Hubris.His lack of experience is his only weakness.
Hopefully his gun stuff can get him by a primary, though. Some old establishment Dem who wants "their turn" is going to go out there and get him to talk about gun control in a debate. And run gun stuff against him. "Endorsed by the NRA" could possibly lose a Dem primary for him.
I think he can overcome it, but the Democrats should make sure to be careful in their next primary. Stuff like Hillary's speeches probably hurt a lot more in the general than what we saw back then.
Led to the email server for govt communication.
Led to Clinton foundation continuing to receive funds from foreign govts.
Led to speeches when she knew she was going to be running for prez. (WTF did you need the godam money so bad?)
Led to ignoring the firewall.
Was any of it really bad? No. But she has been in politics all her life. She knew that a million small cuts was the only way the GOP could bring her down. And she gave them all the ammo.
Our best case senario right not is that either:
a. Trump is a completely different president that we thought.
b. Or he does the typical complete GOP overreach and gets crushed in the mid terms.
Our worst case senario:
He is the typical GOP president, and allows the GOP to do massive and permanent damage to the progressive movement slowly for 8 years.
I hate to say this, but the DEMs shouldn't filibuster ACA repeal. Just vote party line against repeal. Obstruct and filibuster everything else and try to get the sanest SC judge we can.
Ryan has already proven that he can completely gut ACA through budget reconciliation and wants nothing more than to hang a crippled ACA on the Dem's neck. ACA is gone, we need to let the GOP own it.
I bet right now McConnel is weighing the pros and cons of nuking the filibuster. Hardcore SC judges and all their bullshit legislation vs owning the ACA repeal.