Dems won't abandon minorities. Hillary won the popular vote and barely lost as the most disliked candidate in history. No need to go back to the drawing board, just get a better candidate next time. They need a candidate who can generate enthusiasm and doesn't scare the shit out of uneducated white idiots, and they will be fine.
I have to say, I really regret being so down on Bernie. I was so wrong about him. He could have beat Trump at his own game with white folks, and Obama/Clinton could have gotten minorities behind him. Alas.
FUCK THIS. Fuck everything about this. Stop treating as pawns or things, without or own thoughts or feelings. We've told you how we feel about the man. You just ain't listening. And that's why Sanders would have done jack shit. Our votes aren't things that you're just magically entitled to, and having Clinton or Obama rallying wouldn't change that. We're our own persons, with our own agencies, thoughts, and feelings. If you refuse to accept that, and think that you're just entitled to our votes no matter who you nominate, no matter whether they throw us under the bus or no, you've got another thing coming and we'll just repeat the mistakes we made this year.
Like seriously... how can you say that Dems won't abandon minorities, then type that garbage like our votes our just magical play-things, that you get by just having Clinton or Trump yelling at us instead of taking the time of actually talk to us and ask us what we want and need? How can you just take us for granted and act like our votes will just magically appear, after what just happened?
You also saw what happened in the primaries. Minorities said they didn't want Sanders. But nooooooo, they just don't know they want. Noooooo, we're just confused and all would be nice and rosy if more people tell us how great our lord and savior Bernie Sanders is, cause we'll just magically vote for any D candidate or will if Obama or whoever tells us to.
Tell me... if it were that easy WHY THE FUCK DID CLINTON LOSE? She had people like Obama and Michelle and Bill and Sanders campaigning for her all over the place! Yet she still lost, and she lost huge! It clearly ain't that easy to win our votes, yet you say that garbage, like we're just play things you don't have to think about. After what happened for Clinton, how can you say that? How can you take those votes for granted and act like they're guaranteed to show up if you get the right people to bat for you, when that didn't get the people to show up this time.
I understand nothing about this. And I have no desire to. Just... get out of here with this. Please, get out of here unless you want to have an actual conversation instead of just treating us like play things that don't understand the greatness of Bernie Fucking Sanders, and will become enlightened if we have our other lord and savior Obama talk to us enough, instead of actually listening to us about the complaints we have about the man and why we might not be down with that and why we didn't vote for him in the primary. Nope, just not enlightened enough and need to hear Obama and Michelle talk some more.
Fuck actually talking to us though, we just don't know what we're talking about and preached at instead. This is LITERALLY abandoning us! This is literally telling us our feelings and concerns don't matter, and that we just need to stop being uppity and get in line! That you don't get that or don't want to is just wow, just wow.
Some allies we have, if that's what counts as being an ally...
No. Just no.
EDIT: Sorry for getting emotional. It just strikes me as ironic. Clinton is getting SO MUCH criticism for acting all smug right now, and acting like she was "entitled" to people's votes and like it was just a coronation or whatever. And there may be a nugget of truth in there! I'm willing to concede that she took a lot for granted. But then to make the SAME EXACT MISTAKE that you're criticizing Clinton for, taking certain votes for granted and acting like she'd get them without doing the work to make sure, and then acting like Bernie Fucking Sanders could do the EXACT SAME THING that you're criticizing Clinton for, but it would just magically work out for HIM, and he's get our votes without having to worry about it by just having a D next to his name and having Michelle and Barack speak to us some, while criticizing Clinton for doing just that to her downfall, is just insane to me. Insane...