harriet the spy
Lol. Very! You gave me hope! I had an election party with my wife who's super pro Hillary and the whole evening she was wondering why I was chipper because I was normally doom and gloom.So votecastr was bad
Lol. Very! You gave me hope! I had an election party with my wife who's super pro Hillary and the whole evening she was wondering why I was chipper because I was normally doom and gloom.So votecastr was bad
They just got cut off at the knees. They don't control anything. What are they supposed to do?
Ayotte conceded so I don't expect one.Barring a recount Hassan wins in NH. YAY!
But people should stop forgetting that the inverse was true as well. He was weakest in ways Hillary was strongest.It's a real question. The 1600 guys talked about it, as did the Slate gabfest crew. He was strongest where Hill was weakest, in some ways.
Ayotte already conceded.Barring a recount Hassan wins in NH. YAY!
you're already doing it man
This is precisely why the Sanders statement is complete bullshit. It's like he didn't even look at the results before commenting. And of at least equal weight to angry white people voting Republican is Democrats just NOT VOTING, and that needs to be called out more by absolutely everyone (including Sanders). Turnout everywhere was down, but enough of the white vote got filled in by who couldn't bother to think for 2 seconds about other people."Economic Anxiety" though
I'm sorry but some of this thread is a bit much, like Jesus Christ guys. Though I am a white, straight male so feel free to shit on me for saying that but I'm about to ditch this thread for good. Turn some of the doom and gloom into motivation on how to fix this mess.
There is a shitload of energy on the grassroots level for, what I might as well call, "not shitty Americans" and it is literally the day after the election. People are already trying to figure out how to fix this party (including in this thread!). On Twitter and Facebook I see tons of people more motivated than ever before to go out and make a difference and to fight back against hate at every level of government. I mean we are literally already seeing protests!
So what the hell is our strategy going forward? Trying to court people that want a majority of the Dems' coalition dead or deported?
So what the hell is our strategy going forward? Trying to court people that want a majority of the Dems' coalition dead or deported?
@jbouie said:It has barely been 24 hours and people are already trying to argue that this election wasnt about racism and white tribalism.
Countdown to the eventual argument that the way to win is to suppress the politics of black, brown, & other marginalized people.
Wouldnt be the first time that we are sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Wont be the last.
I guess one thing we'll have to consider policy-wise is how to ease the transition into being a free-trade, more-open-borders country in a world that becomes increasingly smaller by the year.
I've been thinking quite a bit about this, and honestly, I don't think that you can have free trade without a robust social safety net.
It's going to get ugly for these Trump supporters over the next four years. One thing that's pretty amazing is that they've harmed us all with their vote, but they really fucked themselves because Paul Ryan is about to put them in a world of hurt. I probably get a tax cut out of this, actually, but these guys are fucked.
So what is smart policy to push to voters that can a) beef up a safety net for those who need to transition to other fields, and b) can be pitched in a way that the "hand-outs" attack isn't as effective pushback against it. The big issue is that these Trump voters will reject policies that they perceive as being beneficial to non-whites in any way, so how do we thread that needle in presenting such policies?
Organize to protest/fight some of the shit that is going to come out of the white house and/or congress. I think DACA and the ACA are the most likely candidates.So what the hell is our strategy going forward? Trying to court people that want a majority of the Dems' coalition dead or deported?
Frankly, I have no particular bad feelings towards Bernie. I just don't want to hear more about him.
If we're smart: we'll use the Trump presidency to put the fear of God into the left.
you're already doing it man
Trump is not building a wall and Hillary is not going to jail. People need to get over that.
but he promisedTrump is not building a wall and Hillary is not going to jail. People need to get over that.
Barely slept, barely ate anything today, called sick to work, but finally got myself up and went to the gym to run
I am feeling FURIOUS right now. Having some vicious and hateful thoughts towards those who oppress and who have enabled oppression, but I know these aren't productive without doing something to help marginalized people.
Thinking about the GOP platform from this year makes me seethe. Old fucking men who need to die off are set to revoke so many of the rights and progress that we've made under Obama.
Just so mad right now.
I don't think this is a given any more. We're seeing the collapse of global order. With climate change this is going to get worse.
This country was never meant for people like us. This election is what makes me realize that fully in 2016.
Maybe the media will actually treat it like a real fucking issue.Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?
Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?
Obama can order that he release them.Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?
Ugh going to Off-Topic is depressing. Trump threads everywhere.
Speaking of death. Don't worry, there's California, bastion of humanity!Speaking of race politics heading towards death, criminal justice reform is dead.
Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?
Speaking of race politics heading towards death, criminal justice reform is dead.
And by dead I mean republicans will pass reform that puts more cops on the street and opens up prisons.
Oh and remember how the Obama administration wanted to cut ties to private prisons? Get ready for more funding to be sent to them.
Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?
I think the coalition stays the same we just need to not run a white woman with 25 years of propaganda thrown at her.So what the hell is our strategy going forward? Trying to court people that want a majority of the Dems' coalition dead or deported?
I'm so fucking done with all the "well I'm a straight white man, and personally my feelings were pretty hurt with all this name-calling from liberals" bullshit.
If you ever expect me to coddle you while my people are being slaughtered like animals without justice, you can go fuck yourself. I'm not in the mood for this shit.
Speaking of death. Don't worry, there's California, bastion of humanity!