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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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His lack of experience is his only weakness.

Hopefully his gun stuff can get him by a primary, though. Some old establishment Dem who wants "their turn" is going to go out there and get him to talk about gun control in a debate. And run gun stuff against him. "Endorsed by the NRA" could possibly lose a Dem primary for him.

I think he can overcome it, but the Democrats should make sure to be careful in their next primary. Stuff like Hillary's speeches probably hurt a lot more in the general than what we saw back then.

Led to the email server for govt communication.
Led to Clinton foundation continuing to receive funds from foreign govts.
Led to speeches when she knew she was going to be running for prez. (WTF did you need the godam money so bad?)
Led to ignoring the firewall.

Was any of it really bad? No. But she has been in politics all her life. She knew that a million small cuts was the only way the GOP could bring her down. And she gave them all the ammo.

Our best case senario right not is that either:
a. Trump is a completely different president that we thought.
b. Or he does the typical complete GOP overreach and gets crushed in the mid terms.

Our worst case senario:
He is the typical GOP president, and allows the GOP to do massive and permanent damage to the progressive movement slowly for 8 years.

I hate to say this, but the DEMs shouldn't filibuster ACA repeal. Just vote party line against repeal. Obstruct and filibuster everything else and try to get the sanest SC judge we can.

Ryan has already proven that he can completely gut ACA through budget reconciliation and wants nothing more than to hang a crippled ACA on the Dem's neck. ACA is gone, we need to let the GOP own it.

I bet right now McConnel is weighing the pros and cons of nuking the filibuster. Hardcore SC judges and all their bullshit legislation vs owning the ACA repeal.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Sheer arrogance.

Anyone remember in the primaries when Bernie said that one of his priorities was chasing the white working class vote because it was still huge and couldn't be ignored and he was roundly criticized for it?

I do, and we were all wrong and are paying for that mistake. Bill Maher brought up the same point.

He thought we were too focused on social justice issues and not paying enough attention to the economy. Which is even insane to think about considering we have 4 percent unemployment, unfortunately objective facts don't matter,


What Lies Ahead for the Supreme Court in a Trump Administration? [The Atlantic]
What happens to Scalia’s vacant seat?

Gone are the hopes that Obama’s third justice could tip the Court’s ideological balance towards the left. Merrick Garland, his nominee for that vacancy, will return to his old job as chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
What would have happened if Clinton had won?

For the American left, the opportunity cost is incalculable. Replacing Scalia with Garland (or, if Clinton had won, a more liberal jurist) would have given liberals their first five-justice majority since 1970, ending a half-century of conservative leadership of the Court.

It’s impossible to know how a more liberal Court would behave with any certainty, but legal scholars anticipated major rulings protecting abortion rights, narrowing the scope of the Second Amendment, overturning Citizens United, and abolishing the death penalty.
If the Supreme Court takes a hard turn to the right, is there any hope for liberals?

For starters, it’s not the nation’s only court. Obama’s appointments to the federal district and appellate courts have already shifted the judiciary’s ideological balance towards the left. Judges appointed by Democratic presidents currently hold a majority on nine of the 13 circuit courts of appeals, for example. That includes the pivotal D.C. Circuit, which rules on most cases involving the federal government, and most of the regional circuit courts.

A staunchly conservative Supreme Court could still deliver fatal blows to liberal economic and social policies. But it can’t be everywhere at once.
Sheer arrogance.

Anyone remember in the primaries when Bernie said that one of his priorities was chasing the white working class vote because it was still huge and couldn't be ignored and he was roundly criticized for it?

And I'd criticize him again for it! Even now!


Hey, great! Some more white liberals showed up! I'm so excited! I haven't heard nearly enough about Bernie Sanders!

Have you heard of the Good Book? It involves a white Jewish guy from New York, who's been in politics for 30 years or so, ignoring the African-American demographic in the Primaries, only to win against someone who harnessed antisemitism, had an anti-Semitic digital site behind him rallying neo-Nazis and Klan folk, won the White Working Class base, and literary used ((((Globalists)))) as short-hand for Jew.

It's very interesting.

I'm being sarcastic, but I don't see how a Jewish politician would've survived Trump and the Deplorables. I really don't.

If the Supreme Court takes a hard turn to the right, is there any hope for liberals?

For starters, it’s not the nation’s only court. Obama’s appointments to the federal district and appellate courts have already shifted the judiciary’s ideological balance towards the left. Judges appointed by Democratic presidents currently hold a majority on nine of the 13 circuit courts of appeals, for example. That includes the pivotal D.C. Circuit, which rules on most cases involving the federal government, and most of the regional circuit courts.

A staunchly conservative Supreme Court could still deliver fatal blows to liberal economic and social policies. But it can’t be everywhere at once.

This is a good read, thanks. Obama's legacy may be ruined by Trump in some ways, but it'll hold true in others.


Drain that swamp!!

Putting faith in the cable news media will no doubt continue to be a fool's errand, but Christ, do I hope to see a massive pushback against how Trump reconciles his anti-establishment populist message with Cabinet picks that are the complete opposite.


Sheer arrogance.

Anyone remember in the primaries when Bernie said that one of his priorities was chasing the white working class vote because it was still huge and couldn't be ignored and he was roundly criticized for it?

That's where Bernie had it right. He was a nationalist populist candidate just like trump but he didn't denigrate minorities. The thing is, Bernie didn't denigrate minorities but he also did not reach out to them like Hillary did in the primaries so he lost the south and the south matters in the primaries even its useless for dems in the general.
I saw a pair of tweets yesterday I think from Matt Yglesias but I could be mistaken as to the source. But to paraphrase, according to the available data, Hillary was winning. It's easy to MMQB and say the campaign should have executed a different strategy, but based on available data, the existing strategy was working.

The data was wrong, it sucks, she could have worked differently and maybe achieved a better result. But she also got less turnout and less support among minority groups, so it's almost like if you spend more time in rural areas, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Problem with Keith Ellison as DNC Chair is he will be in Congress for so much of it.

We need a full time DNC chair with a full time DNC communications department.



Mook was a mistake.

Sheer arrogance.

Anyone remember in the primaries when Bernie said that one of his priorities was chasing the white working class vote because it was still huge and couldn't be ignored and he was roundly criticized for it?

Oh god. I defended Clinton and her campaign on election night but they completely let this happen.

Weird that my post was quoted from the OT thread, since I posted it here in Poligaf first a few pages ago lol
I saw a pair of tweets yesterday I think from Matt Yglesias but I could be mistaken as to the source. But to paraphrase, according to the available data, Hillary was winning. It's easy to MMQB and say the campaign should have executed a different strategy, but based on available data, the existing strategy was working.

The data was wrong, it sucks, she could have worked differently and maybe achieved a better result. But she also got less turnout and less support among minority groups, so it's almost like if you spend more time in rural areas, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Yeah. I'm not remotely interested in what we could have done differently and still won.

I'm interested in what we can do to make gains in the mid terms and what we can do to win in 2020.

Sure there is some over lap there, but figuring out modern polling is the solution to move forwards, not bitching about using the wrong strategy when the data made it look like the right strategy.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Problem with Keith Ellison as DNC Chair is he will be in Congress for so much of it.

We need a full time DNC chair with a full time DNC communications department.
Agreed. Democrats have too much to do the next four years that they can't have someone part time. They must be well prepared before the presidential election cycle starts up again in early 2019. *pukes*


Problem with Keith Ellison as DNC Chair is he will be in Congress for so much of it.

We need a full time DNC chair with a full time DNC communications department.
I've heard a lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe for President, but Terry McAuliffe has also been DNC chair before, and by the things I'm hearing about how he has 2020 on lock I think Terry McAuliffe could not only be DNC Chair but also begin his Terry McAuliffe 2020 campaign so that Terry McAuliffe can win the Democratic nomination and then Terry McAuliffe can win the Presidency.

Just hearing a lot of lot of lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe. Especially on Democratic-leaning video game forums.



"I have so much regret," says a Mexican-immigrant Wisconsin woman who didn't vote because the lines were too long

Whilst that sucks, not everyone can wait... Work and personal commitments. I think something the Dems need to push as a populist move is Election Day as a holiday - the GOP can try to suppress it as they have early voting/polling stations, but they'll appear dicks, and it'll hurt their standing.


I've heard a lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe for President, but Terry McAuliffe has also been DNC chair before, and by the things I'm hearing about how he has 2020 on lock I think Terry McAuliffe could not only be DNC Chair but also begin his Terry McAuliffe 2020 campaign so that Terry McAuliffe can win the Democratic nomination and then Terry McAuliffe can win the Presidency.

Just hearing a lot of lot of lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe. Especially on Democratic-leaning video game forums.

No more Clintonistas.


The problem with complacency is that you don't really know you were complacent until after you get burned for it!

Like, in hindsight, yes, we took Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania for granted. But I didn't know we took those states for granted because I was taking them for granted.

Bullshit, Obama didn't take them for granted and won, Clinton did and lost.

Hillary hubris, should have listened to Bill.


I've heard a lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe for President, but Terry McAuliffe has also been DNC chair before, and by the things I'm hearing about how he has 2020 on lock I think Terry McAuliffe could not only be DNC Chair but also begin his Terry McAuliffe 2020 campaign so that Terry McAuliffe can win the Democratic nomination and then Terry McAuliffe can win the Presidency.

Just hearing a lot of lot of lot of hype for Terry McAuliffe. Especially on Democratic-leaning video game forums.

Let the Clinton era die.
The problem with complacency is that you don't really know you were complacent until after you get burned for it!

Like, in hindsight, yes, we took Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania for granted. But I didn't know we took those states for granted because I was taking them for granted.

Too salty this morning


Who's pushing for McAuliffe?

I cannot imagine the DNC's lesson from this election being to put up a Clinton ally for president. That does seem like a typically DNC thing to do, though.

When you keep calling those states a firewall yeah youre gonna take it for granted.

Man. What a fuck up. Clinton really wanted the prize without the work. Yes she reached out to women and minorities but the fact is that they werent important to this election. The white working class was. And she fucked up.

This is on her. She fucked up. Fuck her.

Can we stop letting the disappointment of Tuesday night pivot into total revisionism? She put in a ton of work. It was a mistake to ignore WWC voters in the Rust Belt, and they were operating off bad data that convinced them they didn't need they segment of the electorate. But as much as she dislikes campaigning, she fucking campaigned hard for a year and a half.

The problem, ultimately, goes back to Hillary Clinton being Hillary Clinton. It's not fair, and it's ridiculous, but at the end of the day, no amount of Rust Belt campaign rallies were going to make people who've always had negative impressions her of stop having negative impressions of her. Her unfavorables are baked in too strongly. Our mistake was thinking that Trump's higher unfavorables would outweigh that. They almost did, but not enough.


When you keep calling those states a firewall yeah youre gonna take it for granted.

Man. What a fuck up. Clinton really wanted the prize without the work. Yes she reached out to women and minorities but the fact is that they werent important to this election. The white working class was. And she fucked up.

This is on her. She fucked up. Fuck her.

This is deeply offensive.

The white working class chose to vote for a fascist white nationalist.

Stop trying to forgive them or explain it away. Again, if they voted for white nationalism because they hadn't gotten a letter from Clinton lately, that is not better. That is worse.


The problem with complacency is that you don't really know you were complacent until after you get burned for it!

Like, in hindsight, yes, we took Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania for granted. But I didn't know we took those states for granted because I was taking them for granted.

I'm pissed off and I don't agree.

Hillary kept giving speeches that this is the election of our lifetime.

She kept saying not to leave anything to chance.

She kept saying voting is too important to sit this one out.

She kept reminding everyone of what the alternative to her being elected was.

And then they don't even fucking bother step out of their echo chambers themselves??


She lost and deserves it.
When you keep calling those states a firewall yeah youre gonna take it for granted.

Man. What a fuck up. Clinton really wanted the prize without the work. Yes she reached out to women and minorities but the fact is that they werent important to this election. The white working class was. And she fucked up.

This is on her. She fucked up. Fuck her.

I mean she did work, like come on....

She just as it turns out worked in the wrong places...

And minorities and women weren't important?

Jesus christ....

That's fucking gross...


Sheer arrogance.

Anyone remember in the primaries when Bernie said that one of his priorities was chasing the white working class vote because it was still huge and couldn't be ignored and he was roundly criticized for it?

Ya, and that was a bad strategy for Democratic primaries. For a general? Absolutely. Not for the Primaries. A lot of people are forgetting that Bernie himself was a pretty mediocre campaigner, whether you liked him or not.


Also, genuine question. Everyone thinks Booker would be doomed to failure because he's too establishment, right?

What a difference 8 years can make. Everyone had him pinned as Obama 2.
These people on facebook are nuts.. if you say or post anything Hillary related you get hit with a bunch of people telling me I need to let hate out of my heart and start to heal with him.

its like a collective conscious these people don;t know each other but they are all on message.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Whoever heads the DNC needs to be from Obama's crew or someone we haven't heard off. Not Rendell, not mcaulffie or Brazille. We need new blood damn it.
This didn't help either:


Might not be 100%, but they did focus on Trump for a long time
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