, if the issue was that they needed help going to college, I am fine paying more taxes to help them go for free or for a low cost! But ask for help, don't try to drag me down with you because of petty, envious racism.
One of the most eye opening experiences of my life was when I was running a summer robotics class for kids and on the first day a bunch of Somali mothers usher in their young daughters, all done up with scarves, and sit them down to learn about soldering and basic programming. We're talking 6 or 7 girls, close to a quarter of the class, maybe 12 years old.


I'm so angry right now. I'm stuck at the anger stage in Kubler-Ross. I haven't been this angry at racist white people since I read The Autobiography of Malcolm X in sixth grade and toyed with the idea of converting to Islam.

The argument for a separate nation for people of color has never been stronger.
Being a woman cost her. Not just now. Over her entire career. So yes. I think it's probably not electorally feasible to nominate a woman while going after the new golden goose of rural wwc. Under the bus they go too.


How's everyone holding up? I sat in a quiet corner of a friend's place and did homework all day & now we're getting ready to march in Boston. Stay strong.


I don't have much to say, I'm still in a grief spiral thing, but I'm still reading this thread, and I'd be sad if too many people leave. I appreciate y'alls thoughts <3
Trump is going to have a miserable time being president. I can guarantee you that. He's going to get pulled a thousand ways. And Melania is going to be a disaster of a First Lady. We're going from Michelle Obama to her. I just..can't!
I'm so glad I got a PSVR a few weeks ago. I'll just put it on tonight and say goodbye to the real world for a while. I can't believe this nightmare is now our reality :(
As a Muslim I'm terrified of a next domestic terror attack. Trump will come down hard, and his gun strapping duck dynasty types are going to be full force.
Being a woman cost her. Not just now. Over her entire career. So yes. I think it's probably not electorally feasible to nominate a woman while going after the new golden goose of rural wwc. Under the bus they go too.

It's not that

nearly 7 million voters that voted for Obama in 2012 didn't show up to vote for hillary. 7 million.

Something happened in getting these people out there to vote.
Trump's total votes don't really paint a complete picture. He didn’t get the exact same complement of voters as Romney. Even if he got the same number.

And this is with a laughable operation.

Next time around you'll have these people and I'm guessing an actual campaign ground game and the traditional GOP all aboard. So you're screwed.

The money that held out this time is all in on this next time.


I'm so glad I got a PSVR a few weeks ago. I'll just put it on tonight and say goodbye to the real world for a while. I can't believe this nightmare is now our reality :(

I think I'll throw on the Hulu app and set it to where it looks like I have a high-rise apartment in Hong Kong. Be nice to pretend I live in a different country for a while.
It's not about whether she actually lost because she's a woman, it becomes a narrative that any potential nominee has to overcome. You also have to consider what the electoral landscape looks like after four years.

I certainly didn't say she was advantaged or lacked disadvantage for being a woman, but that generalizations are potentially dangerous.
How's everyone holding up? I sat in a quiet corner of a friend's place and did homework all day & now we're getting ready to march in Boston. Stay strong.

I'll probably be at acceptance in a day or two. I'm getting there.

I'm tired though. Only got 4 hours of sleep last night. But I tried to nap and couldn't do it. My eating is still off as well.

I had a nice day though. My mom and brother came over and we played board games and ate Chinese food (mom joked about getting a last chance before he deports them) and it was a nice distraction from last night.

I'll probably sleep decently well today. Go back to work tomorrow, and by next week, more or less just settle on this actually being real and just patiently wait for the books and movies about this to come out.

Christmas is helping as well. Shopping will be a welcomed distraction.


Yeah, I think I might need a break from PoliGAF. I just can't.

But whyamihere, I don't think you understand. All we need to do is stop talking about the civil rights of minorities and GLBT people ever again and everything will be fine!

Also, it's possible that another candidate would have done better, although I'm not sure who else would have been available. Maybe somebody else has a suggestion?
One of the most eye opening experiences of my life was when I was running a summer robotics class for kids and on the first day a bunch of Somali mothers usher in their young daughters, all done up with scarves, and sit them down to learn about soldering and basic programming. We're talking 6 or 7 girls, close to a quarter of the class, maybe 12 years old.

That is amazing. When I moved back to the Seattle area and started teaching again, I was struck by how diverse my classrooms are, and these students are studying in everything from computer programming to nursing. In fact, those same white baby boomers that are against immigration should probably consider where they'll be in twenty years - needing some Eritrean or Afghani nurse to help them take a bath who came through my classroom at some point.

The argument for a separate nation for people of color has never been stronger.

It's terrifying that complete separation is an idea that's going to come up in the next four years in the mainstream because of President Trump

Me personally, I live in the Seattle area, so I know a lot of white people (including my wife). I like them. I really just want to live in Cascadia more than anything. I'm proud of being from Washington State, at least.

It's scary that a few times over the past few hours, I thought to myself that Jay, Hamilton, and Madison were wrong in the Federalist Papers and that a balkanized United States where I can live and be governed solely within a state that accepts my minority status would be better for me and my family. I know it's absurd, but that's how I feel.


Turnout is always to the detriment of Democrats.

There is plenty of factors at play, but a good portion of the blame will be with the Democrat party, who couldn't mobilize a small percentage of voters against an orange fascist menace.


Turnout is always to the detriment of Democrats.

There is plenty of factors at play, but a good portion of the blame will be with the Democrat party, who couldn't mobilize a small percentage of voters against an orange fascist menace.
In addition to bedwetting shushing, I also never wanna hear about BUT GOTV.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Trump's total votes don't really paint a complete picture. He didn’t get the exact same complement of voters as Romney. Even if he got the same number.

And this is with a laughable operation.

Next time around you'll have these people and I'm guessing an actual campaign ground game and the traditional GOP all aboard. So you're screwed.

The money that held out this time is all in on this next time.

Yup. He'll be a two termer. I am sure of it
California has some choice words for President Trump

SACRAMENTO &#8211; California Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) and California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) released the following statement on the results of the President election:

Today, we woke up feeling like strangers in a foreign land, because yesterday Americans expressed their views on a pluralistic and democratic society that are clearly inconsistent with the values of the people of California.

We have never been more proud to be Californians.

By a margin in the millions, Californians overwhelmingly rejected politics fueled by resentment, bigotry, and misogyny.

The largest state of the union and the strongest driver of our nation&#8217;s economy has shown it has its surest conscience as well.

California is &#8211; and must always be &#8211; a refuge of justice and opportunity for people of all walks, talks, ages and aspirations &#8211; regardless of how you look, where you live, what language you speak, or who you love.

California has long set an example for other states to follow. And California will defend its people and our progress. We are not going to allow one election to reverse generations of progress at the height of our historic diversity, scientific advancement, economic output, and sense of global responsibility.

We will be reaching out to federal, state and local officials to evaluate how a Trump Presidency will potentially impact federal funding of ongoing state programs, job-creating investments reliant on foreign trade, and federal enforcement of laws affecting the rights of people living in our state. We will maximize the time during the presidential transition to defend our accomplishments using every tool at our disposal.

While Donald Trump may have won the presidency, he hasn&#8217;t changed our values. America is greater than any one man or party. We will not be dragged back into the past. We will lead the resistance to any effort that would shred our social fabric or our Constitution.

California was not a part of this nation when its history began, but we are clearly now the keeper of its future.


She'd have to commit a crime to be pardoned of one.
This isn't exactly true. Nixon hadn't been charged with any crimes when Ford pardoned him.

The Nixon pardon was for:
As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States. Whether or not he shall be so prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate grand jury and on the discretion of the authorized prosecutor. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution.

It is believed that a trial of Richard Nixon, if it became necessary, could not fairly begin until a year or more has elapsed. In the meantime, the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former President of the United States. The prospects of such trial will cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.
In addition to bedwetting shushing, I also never wanna hear about BUT GOTV.

GOTV worked, actually. Just in states like Georgia and Texas where it didn't matter at all. She needed a stronger operation in MI, WI and PA. I think, much like most of us, she assumed all three were strong blue states
Trump's total votes don't really paint a complete picture. He didn’t get the exact same complement of voters as Romney. Even if he got the same number.

And this is with a laughable operation.

Next time around you'll have these people and I'm guessing an actual campaign ground game and the traditional GOP all aboard. So you're screwed.

The money that held out this time is all in on this next time.



Whatever, my state can jack off to itself later. It doesn't help to have the federal government diametrically opposed to virtually every stance your state carries. Our vote doesn't matter alone. The rest of the country needs to come along with it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For what it's worth, my mom, an Indian muslim who recently became a citizen, cast her first vote for Hillary yesterday. And she did it partially for me. :)
I mean I want Trump to not be a disaster for the country but even if the economy doesn't implode and millions aren't deported there will still be horrible GOP bills passed.

If thInga actually don't implode it will legitimize him.
It's not that

nearly 7 million voters that voted for Obama in 2012 didn't show up to vote for hillary. 7 million.

Something happened in getting these people out there to vote.

years of the right's constant barrage on Hillary's character finally payed off. the how that "both sides" junk ever came about. people started to believe that she somehow lied as much as Trump does and she didn't really stand for what she says she does.

The right played the long game and it worked
Hrm...implication of that is that the main difference was that minority voters didn't show up in swing states? At least based on what CNN / etc are showing, it looks like Trump just basically got the Romney vote, and the Dems didn't show up. If the theory of decreased turnout leading to minority gains (relatively speaking) for Trump is true, then the implication is that minority voters in swing state major cities just didn't show up.

Basically, this could have nothing to do with some massive surge of white voters propelling Trump forward (especially because it looks like he tied Romney's share of the white vote), and much more about a lack of turnout on the Democratic side. :-/

It depends on location. In Florida, there was a massive influx of rural voters.

In the rust belt, in many urban cities, there seemed to be just as much support. Once you got outside, there was a drop.

Also, exits being 2-3% off in something like black vote is a pretty big deal, so don't take that exit at face value.


If there's any terrorist attack these four years (which has a high chance of happening!) the muslim ban will go into effect in some way.
The terrorist threat is absolutely going to be worse from here on now that they have their "villain" to use for recruiting

Trust me, I'm feeling the same way. I went to bed last night pissed off, outraged and disgusted. I live in south Mississippi, and on top of Donald Trump, I have to deal with two more years of Steven Pallazo and his bullshit as a representative of my district (4th District, specifically).

So since you're deciding to run local (and that's awesome) I'll do you one better: Come 2018, Steven Pallazo will have an actual DNC challenger for 2018 in the 4th district of Mississippi, and it will be me. I'm already working out plans with friends and trying to formulate policy positions and the like, but I'm going full House of Representatives and running in two years.

It's going to be loud, it'll probably be stupid, but I'm not going to sit around and mope. I'm going to run and, so long as the people are willing to give me a shot, I may win, haha!

So good luck in your endeavours, and I wish you the absolute best. And do wish me luck, 'cause this state is a tough nut to crack.
Wow, good luck with that man!


I'm down to just split the debt down the middle and blue states form the Commonwealth of the Unites States and the red states stay the United States of America.

I can't be asked to always pick up the pieces that these guys will inevitably shatter because they are incapable of helping themselves.
Trump's total votes don't really paint a complete picture. He didn’t get the exact same complement of voters as Romney. Even if he got the same number.

And this is with a laughable operation.

Next time around you'll have these people and I'm guessing an actual campaign ground game and the traditional GOP all aboard. So you're screwed.

The money that held out this time is all in on this next time.

On second thought, we learned this year that operations might not matter.
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