Bill Mitchell is doubling down on hearts.
Yeah, keep wishing upon a star, motherfucker.
Bill Mitchell is doubling down on hearts.
Bill Mitchell is doubling down on hearts.
lol @ that woman at the Trump rally saying she's voting Hillary now because Trump is late. Good thing she wasn't at a Hillary rally because she's always ridiculously late herself!
I replied to that. His meltdown is the one I'm looking forward to the most. Just edging Corey Lewandowski.
subbed so i can hit [last page] and skip 30 pages every 2 hours, thanks everyone
Bill Mitchell is doubling down on hearts.
Turns out undecided voters are somehow dumber than the parodies of them?
Too soon?
Please tell me he isn't a true believer
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 1 minute ago
The Democrats will have a hard time cheating on ED after the EV has gone so well for Republicans.
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 5 minutes ago
Trump has surged to victory not because Hillary became worse. He has surged to victory because he became better.
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 7 minutes ago
Parties rarely win a 3rd term because America tires of them. America is tired of the Democrats. America is exhausted of the Clintons.
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 12 minutes ago
History will look back at this time and realize Hillary never stood a chance as the STATUS QUO candidate in a CHANGE election.
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 13 minutes ago
Folks. I'm not predicting some sort of full court shot miracle. Trump is winning big with the real numbers. He should win. He will win.
Someone make a Trump whirling a terrible towel gif please.
Bill Mitchell is doubling down on hearts.
I don't think this is correct...but I've been barely keeping up. New baby and all.
You tell me.
So it seems like Donald isn't going to 'go away' after the election - he's going to try and stay in the news.
The only way he's able to do that is to do something even more outrageous.
Any guesses?
-not conceding
-continuing his Crooked Hillary gatherings
So is the_Donald full of trolls or real people so far gone they don't understand reality?
Or a mix?
why would he plan rallies so close? Does he not realize that he can't just teleport between states and there's actual time needed to travel?
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.
Rick Wilson on MSNBC right now. Where the fuck is the ______
Warning: Kellyanne Conway on video with bullshit pouring out of her mouth.
So it seems like Donald isn't going to 'go away' after the election - he's going to try and stay in the news.
The only way he's able to do that is to do something even more outrageous.
Any guesses?
-not conceding
-continuing his Crooked Hillary gatherings
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.
Jeremy DiamondVerified account
Trump is more than 2 hours late to his rally in Moon Township, PA and the crowd here is visibly frustrated. But the place is still packed
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.
He sure is.
So it seems like Donald isn't going to 'go away' after the election - he's going to try and stay in the news.
The only way he's able to do that is to do something even more outrageous.
Any guesses?
-not conceding
-continuing his Crooked Hillary gatherings
I just wanna say PoliGAF is full of wonderful people who give me many a chuckle and everybody is normally pretty level headed
Can I hang out with you guys after the election
Can I hang out with you guys after the election
Here, why?Where have you been the last month+
Only weekly?as long as you're okay with participating in our weekly human sacrifice
He clearly means our parliament is going to invoke Article 50.
He means a self-imposed recession followed by an orgy of violence against minorities.
We're going to leave Britain, duh.
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.
New baby and all.
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.
Only weekly?
Is there a good chance that McMuffin will win Utah, or is that just a pipe dream?
He won't concede. Hell I expect him to sue. He'll start up his Trump TV thing as an alt right alternative to Fox News.
Trump will go away as soon as the next conservative pied piper comes along and labels him a loser like Trump labeled Romney.
Is there a good chance that McMuffin will win Utah, or is that just a pipe dream?
I thought you told me not to say anything about this until after the election. And here I was playing dumb. Way to goas long as you're okay with participating in our weekly human sacrifice
I like Bill Weld. I really do.
I hope he's not a flaming racist.
I don't think this is correct...but I've been barely keeping up. New baby and all.
Trump just said "We're gonna have Brexit+++... you know what I mean"
I honestly have no idea what he means.