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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
What percentage of Bernie voters ended up voting in the general election? Any stats with this info? I wonder if Bernie supporters staying home is what ended up happening.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I wonder what percentage of Bernie voters ended up voting in the general election. Any stats with this info? I wonder if Bernie supporters staying home is what ended up happening.

Bernie Disciple Teachout had less votes than Hillary got if that tells you anything.


I'm a physician. I will be in the top 10% percent when I graduate from residency. I already signed on with a hospital system that has an incredible retirement package. I'll be cool.

But this is literally what the American people want. So I hope they get it. The Republican Party will have no excuses when the inevitable happens considering they control absolutely everything right now.

25.4% of the voting public. Let's keep that in mind.

As the data comes in, it's looking more and more this was exclusively a failure of Democrats to get the Obama coalition to turn out. GOP turnout flat lined the last three presidential elections and Trump is president with less votes than McCain or Romney mustered.

You get what you deserve when you don't vote. People that supposedly supported Obama for 8 years stabbed him in the back last night, and now well see everything washed away a voting block less enthusiastic about Trump than they were McCain.

Because people always think it's someone else's Senator/Congressman who's the problem, this isn't new
Yeah most people like their own congressperson.

Only ten (?) seats in the House changed hands and they almost all had to do with redistricting (more than half came from Florida).

From R to D: FL-7*, FL-10, FL-13*, IL-10*, NV-3, NV-4*, VA-4

From D to R: FL-2, FL-18, NE-2*

*Incumbent went down

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
25.4% of the voting public. Let's keep that in mind.

As the data comes in, it's looking more and more this was exclusively a failure of Democrats to get the Obama coalition to turn out. GOP turnout flat lined the last three presidential elections and Trump is president with less votes than McCain or Romney mustered.

You get what you deserve when you don't vote. People that supposedly supported Obama for 8 years stabbed him in the back last night, and now well see everything washed away a voting block less enthusiastic about Trump than they were McCain.


Trump is literally going to undo pretty much everything Obama has accomplished.


I'm still nauseous from the prospect that the GOP held our government hostage... literally broke our country. And now, they can run on a message of "Washington is broken" and be rewarded for it. It's fucking insane.
Enough wasting time thinking about hypotheticals...

When I woke up today, I was down in the dumps for sure. Now, I'm excited and looking forward to bringing about change so that this tragedy can be avoided. I hope this result will shake up the establishment- its time to move on and reform the DNC in a manner that reflects the young populace that will be critical in the future.

Goodbye old guard. The GOP wrote its autopsy in 2012 and ignored it and got lucky that populism is in right now. Democrats need to step back and do their own autopsy. The DNC should be gutted and rebuilt from the ground up.

I'm sad but not despairing. The majority of the country rejected Trump yesterday. I'm optimistic about that. Let's get involved at the local level and start making grassroots change to offer an alternative to the GOP.
Because vast swathes of the electorate are horrible people. That either overtly or covertly want to fuck over minorities. And they may have it bad too. They may have seen their town decimated because coal is dead and American cars suck. What of it? It doesn't make their bigotry okay. And you're not going to get them on board unless you embrace their bigotry.

Why are people so afraid to say this, are you all running in 2020?

The only away to keep them from having the power to force their hateful shit is by winning elections.

Democrats got their ass whopped badly. they may be racist, they maybe ignorant and privileged and indolent to the pains and tribulations of minorities but we either bring them to our side enough or neutralize their voting influence enough or just resign ourselves to lose elections because the DNC can't help itself from making unforced errors. Incompetent party with a bad candidate.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The only away to keep them from having the power to force their hateful shit is by winning elections.

Democrats got their ass whopped badly. they may be racist, they maybe ignorant and privileged and indolent to the pains and tribulations of minorities but we either bring them to our side enough or neutralize their voting influence enough or just resign ourselves to lose elections because the DNC can't help itself from making unforced errors. Incompetent party with a bad candidate.

There is enough hyperbole, you don't need to add more.


I'm still nauseous from the prospect that the GOP held our government hostage... literally broke our country. And now, they can run on a message of "Washington is broken" and be rewarded for it. It's fucking insane.

Yeah, this is the part that drives me the craziest. The fact that Rubio ran for President with the message that he hated being a Senator and got re-elected to the Senate is fucking mind-boggling to me.

Edit: Also holy shit at Seattle. Hope the casualties are minimal.
Yeah most people like their own congressperson.

Only ten (?) seats in the House changed hands and they almost all had to do with redistricting (more than half came from Florida).

From R to D: FL-7*, FL-10, FL-13*, IL-10*, NV-3, NV-4*, VA-4

From D to R: FL-2, FL-18, NE-2*

*Incumbent went down

I hate my Senator Amy Klobuchar. If anything comes up that needs to be shouted down...who is the person doing it in this state? Al Franken.

Klobuchar needs to get out of Keith Ellison's seat.

I hate my congressperson(McCollum). I keep voting for her but I hate her too. Yeah, Betty...let's militarize the police...genius idea. While we're at it. How bout we just call them what they are then...The Military.

Me. I need help
911: Ok, what's your address and we'll send the military out there as soon as possible.
I hate my Senator Amy Klobuchar. If anything comes up that needs to be shouted down...who is the person doing it in this state? Al Franken.

Klobuchar needs to get out of Keith Ellison's seat.

I hate my congressperson(McCollum). I keep voting for her but I hate her too. Yeah, Betty...let's militarize the police...genius idea. While we're at it. How bout we just call them what they are then...The Military.

Me. I need help
911: Ok, what's your address and we'll send the military out there as soon as possible.
Guess what. You are extremely in the minority on this one.


probably posted, i don't care: https://www.washingtonpost.com/grap...ection/how-donald-trump-won-the-inside-story/

Jennifer Palmieri
Hillary for America communications director
Our big concern, of course, was that he would then morph into somebody else. I had heard things about him, such as he reacts with audiences in front of him . . . So the concern, well, if he gets in front of a general-election audience, is he going to moderate?

Teddy Goff
Hillary for America chief digital strategist
I always thought that he was the ideal Republican nominee. . . . The nomination of Trump was going to make this a battle about racism, misogyny, homophobia and dealing with immigrants. That’s not even getting into the core stability of our opponent.

John Podesta
Hillary for America campaign chairman
There’s no question, I think, that [Trump] represents change. But the question is: What kind of change? And I think we put a lot into the argument that the country would succeed by rejecting that set of values which are based on division, on bigotry, on things he had said along the way, on his sort of history of abusing people.

Guy Cecil
chief strategist of Priorities USA, a pro-Clinton super PAC
We did video tests where we showed voters 40 different clips of Trump speaking — not ads, but just clips of him insulting a disabled reporter, a clip of him insulting Rosie O’Donnell. . . . Regardless of how we tested it — a full-out test, a clip test, online, regular survey, in-person focus group — the two things that consistently stuck out were the issue around his divisiveness and the issue around him being a danger to national security. . . . Mocking the disabled reporter was by far the top-testing clip. And, by the way, that stayed true through the whole campaign.

Paul Manafort
former campaign Chairman for Donald Trump and convention manager
Trump views Hillary Clinton as the personification of what’s rotten in Washington. He really does make the connection between the rigged system, as he calls it, the corruption of Washington, the gridlock of Washington and the all-talk, no-action approach that Washington takes. . . . His point was that the opponent was more than just Hillary. She was the symbol.

Kellyanne Conway
Donald J. Trump for President campaign manager
There was maybe a 14-day period where she lost eight to nine contests, I believe, to Bernie Sanders. And I studied that and I thought, she’s going to have a real problem here because she’s somebody who’s always caught unaware. She was caught unaware by Barack Obama in 2008. She seemed to be caught unaware of Bernie Sanders’s surge. . . . And we could catch her unaware again.

Sean Spicer
Republican National Committee chief strategist
The narrative was already baked in. That was the beauty of her. In most campaigns, you’re trying to define a candidate. She was defined as someone that people don’t like and don’t trust, and all we had to do was reinforce the existing narrative.
Social media and the internet was fuel for the Trumpster fire. The normalization of alt-right beliefs and over-exposure from both sides played a factor. I don't believe Trump would have gotten half as much support from young voters if it wasn't for twitter, reddit, 4chan, memes etc

they got engaged because he was not your normal politician in pretty much every way. that was pretty much it for a lot of them. people "brexiting" hard for Trump because they believe he embodies change. good or bad was irrelevant.

i do still believe a normal politician can still win, but Trump has made "establishment" such a dirty word that's its going to make that person just going to sound like the boring parent coming back home to end the party. (that is assuming that his base are still as elated with him them as they are with him now)

Maybe presidential elections really are just popularity contests and we should treat them as such. We learn time and time again that most people have short term memories and only turn an eye to politics every 4 years. Policies were as irrelevant as ever for a ton of people. Emails and memes dominated the cycle. Trump is horrible but he gets people talking.

this may be a turning point in the way people become engaged with a candidate. we found out the hard way that the enthusiasm gap was very real. The dems will need a firebrand to reignite our base the way the Trump did to the reps. I'm leaning on the idea that we need a celebrity to run and beat Trump at his own game because young people are STILL not engaged.

Mark Cuban/Stephen Colbert 2020
Guess what. You are extremely in the minority on this one.

Keith Ellison should be a Senator. Franken is doing a better job than Klobuchar. Klobuchar does nothing. She should vacate. If she's so beloved...she should run for Governor. The fucking Republicans did it again just like 2010...we lost the House/Senate in state. Our only saving grace is I don't have to fucking hear from David Hann ever again.

And I won't be voting for Klobuchar should she choose to run for Governor. We need Scott Dibble to be Governor or John Marty...preferably Dibble.
They have their ratings king for the next four years, no one upset that!

CNN will turn on Trump very quickly. There won't be the multiple daily rallies to cover anymore and there is no horserace to sell, they will start slinging mud at Trump not too long after he takes office


Fuck CNN for trying to act like the rational voice in the room. They don't get to act shocked as to why people are doing this especially when they were complicit.

They have their shining stars, but otherwise they fell into line way too quickly. Up until 11pm last night they hated the guy and now they are either silent or singing his praise.

CNN will turn on Trump very quickly. There won't be the multiple daily rallies to cover anymore and there is no horserace to sell, they will start slinging mud at Trump not too long after he takes office

Hopefully. He'll still be a complete nightmare when he speaks, so they might fall over themselves covering that.


so smart and beautiful:
Kellyanne Conway
Donald J. Trump for President campaign manager

In the wake of President Obama’s historic victory, I was curious and not so convinced that Hillary Clinton was going to be able to claim the same mantle toward history that he did. . . . I’ve always thought for Hillary, the question is not, “Would you vote for a woman?” It’s, “Would you vote for that woman?” It’s Hillary. It’s not a hypothetical.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You can talk all you want about popular vote, I care about the states that flipped to the GOP. Look at that and tell me it wasn't and ass whopping.

Any election where one candidate gets the popular vote and the other the electoral college is not an "ass whopping".
Because vast swathes of the electorate are horrible people. That either overtly or covertly want to fuck over minorities. And they may have it bad too. They may have seen their town decimated because coal is dead and American cars suck. What of it? It doesn't make their bigotry okay. And you're not going to get them on board unless you embrace their bigotry.

Why are people so afraid to say this, are you all running in 2020?

Come to the Bernie Sanders statement thread where I'm getting relentlessly bashed back and forth for stating as such, and being called a racist & xenophobe for stating such.


Some people are too optimistic.





watching these protests has me in shock


I just remembered something: a long time ago, in one of the primary debates, Hillary said "I'm not going to make a promise that I can't keep." Everything she said during her entire campaign was backed by a concrete plan to actually do it.

That rings so fucking true in the face of how the general election turned out. If only she had been willing to make as many vapid, regressive promises as Donald Trump was.


I just remembered something: a long time ago, in one of the primary debates, Hillary said "I'm not going to make a promise that I can't keep." Everything she said during her entire campaign was backed by a concrete plan to actually do it.

That rings so fucking true in the face of how the general election turned out. If only she had been willing to make as many vapid, regressive promises as Donald Trump was.

He did promise to make everyone's dreams come true, multiple times.
The only away to keep them from having the power to force their hateful shit is by winning elections.

Democrats got their ass whopped badly. they may be racist, they maybe ignorant and privileged and indolent to the pains and tribulations of minorities but we either bring them to our side enough or neutralize their voting influence enough or just resign ourselves to lose elections because the DNC can't help itself from making unforced errors. Incompetent party with a bad candidate.
I don't necessarily disagree. The Democrats will in all likelihood sweep away their minorities to win back the rustbelt with protectionism and nationalism lite. And try in vain to get rural whites.


I don't necessarily disagree. The Democrats will in all likelihood sweep away their minorities to win back the rustbelt with protectionism and nationalism lite. And try in vain to get rural whites.


the very thought that the DNC would ditch us minorities would break my soul completely

Kid Heart

I don't necessarily disagree. The Democrats will in all likelihood sweep away their minorities to win back the rustbelt with protectionism and nationalism lite. And try in vain to get rural whites.

Please god no. Can't we just let them keep their automatic rifles for now or something? Like, I'll sacrifice going tougher on gun control for the presidency if I have to.
I don't necessarily disagree. The Democrats will in all likelihood sweep away their minorities to win back the rustbelt with protectionism and nationalism lite. And try in vain to get rural whites.
Obama isn't going to allow them to ignore minorities. The liberal block of the DNC will not allow them to ignore minorities.

In fact, the path now should be expanding the minority reach into new regions like NC, Georgia and trying to hurry Florida along.

If she won NC and Florida, she would be president elect right now. Both of these states were in her reach. A stronger minority turnout and this is possible without the rust belt.
I don't necessarily disagree. The Democrats will in all likelihood sweep away their minorities to win back the rustbelt with protectionism and nationalism lite. And try in vain to get rural whites.
They'll try for sure, they have to, but the candidate must be "Genuine" or It'll be another failure. Shinra I've never said that you are wrong in your opinion cause I don't think you are. I just think for the sake of a greater good the democrats need to win elections, just win elections, local, state, governor, win.
And you keep pretending elections like Gore v Bush were "Ass Whoopings"

I never said anything about those contests.
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