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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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The dems need organization and focus on the young. Need a fifty State strategy and tech rehab. I am in for chairman again.

posted yet?
The problem is that a Fifty State Strategy and a focus on the young are incompatible. The young demand ideological purity. The Fifty State Strategy requires the election of Blue Dogs.


well this is terrifying

America isn't a home for liberals or anyone non-white anymore. We probably won't get another Obama in our lifetimes and people only come out to vote for someone like that.

Hopefully where I live in CA we can protect ourselves from the rest of the shit, but I'm leaving this country for Vancouver once I'm able.
The problem is that a Fifty State Strategy and a focus on the young are incompatible. The young demand ideological purity. The Fifty State Strategy requires the election of Blue Dogs.

The problem is that they need to dirty their ideology. A pure ideology has nonexistant strength.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Part of me would love to see what a Keith Ellison presidential run looks like actually but then I remember that this country just publicly declared it hates Muslims so...
I'm sorry, but I'm going to be feeling so bad for every person that dies from climate change and every Muslim that gets terrorized because of Trump, that I have nothing but contempt for the white voters that switched from Obama to Trump because Hillary sent emails.

When Paul Ryan comes for your disability, I'll be sad for your kids, but I'll be pointing and laughing at you. These people deserve everything that Paul Ryan is about to do to them.
America isn't a home for liberals or anyone non-white anymore. We probably won't get another Obama in our lifetimes and people only come out to vote for someone like that.

Hopefully where I live in CA we can protect ourselves from the rest of the shit, but I'm leaving this country for Vancouver once I'm able.
Please don't leave, really. We need people like you to stay and fight. Want to leave me to fight alone?
The problem is that a Fifty State Strategy and a focus on the young are incompatible. The young demand ideological purity. The Fifty State Strategy requires the election of Blue Dogs.

Young people came out just fine in 2008.

Young people supported Kander, despite his positions on guns.

The people who demand purity are a tiny niche group nobody cares about. They aren't reliable voters.


The problem is that a Fifty State Strategy and a focus on the young are incompatible. The young demand ideological purity. The Fifty State Strategy requires the election of Blue Dogs.

The young will tow the line for climate change imo. Until the Republicans adopt climate change initiatives into their official platform no reason to think young voters will embrace them.


I have a real bad feeling all this leads to is an internal war in the DNC between Bernie progressives and the rest.

It probably won't in the future. Opposition to trump and the republicans will result in the left coming together to stop him eventually. They will come together in choosing the next DNC chair.


I have a real bad feeling all this leads to is an internal war in the DNC between Bernie progressives and the rest.

Oh its coming and its going to obnoxious as fuck - especially since it will be almost entirely along a racial axis and even if Bernie told some of the worst of them to chill out they wouldn't listen. That said, its going to have to happen and its better it happens sooner than later.
Dean knew Democrats needed to focus on issues in all parts of the country. Use him to rebuild the nationwide DNC infrastructure.

Have Bernie-types, the people actually running, be the ones to excite the base and get people to vote for the candidate.

What would be the objection to that? He seemed to be effective for 2006 and 2008.


Dean knew Democrats needed to focus on issues in all parts of the country. Use him to rebuild the nationwide DNC infrastructure.

Have Bernie-types, the people actually running, be the ones to excite the base and get people to vote for the candidate.

What would be the objection to that? He seemed to be effective for 2006 and 2008.

I guess my only fear is that loyalty to Brazile keeps her in. I know everyone outside of the DNC hates her but I think she's liked within the committee itself.

Which was the same problem with DWS!

East Lake

Axelrod talked to a former Dean guy on his podcast a while ago and they basically spent the whole time praising him for setting up the tech groundwork for Obama.


Democrats are fucked.

We'd be fucked if we weren't having these conversations. The Democratic Party failed us this year, and has been failing us for many years, masked by Obama's successes and charm. Now is the right time to be questioning and retooling the party's chair structure and priorities.


If this does not lead to a Democratic wave election in 2018 and 2020 I don't know what will.

Have you ever been to a polling place at a mid term or a primary that isn't for a national election?

Nobody fucking shows up. The poll workers once thought I was lost when I came in to vote for a primary. They said that I was one of the few people below 25 to show up.

If Dems really want to take control again they need to target working class whites more and not completely ignore that section of the nation. A state like Indiana should be winnable with policy.

The dems need to be the inclusive party and part of that will be protection of minority rights but the other part will be services designed to protect the middle class. Maybe that's targeted tax cuts or a focus on infrastructure or college loan relief but when people feel like they are struggling the response can't be "Well fuck those people they don't have it worse than ______"

Part of the reason Trump made so much of a stink over the black community and even mentioning LGBTQ in his convention speech was that it gave cover to those who would have moral obligations to him. Its why he was able to win so much of the female vote in this nation despite the things he said and the sexual lifestyle the man has led.
My hope is dead. Maybe if it comes back but I don't know how it will. Trump is going to ruin everything.

Think of it this way, if Trump screws everything up then the republicans have no democrats to scapegoat since the Republicans control everything. And if he doesnt screw everything up then thats a good thing.
I guess my only fear is that loyalty to Brazile keeps her in. I know everyone outside of the DNC hates her but I think she's liked within the committee itself.

Which was the same problem with DWS!

She can't stay, we just lost to Orange monster it was a colossal failure. Now that we are the party of look how bad things now we can make huge gains but we need a 50 state strategy and new blood to lead us forward.

otherwise yes we really are fucked.
We'd be fucked if we weren't having these conversations. The Democratic Party failed us this year, and has been failing us for many years, masked by Obama's successes and charm. Now is the right time to be questioning and retooling the party's chair structure and priorities.

Dean did a lot of work leading up to Obama; then democrats spent 8 years thinking Hillary was gonna run / win and didn't develop any sort of bench.

It's ABSURD that Republicans have more young elected congresspeople than the Democrats.
I have a real bad feeling all this leads to is an internal war in the DNC between Bernie progressives and the rest.

Some replies to that Dean tweet:

Best way to keep progressives and millennials from joining the party. He smeared Sanders and is a lobbyist. Terrible choice.

fuck no

Howard Dean is a lobbyist, smeared Sanders, and voted for Hillary against his state wishes. This will keep progressives away. SMH

No more corporatist Dems, we need a true progressive populist like Bernie/ Sen Warren to run in 2020, not GOP light

You are a failure

Fuck off, lobbyist

what a joke! your centrist lobbyist crap got us here in the first place. please never come back to the Democratic party again

retire bitch

Bernie people...


Some comments from political science professors and researchers at a Stanford Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law election recap event.


.@FukuyamaFrancis: Social class returned as the most important factor in American society. Each identity group's actually split. #CDDRLrecap

Bruce Cain: "Neither party has an agenda for the rural communities" #CDDRLRecap http://stanford.io/2fhCVs3

.@LarryDiamond: The Republican party is not what it was before the election. #CDDRLrecap

.@LarryDiamond: I am deeply worried about the siloing of our social relations and our culture, nationally & on college campuses. #CDDRLrecap

.@persily: In pre-election survey, many expressed low confidence in democracy, but strong support for separation of powers. #CDDRLrecap

.@FukuyamaFrancis on post-fact world: Putting out more good info can't cancel the flood of bad info. Better filtering's needed. #CDDRLrecap

.@persily: Social media companies have rules for what goes on their sites but need to decide how to apply them to politics. #CDDRLrecap

.@FukuyamaFrancis: Trump has an extremist face and transactional face. He can't play those simultaneously on trade. #CDDRLrecap

.@FukuyamaFrancis: Immig. law only enforceable through nat'l ID card. Left & right too suspicious of gov't to put that in place. #CDDRLrecap


A fifty state strategy doesn't need to be separate from millennial support. Run races locally and have a clear, concise national message. The GOP did this over the last eight years. They had Republicans win in Massachusetts, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico all campaigning on local issues with varying degrees of conservatism while the national party line was "less taxes, smaller government, more freedom". Stupid and wrong, but effective.

I want to win more than anything else and that starts with midterms on very hostile ground. We need to accept that different Dems are going to have to run different campaigns. Never abandon the Obama coalition (especially nationally), but certain issues need to be prioritized over others in various races.
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