I guess one thing we'll have to consider policy-wise is how to ease the transition into being a free-trade, more-open-borders country in a world that becomes increasingly smaller by the year.
I've been thinking quite a bit about this, and honestly, I don't think that you can have free trade without a robust social safety net.
It's going to get ugly for these Trump supporters over the next four years. One thing that's pretty amazing is that they've harmed us all with their vote, but they really fucked themselves because Paul Ryan is about to put them in a world of hurt. I probably get a tax cut out of this, actually, but these guys are fucked.
So what is smart policy to push to voters that can a) beef up a safety net for those who need to transition to other fields, and b) can be pitched in a way that the "hand-outs" attack isn't as effective pushback against it. The big issue is that these Trump voters will reject policies that they perceive as being beneficial to non-whites in any way, so how do we thread that needle in presenting such policies?