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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Mook was the state director for three states which she won in '08. Not all states. He ran successful Senate and Gubernatorial campaigns.

This is like a thirty second Google.

You already bumped a year old thread just to post this?

I thought the thread about Hillary's "All-Star" campaign team was relevant in retrospect, since there hadn't been much discussion thereof. Nothing was broken, and after posting it I got a PM from someone telling me to post it here instead because it was interesting.

I know he wasn't campaign director in all 08 primary states, but it still surprised me he was involved in that failed campaign. He was still political director and head of independent expenditure for one of the worst congrsssional defeats the Democratic party has ever experienced (2010).

As Y2KEV said, it seems like everyone thought Mook was a nice guy, but why would someone with such a spotty track record be chosen for such a crucial position?
He came under recommendation by Plouffe.
And stopping the GOP wave is a pretty huge bar.
The 2010 wave enabled control of redistricting. Which had repercussions now and going forward.

He certainly made mistakes, an over reliance on data the most obvious.
But I don't get what the intent of post loss blame games on specific staffers do right now. They're getting boring.

John Podesta is quiet too.
Joel Benenson is quiet.
Jennifer Palmieri is quiet.
Because they lost.


I thought the thread about Hillary's "All-Star" campaign team was relevant in retrospect, since there hadn't been much discussion thereof. Nothing was broken, and after posting it I got a PM from someone telling me to post it here instead because it was interesting.

I know he wasn't campaign director in all 08 primary states, but it still surprised me he was involved in that failed campaign. He was still political director and head of independent expenditure for one of the worst congrsssional defeats the Democratic party has ever experienced (2010).

As Y2KEV said, it seems like everyone thought Mook was a nice guy, but why would someone with such a spotty track record be chosen for such a crucial position?
If you want to criticize Mook for doing a poor job, go ahead; but him being a nice guy or not a nice guy doesn't really have anything to do with that, no? It's like you missed the second half of Kev's post:
Also your data is pretty shitty. First, he was state director for Nevada, Indiana, and Ohio. Clinton won those states in 2008. Then he managed Shaheen's campaign, which she won. So there's some stuff in there you are missing.

Damnit, Issa gonna keep his seat

Thanksgiving is ruined.


‘Mining Would Be Exciting For Kids’: Trump’s Secretary Of Education Wants Legal Child Labor

But DeVos is even more dangerous because of her ties to groups that want to take poor children out of the classroom and stick them straight into the workforce doing dangerous jobs like coal mining.

Acton Institute is funded by DeVos, and it advocates for the end of child labor laws.

An article on the website argues that kids should be in the mines and factories instead of classrooms because “a long day’s work and a load of sweat have plenty to teach as well.”

They are on the streets, in the factories, in the mines, with adults and with peers, learning and doing. They are being valued for what they do, which is to say being valued as people. They are earning money.

Whatever else you want to say about this, it’s an exciting life. You can talk about the dangers of coal mining or selling newspapers on the street. But let’s not pretend that danger is something that every young teen wants to avoid. If you doubt it, head over the stadium for the middle school football game in your local community, or have a look at the wrestling or gymnastic team’s antics at the gym.

Yeah, you read that right. Acton Institute, an organization backed by Trump’s new pick to run the Department of Education, literally argued that kids should be working dangerous jobs instead of learning in school to get better jobs because “it’s an exciting life.”

This is some sick shit.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm hugely in favor of giving some little brats black lung disease and removing them from the line at the BEST BUY I AM CURRENTLY IN*

*post made monday night


Mook was the state director for three states which she won in '08. Not all states. He ran successful Senate and Gubernatorial campaigns.

This is like a thirty second Google.

You already bumped a year old thread just to post this?
He was given McAullife's VA run as training wheels.


This gave me a good laugh.



Looks like hilary broke 8 million votes in CA. She may surpass obama's vote total in 08 in that state once all of the votes are counted. They are still around 1 million votes left to count.


Unconfirmed Member
People are blowing out of proportion the significance of the Dem loss. It mostly falls on Hillary being a bad candidate considering her past, that people have been asking for change since Obama won (and he won on that himself in 08), and a western-fueled resentment against globalism not because people lost jobs but because they feel non-white countries are rising while theirs diminish in superiority status.

And more than anything it's because of the EC system, voter suppression, that kind of stuff.

Now post-Trump win, things are different, because Democracy is now more in jeopardy. But the reasons behind the loss are way bliwn out of proportion and risk leading people in the wrong direction.

But it's not just Hillary Clinton losing. Democrats lost by a lot in 2010 and 2014, way more than the typical midterm losses the president's party gets. They really don't have an excuse for not holding the senate right now between the losses in 2014 and 2016.

Going all in on Sanders would be a giant overcorrection, but Dems really do need some sort of correction.
This country is so, so fucked for the next few years, and potentially many years after depending on what happens.

Bad presidencies often take a decade or more to come back from. Our country is pretty easy to break quickly, but we move very slow towards fixing.

Unfortunately, this time, we're still fixing Bush's problems and this goes and likely sets us back 20 years on ever hoping to return to any sort of normal path


Bad presidencies often take a decade or more to come back from. Our country is pretty easy to break quickly, but we move very slow towards fixing.

Unfortunately, this time, we're still fixing Bush's problems and this goes and likely sets us back 20 years on ever hoping to return to any sort of normal path

And we're going to have some Scalia-esque Supreme Court judge undermining the Voting Rights Act, Roe V Wade, etc for the next 30+ years.
Gay marriage was made the law of the land, Obamacare was okayed, and abortion rights were reinforced.

There were a number of terrible decisions, but overall, the court did alright. It could have been better, but it could have been a lot, lot worse. Like, Dred Scott type bad.
Destroying the Voting Rights Act comes damn close.


Gay marriage was made the law of the land, Obamacare was okayed, and abortion rights were reinforced.

There were a number of terrible decisions, but overall, the court did alright. It could have been better, but it could have been a lot, lot worse. Like, Dred Scott type bad.

Abortion rights were still systimatically dismantled this last 8 years. Trump will just speed up that process.
Was reading the poligaf thread from last thanksgiving. Trump's meteoric rise in the primary polls was already underway. Carson was imploding which sucked for me since I had bet Makai he would still be in 2nd place by year's end. Rubio rose to around 15%. Brainchild joked that we should stage a meet up in Canada in the unlikely event (his words) that Trump becomes president. Daniel B made an extremely funny post at #18321. Jeb was a mess. It was a simpler time
Cook seems very bullish on seat holds in the 2018 Senate races. Not sure why.
Other than incumbency advantage.
That's just Cook. He always puts his thumb on the scales for incumbency.

Broadly speaking, the worst rating he'll ever assign to a seat with the incumbent running is Tossup, as seen in 2010 with some seats that were clearly gone (Blanche Lincoln for example). If a seat opens up however he tends to be a bit less cautious and will just call it like it is.

Worried about the Romney five (McCaskill, Manchin, Tester, Donnelly, Heitkamp) and a little worried about Baldwin and Brown. Stabenow, Casey, Kaine and Nelson should hold on. And I think we have a very good chance at Nevada and a decent chance at Arizona.


So my stupid dad keeps bringing up how the stock market has gone up since Trump got elected. I haven't heard much about that, so whats the deal with that?
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