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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Denouncing corporations like the Trump Organisation. Elites like the billionaire President who flies around on a gold toilet eating KFC with silver cutlery. And trade like Chinese steel to build Trump buildings.

That sure works.

Not by a candidate that was in favor of NAFTA, Nobody listened to Hillary's policies cause she represents everything they dislike about politics.

Elite, pro-corporation, pro-wallstreet, pro-trade, establishment darling, etc.


Everytime I see the horrifying reality of a Trump cabinet I can hear a southern accent drawling into an NPR microphone,

"Well, I don't like him or his bombastic style, but he's a good businessman and I know he will surround himself with smart people."


A couple of things about this election result.

I'm in Canada and just wonder how if NAFTA is gone what that means between Canada and US relations and in general for Canada?

Also, why is it that people complain about JOBS JOBS JOBS. Is there not 5.5 million job openings right now in the US?


"Job openings were little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of September. Hires edged down to 5.1 million, and total separations were little changed at 4.9 million. The quits rate was unchanged at 2.1 percent, and the layoffs and discharges rate decreased to 1.0 percent."

Like I always see these numbers every month since I like to follow the stock market. So are there not a bunch of jobs out there for people to get but it's more of a skills gap? Or people aren't applying? Like why are there these many jobs available? Why is there nothing to do to get these jobs filled with people who need jobs through training or education or whatever? Republican obstructionism?

Or is there not really 5.5 million job openings and I'm reading the stat wrong?
Not by a candidate that was in favor of NAFTA, Nobody listened to Hillary's policies cause she represents everything they dislike about politics.

Elite, pro-corporation, pro-wallstreet, pro-trade, establishment darling, etc.
Corporations employ people. And trade barrier reduction provides net benefit for national economies. Interconnected economies are also a source of global stability.

The so-called elite in this election was born poor as fuck.

I can't believe "pro-trade" without even the qualifier of liberalisation is now a bad word to what's supposed to be the party of reason.


Corporations employ people. And trade barrier reduction provides net benefit for national economies. Interconnected economies are also a source of global stability.

I can't believe "pro-trade" without even the qualifier of liberalisation is now a bad word to what's supposed to be the party of reason.

The lengths to which you have to chase this discussion should be a clue that this is an explanation in search of evidence.

It should not be surprising that, following a huge loss, all the people who refused to contribute or organize to help defeat white nationalism now have strong opinions as to why we were unable to do so, which happen to line up with the things they wanted from us in the first place in order to get their support.
A couple of things about this election result.

I'm in Canada and just wonder how if NAFTA is gone what that means between Canada and US relations and in general for Canada?

Also, why is it that people complain about JOBS JOBS JOBS. Is there not 5.5 million job openings right now in the US?


"Job openings were little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of September. Hires edged down to 5.1 million, and total separations were little changed at 4.9 million. The quits rate was unchanged at 2.1 percent, and the layoffs and discharges rate decreased to 1.0 percent."

Like I always see these numbers every month since I like to follow the stock market. So are there not a bunch of jobs out there for people to get but it's more of a skills gap? Or people aren't applying? Like why are there these many jobs available? Why is there nothing to do to get these jobs filled with people who need jobs through training or education or whatever? Republican obstructionism?

Or is there not really 5.5 million job openings and I'm reading the stat wrong?

You need to travel to the non urban center areas of MI, PA, WI and OH to get it. When I did, I wondered what are these people doing for work? There's nothing there. Plus, even though I agree that trade is a net benefit on a global scale the relocation trauma was grossly understated. Thus, you have many communities where all that's left is the history of a better time, the past, that's why they would cling to fucking #MAGA and Hillary was a bad candidate to give them an inspiring reason not to do so.
The lengths to which you have to chase this discussion should be a clue that this is an explanation in search of evidence.

It should not be surprising that, following a huge loss, all the people who refused to contribute or organize to help defeat white nationalism now have strong opinions as to why we were unable to do so, which happen to line up with the things they wanted from us in the first place in order to get their support.

I just have to say thank you for continuing to post. It's keeping me somewhat sane. If Democrats focus less on minority issues to get the WWC voter I think I would actually consider moving because I'll know there is nothing left here for me.


Corporations employ people. And trade barrier reduction provides net benefit for national economies. Interconnected economies are also a source of global stability.

The so-called elite in this election was born poor as fuck.

I can't believe "pro-trade" without even the qualifier of liberalisation is now a bad word to what's supposed to be the party of reason.
Why did she oppose the TPP if it was the party of reason? Certain voters are disproportionately affected by trade, and she recognized she needed to court them, thus opposing TPP. But she carried the baggage of NAFTA and previously supporting TPP. Even her strongest supporters here are making pro-trade and pro-TPP arguments when her public platform was anti-TPP. If even her supporters didn't buy that she was actually anti-trade, general voters definitely did not buy her newfound anti-TPP rhetoric.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Some friends and I drew out a timeline from the origins of 4chan to Donald Trump. I should put it up somewhere.

If it has some research behind it, post it to medium with a writeup.
welp my little facebook feud ended with her telling me I'm just as hateful as the man I'm arguing about and to calm down and to stop insulting her for her beliefs and then she blocked me

straight white america is going to give me an aneurysm
Time just drags...so I will ask a question. Excuse me if already asked and answered:

What do we think contributed most to the 5m vote falloff from 2012?

1) Apathy in the candidate
2) Bernie Busters /Never Hillary liberals
3) Voter suppression
Corporations employ people. And trade barrier reduction provides net benefit for national economies. Interconnected economies are also a source of global stability.

The so-called elite in this election was born poor as fuck.

I can't believe "pro-trade" without even the qualifier of liberalisation is now a bad word to what's supposed to be the party of reason.

I agree, with you, the evidence supports the net benefit effect of trade. but that isn't everything. Democrats need to talk about the fact that relocation trauma was grossly underestimated and own that, that it also enables corporations to avoid paying a fair amount of taxes, thus causing austerity. That enables financial markets to cripple the world when a wall street full of cocaine and hookers gambled beyond their means cause they knew that they could get away with it and they did, without punishment.

Own that shit, cause is also true.
Time just drags...so I will ask a question. Excuse me if already asked and answered:

What do we think contributed most to the 5m vote falloff from 2012?

1) Apathy in the candidate
2) Bernie Busters /Never Hillary liberals
3) Voter suppression

More of 1 & 3 tbh. There is a pretty clear line of flipped states with voting laws enacted.
So there's nothing we can do, huh. dems will basically be dead in the water for the senate and they won't be able to block anything. If they move to repeal most of obamas orders and anything to climate change, we're just fucked aren't we?


How long before Trump files libel and slander lawsuits when he's in office?
He's a completely public figure as President though.

He thinks Democracy died in like the 1920s.
right after women got the right to vote?

More accurately he had written that "capitalist democracy" was rendered an "oxymoron" starting around 1920.

He also said that hippies took over the country and ended cultural progress in the 1970s.

He also says smart things:
Gay marriage can’t be a partisan issue because as long as there are partisan issues or cultural issues in this country, you’ll have trench warfare like on the western front in World War I. You’ll have lots of carnage and no progress.


Ah yes, the law.
An old, outdated one, sure.
It's looking like that's going to be the case even if we went by the popular vote. Much like 1992, 1996 and 2000.
Correct. That only reinforces the need to implement a system that requires consensus.
Other way around, no? Smaller northern states wanted a body of equal representation.

The Electoral College wasn't really a regional thing, the slave holding states would have won the national popular vote before 1800. (Assuming an equal % of voting and blah blah blah.)
No? It was a compromise. So of course it had to entice the northern states. But one of the overriding considerations was the need to mollify slaveholding interests. Madison spoke to this. A popular vote, which he favored, was not viable because it ignored the slave population. So you mix a population-based system mixed with a 3/5 compromise, and the EC becomes palatable.
He's a completely public figure as President though.

More accurately he had written that "capitalist democracy" was rendered an "oxymoron" starting around 1920.

He also said that hippies took over the country and ended cultural progress in the 1970s.

He also says smart things:

So how does he expect gay rights to suddenly stop being a partisan issue? The party he supports is the party that's against gay rights.

East Lake

I don't think economic populism is the answer to the vote numbers but there are issues that need to be adopted from Sanders and Warren that are good in themselves without needing to believe it'll do everything to flip rust belt states. Democrats haven't dealt properly with the core of the economics problems, and that is the massive fraud and destruction of wealth by the large financial institutions, the officers getting away with it relatively freely. Whether the minimum wage is at 12 or 15 is inconsequential compared to this.

The "white people" hand wringing seems odd too when the simplest explanation is that Hillary had too much baggage. I'm not saying Bernie would have won either. Noting white people are racist isn't a particularly interesting observation. Obama seemed to be pretty well positioned to outperform the "racist vote" however you define it comfortably, and he was smart enough to manage his email a bit better. Need a better candidate, Cuban 2020.


I'd say focusing on the presidency has been a mistake. A presidency is too fickle to base the future on the nation on. Democrats need a bottom up approach and that's with the house and senate.

Unfortunately I have no idea how that could feasibly happen given the gerrymandering and the demographic shifts. Why would liberals want to live in rural america. Asking people to move back is not feasible. The system is rigged.
He's a completely public figure as President though.

More accurately he had written that "capitalist democracy" was rendered an "oxymoron" starting around 1920.

He also said that hippies took over the country and ended cultural progress in the 1970s.

He also says smart things:

... This is not a smart thing Benji!

There was lots of progress and opinion changing with total rejection from one of the two political parties.


people think Thiel is bad. Alex fucking Jones is going to play a major role in this administration. think about that. scary times people.


So how does he expect gay rights to suddenly stop being a partisan issue? The party he supports is the party that's against gay rights.
... This is not a smart thing Benji!

There was lots of progress and opinion changing with total rejection from one of the two political parties.
He was arguing that it shouldn't be a partisan issue because it should be crystal fucking clear that gay rights and gay marriage is the right position. The parties using it against one another is dumb.

Should be, is different than is.

I have no idea why Thiel switched to supporting Carly and then Trump this year. I guess he was tired of losing.
Samantha Bee has arrived at just the right time in history that she could either end up in Gitmo or be the most popular politician comedian in America thanks to liberal backlash.

Either way, she'll go down a legend.

So there's that!


This has probably been posted already, but I think it needs more attention.

Bernie Sanders's statement on the Trump win is very classy and accurate IMO.

“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer.

“To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him.”


Thanks, white male! Glad you could come by to tell me more about Bernie Sanders! Do you think he would have done better in the election this year?
I think you're ignoring the possibility that Sanders could have had both the Democratic AND Green Party nomination. That would have been huge!


"working class" is the biggest fucking dogwhistle.

As if working class minority families aren't also hurting.

Strange that we don't resort to racism and voting for a hatemonger, tho...
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