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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Honestly, I have the education and job experience to relocate to Canada, and yes, I know that's all the rage to talk about every time one side loses, but I am getting my TOEFL cert and they need ESL instructors.

I'd stay here and fight, but I want to have a child, and I am not raising a black kid in America right now. I just can't.

Take your ass Toronto.

Angry Fork

We absolutely have to respect a peaceful transfer of power. This is core to our democracy functioning.

The electoral college is not democracy, this system is going to take away voting rights from black people, kick out immigrants looking for a better life, prevent abortion, etc. you guys all know the long list because liberals kept talking about how bad a right wing power structure would be for the country.

Now that it's here you guys want to say respect the process. Hopefully young people don't heed Obama's words of being nice to their oppressors and the dem party starts wising up.


Calling on activists/supporters to mobilize against trumpism, to do all they can (including through undemocratic means) to immobilize and hurt the work of right-wing administrations across the country.

But nah we gotta unite and something hold hands with racists or some shit.

You expect the exiting President to do this just hours after an election?

That's insane.

Angry Fork

Seriously stop being nonsensical. If you expect the President to call for civil unrest rather than respecting peaceful transition of power you're being deluded.

Hopefully when he's out of office all bets are off.

I'm not saying I expected Obama to do that, he's never been like that obviously, but he should.
The electoral college is not democracy, this system is going to take away voting rights from black people, kick out immigrants looking for a better life, prevent abortion, etc. you guys all know the long list because liberals kept talking about how bad a right wing power structure would be for the country.

Now that it's here you guys want to say respect the process. Hopefully young people don't heed Obama's words of being nice to their oppressors and the dem party starts wising up.

Your solution to stop fascism is for Obama to become a dictator and seize power from the person who won the election?

Trump won. He won a fair election. He is the president elect. It's over. What we do now is work towards mitigating the damage.
Much love to everyone in PoliGAF. You are all great people and these threads kept me well more informed and engaged politically than I've ever been prior. It's sad that the result isn't the one we were all hoping for, but I look forward to future threads keeping me sane while we prepare for the 2018 and 2020 elections.



Obama's first words post-election are: we're all the same people, there are no republicans and democrats, respect the institutions and rule of law.

This is the liberal hero. Trumpism ain't that bad guys chill out.

And he's right. Trump was a Democrat before he was a Republican, he's palled around with Democrat politicians for years and years. It's hard to tell what a Trump presidency is actually going to be, and in fact even many of his supporters seem to be counting on the hope that he doesn't go through with his more extreme proposals.

All the pundits (professional and amateur) are saying that Trump will be a fascist, that he's going to be an economic disaster, that America is a failed state, etc. But this election has demonstrated to me that they've never understood Trump. Why should I believe them now? Why should I believe any of the doomsayers? I'll wait and see, and then condemn if appropriate.

Much love to everyone in PoliGAF. You are all great people and these threads kept me well more informed and engaged politically than I've ever been prior. It's sad that the result isn't the one we were all hoping for, but I look forward to future threads keeping me sane while we prepare for the 2018 and 2020 elections.


Ha, "informed". Not sure how you can say that about PoliGAF after what just happened. This community needs to wake up.
Trump won fair and square. Undermining our institutions is short-sighted and dangerous. We have to fight with ideas. We've made it 240 years with this system--we'll make it another 4.

Angry Fork

You expect the exiting President to do this just hours after an election?

That's insane.

More insane than Trump and the republicans controlling everything for 4 years? If you think this then you don't think fascism is that bad, that's the clear takeaway.


so people say the muslim ban won't happen.

But what about surveillance? and keeping tabs or some sort of database on muslim's? possible or unlikely?

2. Half of America did not, in fact, just reveal themselves to be closet Nazis.

The truth is, most of Trump's voters voted for him despite the fact that he said/believes awful things, not because of it. That in no way excuses it ... [he goes on to argue just that]

Uhh citation needed. My anecdotal evidence is as good as theirs and as I mentioned earlier I know plenty of Republicans who did not vote for Trump specifically because of what he said/believes. They come from the same communities and states that got flipped and are facing the same issues, so why exactly should they not get credit for standing up to racism and bigotry while everyone else gets a pass by assuming that they didn't vote for Trump specifically because of those very same things?

We keep trying to remove the agency and responsibility from Trump voters; they're not robots unable to break their programming. Plenty of people from those same places and circumstances evaluated what Trump was offering and said hell no, it's not worth the cost if it means accepting bigotry. The rest of the people who live there and made the wrong choice don't get to be excused just because it makes us feel better not to have to recognize how deep racism runs in this country.


so people say the muslim ban won't happen.

But what about surveillance? and keeping tabs or some sort of database on muslim's? possible or unlikely?
The NYPD already did this.

e New York Police Department began an intense surveillance operation that focused on Muslims in New York City and beyond. Plainclothes officers, sometimes called “rakers,” and informants, or “mosque crawlers,” went anywhere that Muslims congregated. They eavesdropped on conversations in restaurants and cafes, catalogued memberships in mosques and student organizations, and, it was later said, even tried to bait people into making inflammatory statements.

The operation was run by the Police Department’s intelligence division, which was headed by David Cohen, who had previously held a high-ranking job in the Central Intelligence Agency. The surveillance effort was so secret that a police spokesman would not confirm the existence of the “demographics unit,” an intelligence-division subgroup doing the monitoring.

The sweep of the scrutiny might have remained hidden if not for reporters at the Associated Press, who described it in a series of stories that won a Pulitzer Prize, in 2012.
One lawsuit, filed in federal district court in Brooklyn by the American Civil Liberties Union and others, maintained that more than a decade of “suspicionless surveillance” of Muslims had violated the Constitution and “profoundly harmed” thousands of people whose names were placed in secret police files. The second, which was filed in Manhattan, said that the spying violated a set of rules, known as the Handschu Guidelines, that govern how the police in New York City may investigate political and religious activity.

The settlement, which is subject to approval by a judge, will require that police obtain factual information about possible unlawful activity before starting a preliminary investigation into political or religious activity, and will limit the Police Department’s use of undercover operatives and confidential informants. It will also formalize what the city said was an existing policy, by prohibiting investigations in which race, religion, or ethnicity are a substantial or motivating factor. The Police Department will remove from its Web site a report titled “Radicalization in the West,” which critics had said justified discriminatory surveillance, and will install a civilian representative within the department to serve as a check on investigations directed at political and religious activities.

Angry Fork

And he's right. Trump was a Democrat before he was a Republican, he's palled around with Democrat politicians for years and years. It's hard to tell what a Trump presidency is actually going to be, and in fact even many of his supporters seem to be counting on the hope that he doesn't go through with his more extreme proposals.

All the pundits (professional and amateur) are saying that Trump will be a fascist, that he's going to be an economic disaster, that America is a failed state, etc. But this election has demonstrated to me that they've never understood Trump. Why should I believe them now? Why should I believe any of the doomsayers? I'll wait and see, and then condemn if appropriate.

I'm actually personally inclined to believe Trump is more moderate than he portrayed himself and is a conman rather than an ideologue.

But what he represents, what Pence is, and most of the right wing politicians in the house/senate, is a very serious and real form of fascism/american taliban shit. Trump may not want to go as far as they want him to if you believe him to be a closet moderate but I don't see how he would be able to say no.


Makai has been the most calm poster in this thread since last night.

I'm starting to think he was a Republican plant all this time. :O
The bar for calm is pretty low when people are considering which authoritarian regime should be installed to avoid a Trump presidency.


More insane than Trump and the republicans controlling everything for 4 years? If you think this then you don't think fascism is that bad, that's the clear takeaway.

I'm not sure what you expect though. Going into Tuesday you were either going to have President Clinton or Trump. That's how it works. If Clinton won, you would have people sharing this same opinion and it would be equally absurd. You don't want to see the leader of your country making an ass of himself.


Woke up this morning to my mom crying in her room. She's cried throughout the day along with my Aunt who was also a Clinton supporter.

Today has been a fucked up day for me emotionally. I'm saddened that Clinton lost but I'm more saddened about how important this was for my mother and that she won't see the first woman president in her lifetime. Thinking about that then made me depressed about my parents getting older and well here I am right now.

I know this is corny as fuck but I just want to thank all of you. I've learned so much in the past year and have enjoyed reading your thoughts and opinions.


The bar for calm is pretty low when people are considering which authoritarian regime should be installed to avoid a Trump presidency.
But don't you think there should be a check on elections? I mean, the President has the veto power right, why can't he use it on elections?

Besides, what are the gun nuts going to do against the U.S. Military?
Should we expect the Texas results to change significantly when all the votes are cast? Because I gotta say, fewer than 1 million votes and 10% is huge for Democrats. It was a bad year for Democrats nationwide and they still outperformed 2012 by 6 points (and 08 by 3-4).

Similar with Georgia and Arizona.

Angry Fork

I'm not sure what you expect though. Going into Tuesday you were either going to have President Clinton or Trump. That's how it works. If Clinton won, you would have people sharing this same opinion and it would be equally absurd. You don't want to see the leader of your country making an ass of himself.

If Clinton won the right would be far more mobilized and determined to do everything they could to undermine her and the democratic party wherever it exists. Their opinions are wrong, but their tactics aren't.


I think it was a mistake to stay home today. I've basically been alone with my thoughts and dozens of articles for hours, which is probably feeding into some awful feel-bad-about-everything feedback loop. Maybe work would've helped take my focus elsewhere.

Man I feel fucked up. I want to fight for the future of this country in 2018 and '20, but living in Cambridge, I can't help but have an instinctive knee-jerk feeling of just wanting to raise the walls around Mass for a couple years.


So about 20 hours into realizing what just happened and have had some time to let this all soak in and reflect a bit.

Random and perhaps still incoherent thoughts I have:

1. Americans got the president we deserve. I am shocked that there were 5-6 million less votes for HRC than Obama in 2012. What that meant is that some did not show up to vote and some voted for Trump.
2. Minorities did not come out in force to protect our best interests. I cannot believe that almost 1/3 of hispanics voted for Trump. I cannot see any common sense for this. Also young people voting 47% for Trump. WTF?
3. There needs to be peaceful turnover of power like every other election. Trump gets his chance with more power than ever with all 3 branches + governors being conservative.
4. Carefully watching how this affects my pocketbook and jobs in my industry.
5. Carefully watching how this affects our status in the global world wrt to military, economy, and climate.
6. Carefully watching how the DNC rebound from this. This is a smack in the face and perhaps this is the opportunity we needed to wake up.
7. Carefully watching how the country heals together.

It feels like the Empire Strikes Back to be honest. Sigh
If Clinton won the right would be far more mobilized and determined to do everything they could to undermine her and the democratic party wherever it exists. Their opinions are wrong, but their tactics aren't.


When McCain lost, Bush transferred his power peacefully to Obama. This is one aspect of our democracy both sides will always respect.

It's why it was a huge deal when Trump threatened not to concede.

When McCain lost, Bush transferred his power peacefully to Obama. This is one aspect of our democracy both sides will always respect.

It's why it was a huge deal when Trump threatened not to concede.

Bush transferred his power peacefully. The Republican party, however, was already plotting and planning to start their obstructionism on day one. The party wanted to make Obama a 1 term President. They didn't pull that off. But eight years later, they're int he position where they can successfully erase his accomplishments like he never took office.
You know I'm getting a little bit of hope seeing these protest come up. I hope it can last.

Thats the thing If liberals stay motivated an and vote we can make it out of this mess sooner rather than later. Turn out is what lost Hillary Clinton the election. It is terrible now, and the next four years are going to hurt but we have to stay motivated.


Bush transferred his power peacefully. The Republican party, however, was already plotting and planning to start their obstructionism on day one. The party wanted to make Obama a 1 term President. They didn't pull that off. But eight years later, they're int he position where they can successfully erase his accomplishments like he never took office.
So because Republicans worked through the political system Democrats should eschew the political system and overturn the election? Because otherwise I don't see what solution to the death of the Republic that you're offering here. Democrats can't be trusted, which is why they need to be in power, not in opposition.
I am a teacher at a school for low income students. Many are minorities. This was the hardest day of my career. It has been hard for me to not burst into tears many times today. It isn't me I am worried about.

My wife teaches in Vista, CA. She had the exact same experience. Very hard day for her and her students.
I've kind of relaxed myself a bit, for a multitude of reasons.

1. There are people who are doing worse than I am and I need to support them.

2. This is a shitty trial, it's reality, and being upset isn't going to make it easier for me.

3. There's still energy and will in my heart to fight back.

I'm not saying to not be sad or to not be mad, but if you can muster up the energy to be there for others, please do
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