Damn. There's gonna be some turmoil for a bit.
Damn. There's gonna be some turmoil for a bit.
hot take:
obama as DNC chairman
Personally, I think we need to address the DNC and state parties first. Remember that the GOP owns the government now in full. If they fuck things up, it is on them and we need to remind voters of it. Thus, as daunting as the 2018 map looks, we need to start organizing NOW to hold seats that look unwinnable, take back state legislatures and state houses, and start running as a real opposition party. We need to rebuild the party and the future bench of the party from the ground up. Get local with our outreach, listen to all voters, make the effort, and campaign honest, passionate candidates.
We need to rebuild bottom up not top down.
The entire DNC has been a disaster for like 8 years that was covered up by Obama being amazing.
Donny Brazille needs to go now. I've always liked her but the old Clinton guard needs to be replaced.
No we don't need a part time DNC chair. This is a colossal task that needs to be done and it's going to take full attention
Damn. There's gonna be some turmoil for a bit.
The Howard Dean years seemed pretty good. We retook the House under him and he presided over Obama's first election. Then for some reason we ditched him.
Kissinger thinks that ISIS is going to try to provoke Trump by doing a major terror attack.
Harry's a piece of shit, but he's right on here.
Good. I want the turmoil now. I don't want the turmoil in early 2017. That's too late. If we're prepping for the midterms it starts yesterday
Ellison confirmed that he wants the DNC chair.
People are hesitant because he'd be another part-timer.
No way. He, like Clinton, read everything wrong too on how to approach this.
No way. He, like Clinton, read everything wrong too on how to approach this.
Why the hell is she still there, she should be offering her resignation.
Facebook friend just rolled out "I just want us to stop being so divided" and "I don't want you to fixate on every little small thing that goes wrong"
I'm done
Lol. He's getting ready for when everything goes wrong.Whelp
Facebook friend just rolled out "I just want us to stop being so divided" and "I don't want you to fixate on every little small thing that goes wrong"
I'm done
I just hope that the DNC does away with superdelegates and institutes open primaries nationwide. Get ride of all the points of contention the far left had and open the party up to those wishing to join. Clean house and deal with all of the shit people brought up this cycle.
Game over if what continues? You can certainly see deeply into the future when you need to.This is Corbyn stuff.
Basically, game is over for people of color if this continues.
Thanks a lot white liberals, tell me more about Bernie Sanders
He's right. Zach is completely right.
Fuck the old guard at the DNC.
What's the problem with part-time DNC chairs?
And why can't Dean come back? The role can't possibly be term limited right? Or at least, get someone like Dean in it. Clearly his strategy paid off 10 years and Kaine's and DWS' did not.
The DNC is in shambles. They need a full-time person to start rebuilding.
Facebook friend just rolled out "I just want us to stop being so divided" and "I don't want you to fixate on every little small thing that goes wrong"
I'm done
I'm offended by the comment "most of his supporters post hateful and racist negative comments". Both myself and a large majority of my family and friends are Trump supporters and I've not seen any of them post anything hateful, racist OR negative. No, of course I don't stand behind everything Trump says but just because I'm a supporter doesn't mean I should be blamed for everything he says. I hope that being a Hillary supporter doesn't mean that you think it's acceptable to lie and kill people. It's shameful that people are now attacking their friends and family simply because of a difference of opinion. When did diplomatic debates and discussions turn into bashing others because people are upset their candidate didn't win? Both candidates have their flaws but generalizing their supporters and discriminating against them is the opposite of love trumping hate.
what we have seen from Hillary supporters in the aftermath of the election is unacceptable...Love trump hate? Party of inclusion and acceptance of everyone? Unless they don't agree with your ideology, right? biggest scam in politics is the liberal ideology pulling the wool over the eyes of the american people and minorities in particular as the "safe" place for them. hypocrites.
A lot of people are quickly busting out the smarm.Whelp
Facebook friend just rolled out "I just want us to stop being so divided" and "I don't want you to fixate on every little small thing that goes wrong"
I'm done
What is smarm, exactly? Smarm is a kind of performancean assumption of the forms of seriousness, of virtue, of constructiveness, without the substance. Smarm is concerned with appropriateness and with tone. Smarm disapproves.
Smarm would rather talk about anything other than smarm. Why, smarm asks, can't everyone just be nicer?
But let's get at the deeper substance. What defines smarm, as it functions in our culture? "Smarm" and "smarmy" go back to the older "smalm," meaning to smooth something down with greaseand by extension to be unctuous or flattering, or smug. Smarm aspires to smother opposition or criticism, to cover everything over with an artificial, oily gloss.
PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Zach speaks for all of us
CNN also reporting Bannon as potential Chief of Staff
The part-timer thing does suck, but I'd support Ellison
Facebook friend just rolled out "I just want us to stop being so divided" and "I don't want you to fixate on every little small thing that goes wrong"
I'm done
What's the problem with part-time DNC chairs?
And why can't Dean come back? The role can't possibly be term limited right? Or at least, get someone like Dean in it. Clearly his strategy paid off 10 years and Kaine's and DWS' did not.
The DNC is in shambles. They need a full-time person to start rebuilding.
Force Reid to take the DNC position by whatever means necessary.
Force Reid to take the DNC position by whatever means necessary.
How old is Harry Reid? Is the DNC position one he can afford to take on long term ?
How old is Harry Reid? Is the DNC position one he can afford to take on long term ?
This is from pages ago. But it's basically my view. I have voted in elections since I've been able. Not for some great love of any individual, but because there was a best available option to govern.I didn't laugh or mock them. I just thought voters could be people who could vote for a better future, regardless of personalities or candidates.
Instead, there is a fixation on a person. Not just Hillary or Trump, but also Sanders. Biden. Obama. Michelle. Warren.
Maybe it was just my philosophy of voting. I cast votes not because I believe I should put the weight of the whole country on one pair of shoulders, but because I believe my vote represents the direction I want the country to proceed in. That government is not about a singular person but about the collective ability of people to steer a very large, very varied ship.
Candidates and individual presidents are fleeting. Yes, they make important decisions in office that change many lives. But the fact of US democracy is that we do not have dictatorships, we have two-terms-at-most presidents and life continues after an idol leaves the office. Legislation is written by Congress. Laws are weighed by the Supreme Court. You cannot rely on having the zeitgeist of the moment represented in human form every single presidential election. You cannot rely on that person to be the winner in a primary or a general election.
What happens when the 'chosen one' candidate loses the primary again next time? Or the time after that? Why is it so hard for liberals to unify behind a platform and a direction for America rather than behind a person that they burden with all their hopes and then abandon during the midterms?
It is incredibly troubling that people were ready to declare Bernie Sanders a 'martyr' after the election, as if he had been martyred for anything. If anything, the people who were martyred this election were Obama and Hillary. Obama, because all the progress he fought for in 8 years will be wiped out. Hillary, because she believed America was good.
It is laughable to chant economic anxiety and economic populism and then champion democratic socialism. Because in the end economic populism is also about greed and capitalism, over community and love and kindness. It's about the capitalistic wants of the white rural voters.
Honestly, the Democratic party needs a massive shakeup. Not with personnel, but with their message and methods of attack.
First off, why was she doing rallies? Rallies were great for Trump, but Clinton NEVER looked good doing them. She sounded terrible stumping. The media must cover a candidate, so give them something GOOD to cover.
Why couldn't they film short "day in the life of Hillary" clips every day and upload to YouTube? Record her meetings with community members in rural and urban areas all over the US. Press social media in more ways than "Go to my website!". She was never a speech giver, but she was always great with smaller discussion-based crowds and sitting at the table.
Rallies are for old fuddy duddies anyway, and if the Democrats were smart, they'd have played that angle up.
Not sure if this was already posted?
I think he hits a lot of stuff right on the head. We don't have to give up on our ideals but we have a huge image problem.
Force Reid to take the DNC position by whatever means necessary.
let the games begin...
Stopped when the "Sanders would have won card" came out. The establishment candidate lost, but that sure as hell doesn't mean the outsider candidate would have won.Not sure if this was already posted?
I think he hits a lot of stuff right on the head. We don't have to give up on our ideals but we have a huge image problem.
@jmartNYT Jonathan Martin Retweeted Christopher Hayes
Clinton folks saw this by the Mon after Comey's Fri news: they said OH & IA were likely gone. By wed saw MI slip
" the news of the investigation accelerated the shift of a largely hidden rural mass of voters toward Trump." http://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...m-saw-a-different-america-and-they-were-right
Because we know nothing and this is a video game message board.
If you work for HFA, yes, please postmortem. Trying to postmortem on zero information is idiotic.