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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ayotte already conceded.

We're at 51-48 R majority in the Senate. There's a Louisiana Senate runoff between an R and a D that will 99% certainly go to the R. I dunno, maybe they can pull a miracle out of "Trump is a jerk"

Hoping (and I really wish it didn't come to this) Collins, McCain and Graham (among others) stick to their general philosophy on the filibuster and don't let McConnell get rid of it. ACA will be compromised via reconciliation and we'll probably have to deal with the fucking Ryan budget but if Dems maintain a united front we should be able to preserve most of Obama's legacy.

Damn, so close. Even if we win that seat and the senate's tied, Republicans can still nuke the filibuster right?


Not sure if I have the will to watch the political shows tonight. I might just watch some anime instead and try to get work done

Jamelle Bouie has been one of the real MVPs of this campaign.

I would follow him but he actually tweets a bit too much for my tastes :p

My timeline would be flooded
Is anybody else still in disbelief? Like, I watched the whole thing unfold but I still can't believe that it's real. It's just too insane to be real.


Channel that anger into action. Talk to your friends about this and family. Talk to strangers if possible. Get involved locally and recruit others. Pay attention to state elections and vote.

Yeah, that's probably the right idea. I'm pretty introverted, but I need to be better

Oh shit, I just realized that his tax returns should come out if he's not totally bullshitting about the audit. Like, how does he go 4 years saying "I'm under audit, can't do it"?

The "audit" was always bullshit. Never gonna see them
Went to work to print some papers. White people at my job look like they just lost a loved one. Black folks remain unfazed we seen it all. Nothing breaking our spirit for real.
Is anybody else still in disbelief? Like, I watched the whole thing unfold but I still can't believe that it's real. It's just too insane to be real.

I've had a weird month and I keep thinking I'm going to wake up in the beginning of October. Seriously, my life was crazy (which isn't normal for me) in October and nothing feels real anymore.
Organize to protest/fight some of the shit that is going to come out of the white house and/or congress. I think DACA and the ACA are the most likely candidates.
Get people mobilized, do what you can and hopefully you can build momentum that leads to the midterms.

Then we'll see.
We held the largest protest in my lifetime against the Iraq war in 2004. Bush won :(
Changed my avatar to the final Republican who can let me down.

Graham, it's up to you to save Eastern Europe and I'll hate you forever if you fail.

Glad Estonia has heroes and protectors like the guy who got 0.5% in a Republican primary.


The Autumn Wind
Is anybody else still in disbelief? Like, I watched the whole thing unfold but I still can't believe that it's real. It's just too insane to be real.
I feel like I woke up in the alternate 1985 from Back to the Future II. Like you know this isn't how things are supposed to be, but they are.

My stomach has been in knots and I haven't eaten anything since last night. Does anyone have a DeLorean and a flux capacitor?


Man. I slept maybe 2 hours last night, called in sick, and I just realized I haven't eaten or drank anything since before most of the election results last night.

I don't remember ever willingly doing this. I feel like shit. I have a headache.

I'm going to get some In N Out...I almost never eat fast food but fuck it. fuck it all, I'm eating a fast food burger and fries because just fuck it.

Yea I didn't sleep all night either and felt ill and called out of work today. I've had this feeling all day that I just wanted to cry, but I just can't. Right now a lot of us are in the mourning stage. It won't be easy especially when you'll have the news telling you constantly that race and hate wasn't the reason he won.

But we'll move forward. In time we'll be ok. We'll accept this. It's bad beat, but we gotta march on. Unfortunately our work will never be done.
Went to work to print some papers. White people at my job look like they just lost a loved one. Black folks remain unfazed we seen it all. Nothing breaking our spirit for real.

Everyone I saw today looked miserable and this was in Texas. On another note. I hope Republicans in Senate and Congress can keep Trump from electing those horrible people for his cabinet. Anyone, but them.
I'm so fucking done with all the "well I'm a straight white man, and personally my feelings were pretty hurt with all this name-calling from liberals" bullshit.

If you ever expect me to coddle you while my people are being slaughtered like animals without justice, you can go fuck yourself. I'm not in the mood for this shit.
This so much. Glad I'm not a mod. I'd be permabanning posters for saying that left and right.

You privileged little shits dont have the right to say how I should feel as a minority.
I just... I can't even reason with these fucking people...

Everything is fine. Both sides are they same. Should have nominated Howard Dean.
I'm curious, because this is my region.

Why didn't pseudo-rust belt western NY go for Trump? Rochester and Buffalo voted pretty much like they normally do. Unlike its peers in Michigan.

Although, at least for Rochester, medical and tech jobs are taking over the old Kodak crowd, so it's not quite as rusty as it used to be. Don't know what Buffalo's economy is like.
So as it stands. The UK fucked themselves with Brexit. The court might be able to do something about it. But they probably won't.

The US just fucked themselves by voting for Trump. The Electoral College could remember that part of their role is to stop stupid majorities from fucking themselves over. But they won't.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
This so much. Glad I'm not a mod. I'd be permabanning posters for saying that left and right.

You privileged little shits dont have the right to say how I should feel as a minority.

Even worse I've had friends who are Latino supporting Trump and posting funny Memes like this is some funny shit. Sorry dude you are not part of that team no matter how hard you try.
I'm a white dude, but the white dudes who can't go through hearing "the white community is very racist" are soft as shit.

My dad yelled at me for being a bitch when I was suicidal and having a panic attack, he never apologized. Harden up.

Try to understand how people feel.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Oh fuck this shit. Condemn his ass, condemn the fucking people who were totally cool with racism and homophobia and shit, don't give them an out.

This is why democrats are fucked. Mid terms will be disaterous for dems. Trump will definitely get reelected. I just hope that in 8 years they finally have their shit together.


So as it stands. The UK fucked themselves with Brexit. The court might be able to do something about it. But they probably won't.

The US just fucked themselves by voting for Trump. The Electoral College could remember that part of their role is to stop stupid majorities from fucking themselves over. But they won't.

Only a minority voted him in, but it wasn't an overwhelming minority and the Republican majorities in the House and Senate don't exactly help.

Angry Fork

Obama's first words post-election are: we're all the same people, there are no republicans and democrats, respect the institutions and rule of law.

This is the liberal hero. Trumpism ain't that bad guys chill out.
I wish Sun/Moon came out this week

I need my safety blanket of Pokemon sooner

Who is the head of the DNC and why isn't it Howard Dean.

Why isn't it Dean

That's a good question

Super successful at getting seats and organizing

But nah, kick him out for Kaine who failed. Then Debbie who failed. And now lady I forget the name of who failed.


We held the largest protest in my lifetime against the Iraq war in 2004. Bush won :(
And the dems took the house and the senate in 2006, running in large part on opposition to the Iraq War. And remember, the war was still pretty damn popular in '04 but it wasn't in '06, in no small part due to the anti-war movement.

And more broadly, there are no guarantees in any of this, it takes time, efforts and there will be setbacks without a doubt, but this is the path forward.
Come on now. We have no way of knowing this.

I mean

Everyone was so sure that Hillary would win. Those analysts saying we are in uncharted territory right now, we are in fucking uncharted territory. All the data pointed to Trump losing. And here we are. Trump being president for 8 years is very, very possible at this point.
I just keep getting seized by fits of rage imagining how things will go with my classmates. They're the most politically disengaged guys I've ever met, a bunch of lean Rs and "both sides" bullshit. There's all of 2 minorities in the class, and that's counting me, so call it 1.5. 2 women. I'm the person there who's politically vocal, so I just know they're going to try a "oh man sorry your candidate lost" stuff, and then I just have to ask them how they voted and... if they voted Trump or didn't vote, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I just get so fucking ANGRY even imagining it.


Trumpism ain't that bad guys chill out.

Subject to years of Republican untenable economic experimentation, worst possible ending for Climate Change, Voting Rights Act eviscerated, and a Supreme Court that will be extremely far to the right for a generation.

Sorry, there is no good endings here.
Everything is fine. Both sides are they same. Should have nominated Howard Dean.

That is legitimately the mentality of people in VT. That Bernie got screwed just like Howard Dean, and just like Dean would have won in 2004, Bernie would have won last night. I refuse to believe that. There's also a lot of people making fun of videos of crying Clinton supporters. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I don't think most of them realize it's a Republican President and a Republican Congress.
Obama can order that he release them.

I doubt he will though.

Are people expecting Obama to be critical of Trump? There's no way he says anything negative about Trump, ever. He's going to embrace the tradition of Presidents not criticizing the office-holder. It's actually something to admire about G.W. Bush's post-presidency.
There is a long way til 2020, anything can happen. I just hope democrats grow from the experience because something went terribly terribly wrong for Trump to win and writing it off as just racists voting in a racist is about the worst thing that can come from this loss. Sure, it's in part true, we know a lot of racists backed Trump. But to assume he won because of that is a dangerous assumption to make.

Democrats need to build a message that appeals to a wider range of the population (despite already winning the popular vote) and to do that they need to discern why people voted for Trump and why people didn't get out and vote for Hillary and I think it's more issue driven than people are willing to admit.

One thing that also seems clear to me is that polsters did not create a very accurate macro strategy for Hillary to follow. I think that is the biggest problem here, losing states that were assumed to be blue was a fault of strategy. It was like they were completely blind sided in some states; at least that is the impression I got.
That is legitimately the mentality of people in VT. That Bernie got screwed just like Howard Dean, and just like Dean would have won in 2004, Bernie would have won last night. I refuse to believe that. There's also a lot of people making fun of videos of crying Clinton supporters. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I don't think most of them realize it's a Republican President and a Republican Congress.

They're white people in a rich blue state, Trump likely won't personally effect them much at all. So they don't really care.
"I know they've shown a pathological interest on certain results for years now but we can't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEALY predict what they're actually going to push for until they push for it."

That was my take away. "We don't know their agenda is pure evil until after they start forced eugenics..."

They're white people in a rich blue state, Trump likely won't personally effect them much at all. So they don't really care.

I completely get that. Apparently I'm just more sympathetic to the plight of minorities than most people. Which is ironic considering I generally get accused of being cold and unempathetic...
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