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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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There should be lots of protests, sure and those people should be inspired to vote and run for office.

But I just personally dislike ANTIFA and don't like that group being compared to BLM.

Referring less to a specific group and more to anti-fascism movements writ large. And I do firmly believe it should happen in conjunction with strong opposition figures being buoyed up through the political process.


What many people are completely missing is that the WWC voters weren't necessariy voting exclusively for Trump. They fucking hate Hillary. They really 100% believe she is corrupt. I have multiple family members 100% believe that she "has blood on her hands" due to Benghazi.

Because they spend their lives consuming exclusively right-wing, radicalizing media sources.

These people think she should be in jail, not in the oval office. In their view, Trump may be a racist but he is not a criminal.

Because white nationalism and racism aren't disqualifying factors to them. They aren't even that important.

Compounding that was Hillary's complete failure to even attempt to appeal to these people. She is viewed as the enemy to them, in the same way Trump was viewed as enemy to Latinos. Can you think of a better motivation to vote?

The purpose of this post is to explain why your family members are not white nationalists just because they voted for Donald Trump.

This is important to you, because you love them and don't want to believe that they are morally culpable for, and even in favor of, the violence against people of color that will ensue; and because, ultimately, if you knew they were white nationalists and did nothing, and still maintain friendly contact with them, you are complicit as well.

I decline to provide you this indulgence.

Your family members are white nationalists. That's what they voted for. That's who they are. That's what they are responsible for. They are morally culpable for the consequences of their choice.

If you refuse to accept this and to engage with it, then you are complicit as well.

That's the way things are.




I just look at the fact that enough of them in the Rust Belt voted for Obama, which means there must be a bunch of fickle minded WWC who are diet racists and not heavy into white nationalism. I think they can still be swayed.

But this fight is definitely one for the white community to sort out.

Again, I think it's at least as plausible that white people became more radicalized over the last eight years by their media sources, which themselves were infested with white nationalism.

This does not absolve them.
You know I'll take an L on one big thing... I said no way could this be compared to Brexit, no fucking way...

Well this was America's Brexit...

Everything about it is the same....

The guy who won didn't actually want to win and now people are fucked.


Nvm.Im just.too salty this morning

Seriously, guys, please stop latching to everything new as if they were in a vacuum. She could have had a hundred different offers to speak at different venues and she chose not to go to most of them.

The failure of polling and data was at a massive scale. It's like believing that 2+2 = 4 and making all decisions based on that and that turned out to be wrong. In hindsight everything is easy to interpret.
Because they spend their lives consuming exclusively right-wing, radicalizing media sources.

Because white nationalism and racism aren't disqualifying factors to them. They aren't even that important.

The purpose of this post is to explain why your family members are not white nationalists just because they voted for Donald Trump.

This is important to you, because you love them and don't want to believe that they are morally culpable for, and even in favor of, the violence against people of color that will ensue; and because, ultimately, if you knew they were white nationalists and did nothing, and still maintain friendly contact with them, you are complicit as well.

I decline to provide you this indulgence.

Your family members are white nationalists. That's what they voted for. That's who they are. That's what they are responsible for. They are morally culpable for the consequences of their choice.

If you refuse to accept this and to engage with it, then you are complicit as well.

That's the way things are.

Too black and white IMO. The whole point is that Hillary lost because white Obama voters jumped ship. Are previous Obama voters white nationalists? Get out of here.


Too black and white IMO. The whole point is that Hillary lost because white Obama voters jumped ship. Are previous Obama voters white nationalists? Get out of here.

They voted for white nationalism. They own it now.

This election was a moral choice. It wasn't a difficult one. But a lot of people failed anyway.
I don't think they all jumped ship. I think a lot just didn't vote.

Or went third party or voted downticket but not for President.

And Pigeon is right this is a moral failure of the American electorate, especially the white american electorate, it is a moral stain and no amount of excuses will clean it out.


So I have a bunch of cash saved up and was going to use half of it to buy my next car soon. Now I think I am going to finance so I don't have to give up the cash right now. I wonder if others are thinking this way too, and if so, what kind of effect it's going to have.
Sanders cannot be allowed any sort of organizational role. If you do that, Corbyn happens.

How? Will someone like Corbyn be enabled for 2020 or are you saying Sanders = Corbyn?

I mean Clinton (a pragmatic liberal similar to the Blairite wet dreams of Labour´s right) happened and it was worse for the Dems than what Labour had to go through with Corbyn.


Joe Biden should've run with Hillary as VP.

Win, sworn in.

1 month in, resign for whatever reason.

Hillary pres.


Well I'm peacing out for 4 years. Just gonna concentrate on improving my life here despite the obstacles that will be placed in my way and I'll occupy my time with video games and spending time with my husband/family. I don't care if Trump's economic policies tank the economy in Ohio or Michigan. Sorry!
Well I'm peacing out for 4 years. Just gonna concentrate on improving my life here despite the obstacles that will be placed in my way and I'll occupy my time with video games and spending time with my husband/family. I don't care if Trump's economic policies tank the economy in Ohio or Michigan. Sorry!

Good luck man, do what you gotta do, thanks for your posts around here though you're a highlight imo.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but:

· Trump has to contend with the Republican establishment and moderate Republicans; he’s hated by them.

· Even Obama had trouble with a Democrat House and Senate. Many Center-Right Democrats and Blue Dogs (conservative Democrats) opposed or nitpicked at his legislation and proposals.

· Considering his personality, Trump may apply an impulsive, reactionary method to his governing. If he’s refused by Congress for one of his crazy proposals, he may, in turn, veto one of theirs to spite them. Hope that some of those bills he trashes happen to be destructive bills.

· Unlikely but, his administration may allow for some campaign finance and lobbying reform. Assuming Republicans allow it... (unlikely, but possible.) Establishment Republicans have been against reform. Trump’s 'negotiating' could be used to force their hand. But then again, Citizens' United is still there. It's safe with a conservative leaning SC.

· The more nothing gets done, the better. Going by the numbers alone, there’s far too many destructive policies he wants to implement than decent ones, half of which probably won’t be passed due to opposition from moderate Republicans, but there are some monsters in there.

· Pray that there’s enough infighting between Trump and Congress until midterms. The more they don't get along, the better. In 2 years, the Senate comes into play again during Midterm elections. A Democrat Senate can prevent or stall from more damage until the next presidential election.

Not saying alot of harmful shit isn't going to get passed, but give me hope.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but:

· Trump has to contend with the Republican establishment and moderate Republicans; he’s hated by them.

· Even Obama had trouble with a Democrat House and Senate. Many Center-Right Democrats and Blue Dogs (conservative Democrats) opposed or nitpicked at his legislation and proposals.

· Considering his personality, Trump may apply an impulsive, reactionary method to his governing. If he’s refused by Congress for one of his crazy proposals, he may, in turn, veto one of theirs to spite them. Hope that some of those bills he trashes happen to be destructive bills.

· His administration may seed the blueprints for campaign finance and lobbying reform. Assuming Republicans allow it... (unlikely, but possible.) Establishment Republicans have been against reform. Trump’s 'negotiating' could be used to force their hand.

· The more nothing gets done, the better. Going by the numbers alone, there’s far too many destructive policies he wants to implement than decent ones, half of which probably won’t be passed due to opposition from moderate Republicans, but there are some monsters in there.

· Pray that there’s enough infighting between Trump and Congress until midterms. The more they don't get along, the better. In 2 years, the Senate comes into play again during Midterm elections. A Democrat Senate can prevent or stall from more damage until the next presidential election.

Not saying alot of harmful shit isn't going to get passed, but give me hope.

The only hope I have is if Trump doesn't pass half the shit he's said he's going to pass, and fights against the Republicans. He seems to have drank into the kool aid though.

There is hope in that he fought against Republicans early on and insulted them, but...that was a while back. They all came crawling back to him. I just don't think anyone knows what he'll really do.


More white Evangelicals picked Trump than any other candidate in history.

White Evangelicals have decided that their ultimate candidate was a man who sexually assaulted 12 women, raped his wife, stole money from the middle class, had constant affairs, and paid his mistresses for their abortions.

And Trump said he has never asked God for forgiveness in his entire life.

The media should be destroying white evangelicals right now, but.... no one cares.

There should be no greater mobilizing force for atheists against religion than white evangelicals making Trump the president. This has to be the moment.

I hope and pray that every evangelical Trump supports goes to hell. To vote so overwhelmingly against moral decency because of abortion? It goes against everything that I believe the church stands for.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but:

· Trump has to contend with the Republican establishment and moderate Republicans; he’s hated by them.

· Even Obama had trouble with a Democrat House and Senate. Many Center-Right Democrats and Blue Dogs (conservative Democrats) opposed or nitpicked at his legislation and proposals.

· Considering his personality, Trump may apply an impulsive, reactionary method to his governing. If he’s refused by Congress for one of his crazy proposals, he may, in turn, veto one of theirs to spite them. Hope that some of those bills he trashes happen to be destructive bills.

· His administration may seed the blueprints for campaign finance and lobbying reform. Assuming Republicans allow it... (unlikely, but possible.) Establishment Republicans have been against reform. Trump’s 'negotiating' could be used to force their hand.

· The more nothing gets done, the better. Going by the numbers alone, there’s far too many destructive policies he wants to implement than decent ones, half of which probably won’t be passed due to opposition from moderate Republicans, but there are some monsters in there.

· Pray that there’s enough infighting between Trump and Congress until midterms. The more they don't get along, the better. In 2 years, the Senate comes into play again during Midterm elections. A Democrat Senate can prevent or stall from more damage until the next presidential election.

Not saying alot of harmful shit isn't going to get passed, but give me hope.

Conservatives forget they are conservatives when it comes to governing.
I still see a meaningful difference between voting for Trump and not voting. I have no problem with vilifying the former in all kinds of ways but I'm not so willing to concede the latter (even if there is an argument to be made that their abstention was complicit in Trump's victory). We know they voted for Obama and not for Hillary. The question is why?

I don't think it's as simple as she didn't campaign enough in those areas. The turnout difference from 2012 to 2016 was too severe for that to be the sole cause. Was it policy related? Hillary had policies but perhaps they weren't extreme enough. On the other hand, it's not like these missing voters went out and voted for Trump, they just didn't vote.

Was it rhetoric? Nobody is going to dispute that Hillary is muted and intellectual. If there's one thing she couldn't channel effectively it would be the anger and frustration felt by many Americans. Was it inclusiveness and support of minority issues? If it was this I don't care. We're not going to sacrifice minorities at the table of the white comfort.

It's probably a little bit of everything but we'll have to see as we research more into it. I personally believe voter ID and disenfranchisement played a big role in reduced turnout, particularly in WI, but it's not the whole picture. I still think there's strong moral culpability for those who didn't vote, they thought their discomfort with Hillary should supersede the threat Trump posed to their fellow Americans after all.


No Scrubs
Diiiiiiid not need imagery of her and Bill fucking like rabbits.

Oh, is that not what you meant?

(Edit: If make-up sex is the best sex, they're rocking the world right now. :p )

That's not what I meant at all. I mean she's probably so depressed that she can't even be bothered to climb out of bed at this point.

I still see a meaningful difference between voting for Trump and not voting. I have no problem with vilifying the former in all kinds of ways but I'm not so willing to concede the latter (even if there is an argument to be made that their abstention was complicit in Trump's victory). We know they voted for Obama and not for Hillary. The question is why?

I don't think it's as simple as she didn't campaign enough in those areas. The turnout difference from 2012 to 2016 was too severe for that to be the sole cause. Was it policy related? Hillary had policies but perhaps they weren't extreme enough. On the other hand, it's not like these missing voters went out and voted for Trump, they just didn't vote.

Was it rhetoric? Nobody is going to dispute that Hillary is muted and intellectual. If there's one thing she couldn't channel effectively it would be the anger and frustration felt by many Americans. Was it inclusiveness and support of minority issues? If it was this I don't care. We're not going to sacrifice minorities at the table of the white comfort.

It's probably a little bit of everything but we'll have to see as we research more into it. I personally believe voter ID and disenfranchisement played a big role in reduced turnout, particularly in WI, but it's not the whole picture. I still think there's strong moral culpability for those who didn't vote, they thought their discomfort with Hillary should supersede the threat Trump posed to their fellow Americans after all.

If you couldn't be bothered to show up and stop Cheeto Hitler, who you supposedly hate, then you are no better than the people who supported him. Not standing against him is a tacit endorsement, it means you were fine with either choice. A lot of blame falls on Clinton's campaign and the Dems, but I will not let the people that stayed home off the goddamned hook. At the end of the day this is on them.


That's not what I meant at all. I mean she's probably so depressed that she can't even be bothered to climb out of bed at this point.

Hahah... No, I know what you meant. I was just trying to lighten the mood. And it's not an image you're likely to forget soon, right?

Kinky pantsuit sex!

(Sorry, I'll stop now... Serious things...)

Reposting this from the previous page. I want serious feedback. :)

Rory Panagotopulos ‏@RoryPan 2h2 hours ago

Psssst. If every Hillary voter donates $10 a year to planned parenthood, that covers it's $528 mil. federal budget

It won't save Roe, but it will save the organisation that does a lot of abortions (and non-abortion work, too).


Is it worth turning to private companies to fund PP? Apple/Valve/EA etc? I'm debating randomly emailing Gabe Newell and going "This organisation needs to be saved, help it!" But I also feel a bit dumb, maybe?


How? Will someone like Corbyn be enabled for 2020 or are you saying Sanders = Corbyn?

I mean Clinton (a pragmatic liberal similar to the Blairite wet dreams of Labour´s right) happened and it was worse for the Dems than what Labour had to go through with Corbyn.
If you let that branch take hold of leadership they'll run you into the wilderness. Nothing but purity tests.

Clinton still won the popular vote. Corbyn can't even get close to that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, great! Some more white liberals showed up! I'm so excited! I haven't heard nearly enough about Bernie Sanders!

Pigeon, I like you and I feel sorry for you, but why post if this is your contribution?


I still see a meaningful difference between voting for Trump and not voting. I have no problem with vilifying the former in all kinds of ways but I'm not so willing to concede the latter (even if there is an argument to be made that their abstention was complicit in Trump's victory). We know they voted for Obama and not for Hillary. The question is why?

There is certainly a difference between actively turning out in support of a white nationalist and casually deciding that a white nationalist becoming president s just not a big deal to you.

I don't consider that it lets you entirely off the hook, though.


FGC Waterboy

...god damnit, they really did Clinton it again, didn't they?

Also, genuine question. Everyone thinks Booker would be doomed to failure because he's too establishment, right?

What a difference 8 years can make. Everyone had him pinned as Obama 2.

Also tied up in some fairly serious scandal and the entire education debacle. Once we dug into him the "authenticity" would get destroyed. He's Democratic Rubio.

I can't even blame Mook, who is a good guy. Mook "ignoring" Bill Clinton doesn't seem like a fair characteristic to me. Bill Clinton has direct access to his wife. The problem is that Hillary Clinton tunes out what she doesn't want to hear, and her loyalists follow suit. I don't believe Mook was deep enough in the circle to be blamed for this. If it's true Bill was tuned out, that's on Hillary not Mook.

I don't know if Bill spoke with Obama about this, he probably talked to Biden about it. Probably talked to Sanders about it. This is a failure of hubris and stupidity. And I fear that it will birth voices in the party who say "why the fuck are we catering to blacks/Hispanics again?"

This is where I hope to god Obama gets involved at the DNC in some way, behind the scenes. The Clintons are done, it's over for them forever. But knives will be out for the Obama coalition too, not just the Clinton camp. It's time to get Clinton loyalists the fuck out of there. Get Donna Brazille the fuck out of there.

And yes...bring in Sanders. Not as DNC chair obviously, but I want his people to have more influence. And now that the Clintons are gone let's repair relations with California democrats. Bring in Jerry Brown. A lot of voices need to be involved, not just an echo chamber that revolves around one woman.

Mook had to be the nicest person ever, because no one's said a bad word about him, and that neeever happens to a campaign manager, lol.

I do think we need to bring the economic wing and the social wing together to strengthen the party leadership; unless Obama wants to run the DNC (which he doesn't). Our bench is terrible, and we need to start building it pronto.


Pigeon, I like you and I feel sorry for you, but why post if this is your contribution?

Think of it as stretching before the workout.

I would like people talking about how they wish we'd played the guy on their fantasy team instead to know that I don't respect their posts enough to respond to them individually.

Angry Fork

Bernie people have had to endure the last year of all the centrist morons saying Hillary was the pragmatic choice, the marxists don't know what they're talking about, etc. you guys can suffer some i told you so's imo.
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